View Full Version : !st attempt at a daemons army (1500pts)

04-18-2011, 08:54 AM
Hi guys and gals,

With everyone and there dog now playing the new GK I decided to be captain normal and start a chaos daemons army, however it is the 1st time I have loked in the codex and is my 1st attempt at an army list, and before I go spend $600 on the models I would like to know what people think of my list and maybe get some feedback on a few tweaks

list as follows:

plaguefather - 300
epidemius - 110

8 nurglings - 117
8 nurglings - 117
8 nurglings - 117

4 beasts of nurgle - 140
4 beasts of nurgle - 140

Heavy support:
Daemon prince, mark of nurgle, daemonic flight, iron hide, noxious touch, aura of decay, cloud of flies - 235
Daemon prince, mark of nurgle, daemonic flight, iron hide, noxious touch, aura of decay, cloud of flies - 235

04-18-2011, 09:44 AM
2 big issues I think you have,
1) Nurglings can't score, you'll need some plaugebearers. I'd keep at least 1 squad of nurglings as they are awesome for protecting epi though.
2) I'd go for breath rather then aura for the princes, helps you burn power armor fast to build up the tally and I would add might as it makes them much better at poping tanks and gives you the reroll to wound verse t4

Over all it looks good, you might want to check out the 3rd varks book as plauge hulks and blight drones are awesome for pure nurgle and really make the list shine (not to mention they are easy to convert / scratch build).