View Full Version : Any 40k players in Clemson, SC?

04-18-2011, 08:23 PM
Hey guys, I'm heading to Clemson, South Carolina for grad school in August. But I heard their game store closed down in March. Are there any of you that play out in Clemson?

04-19-2011, 09:38 AM
First, I don't play or live anywhere near Clemson, or South Carolina for that matter, but I thought I'd toss some advice your way.

On GW's website under the Store Finder, it's showing the closest 2 stores (FLGS's, not GW official) Crazy Beanz N Beadz in Easley, and Borderlands in Greenville.

If you don't want to play at a store or drive that far, there are other sub-forums on other sites that are specifically dedicated to what you're trying to do. BoLS Lounge, unfortunately, doesn't have a forum dedicated to finding others in your (soon to be) area. They do have a sub-forum for major cities (and Austin) for a similar purpose, but they are seldom used or read.

Dakkadakka.com under Find a Game and Bolterandchainsword.com various sub-forums under Community (though not updated much).

I'd say dakka is probably your best bet, that and pulling people off the front page!

04-19-2011, 09:50 AM
Hey guys, I'm heading to Clemson, South Carolina for grad school in August. But I heard their game store closed down in March. Are there any of you that play out in Clemson?

Graduating from Clemson in May. There was a store here but I never went to it. It wasn't open too long. The place to game is Borderlands. Its about 45 minutes away in Greenville, but they've got all kinds of tables and terrain. Tournaments every few months or so also.