View Full Version : Adepticon 2012 Chaos Ideas

04-18-2011, 09:52 AM
Hi all,

So I'm starting to plan for 2012 Adepticon early. Since this year i waited so long to get started I really shot myself in the foot. As of right now I'm in the conceptual planning stages. Learning from last year I'm more prepared for what is to come.

My list idea is probably not new to some of you. But Chaos are old enough now that its probably hard to surprise anyone anyway. I'm going with a list that plays to my strengths and interests, its fun and probably effective. But, I'd always appreciate some advice.

*Still to figure out points costs, but this should be close to 1850

HQ - Tzeentch Daemon Prince, Wings, Winds of Chaos, Warptime
HQ - Tzeentch Daemon Prince, Wings, Winds of Chaos, Warptime
HQ - Greater Daemon (Might not have points for this)

Elite - Dreadnaught, with extra CC arm and heavy flamers in arms
Elite - Dreadnaught, with extra CC arm and heavy flamers in arms
Elite - Dreadnaught, with extra CC arm and heavy flamers in arms

Troops - Thousand Sons
Troops - Thousand Sons
troops - less daemons (most likely not enough points)

Heavy - Defiler
Heavy - Defiler
Heavy - Defiler

So you can see my overall strategy here. Crush and kill. I like this list cause it has plenty of long range templates, S8 AP3 Pie Plates so FnP Marines can eat it. Then its got some more AP3 shots and lots of CC crushing power. My only concern is a lack of troops for objectives, but lesser daemons could fix it. I have to go over the points and see where I need to make room for them.

So far, any opinions?

04-18-2011, 11:27 AM
Seems like a really fun idea. What sort of numbers are you thinking for the Thousand Sons squads?

04-18-2011, 11:43 AM
Personally I like giving the Dreads guns, especially in a Thousand Son list. I run ML/MM on mine, and make a bubblewrap of Thousand Sons to escort them. This way, if they fire frenzy, they're hitting my 4++ models instead of my vehicles, but this is just the way I do it. Melta is great, and unfortunately Tzeentch has no access to it other than non-Tzeentch units. If anything, maybe switch one of the arms to a MM and leave the other as a DCCW (so you can still beat stuff in CC).

04-18-2011, 11:58 AM
Probably units of 9 with breath of chaos or bolt of change.

Running the dreads with sons in front is not a terrible idea. TL Las or MM or even Plasmacannon aint bad (though with PC I could lose more sons). Never thought about that. But, then the sons would have to walk, but that is not a bad idea actually. Since a transport is to provide cover and allow the unit to get closer for assaults. Sons don't need that, and I get my full shooting as I move. I really like that suggestion. Thanks!

But, I wonder, what weakness does this list have? Rocket launchers are plentiful these days, could be dangerous.