View Full Version : 2000 Grey Knight vs. Space Wolves

04-16-2011, 11:59 PM
First time using this army, and first time using the list. Here we go:

Inquisitor Coteaz 100
Librarian 234
*Might, Quicksilver, Shroud, Summon, Warp Rift, 3 Servo Skulls, Mastery 3

Vindicare 145
Techmarine w/ OSR 140

Henchmen Warband 145
1 Mystic, 9 Death Cult Assassin
* Storm Raven w/ MM 205

Henchmen Warband 145
1 Mystic, 9 Death Cult Assassin
*Chimera w/ Warp Stab. 60

Henchmen Warband 120
4 Banisher w/ Eviscerator
*Chimera w/ Warp Stab. 60

Henchmen Warband 150
2 Jokaero, 3 Servitors w/ Heavy Bolters, 5 Psykers
*Chimera w/ Warp Stab. 60

Henchmen Warband 155
3 Jokaero, 5 Psykers
*Chimera w/ Warp Stab. 60

Henchmen Warband 155
3 Jokaero, 5 Psykers
*Chimera w/ Warp Stab. 60

Total: 1994

Idea is to shoot forward with the Libby, 1 Mystic and 9 Death Cult and move flat out in the Storm Raven. Techmarine and his OSR strike at Troop heavy areas with the Barrage, target LR's with the Lance and/or hit Rune Priests with the Psyk-out Bomb. Vindi pops his Turbo Pen round at IC's with 2 or more Wounds, or hits Armor if need be with his 4D6 AP. 2 Chimera's with Jokaero and Psykers rush forward getting behind cover, or popping smoke if need be, or ideally already be setup from deployment in cover so they can shoot right away. Coteaz and the Henchmen with the 2 Jokaero, 3 Servi's w/ H.B.'s and 5 Psykers either sit back and shoot long range targets. Once/if the major threats are gone on Turn 1, then Libby can Summon them on Turn 2 and start popping shots as enemy Reserves come on.

Storm Raven moves 12", disembarks w/ the DCA's, Libby does Might of Titan, now I have 36 S5 Power Weapon Attacks with 2D6 AP. Chimera w/ Banisher's primary job is as a Land Raider Killer. I can use the Libby's Might of Titan again if need be, now I have 12 S8 3D6 AP Eviscerator (Power Fist) attacks. Other Chimera w/ DCA's go after any Troops in the open, or AV 10 Transports.

The Mixed Henchmen Warbands give me the flexibility to use the Jokaero's Lascannons or Multi-meltason Armor if need be, or I can use the Psykers Blast against Long Fangs in cover. If I Summon the Chimeras up with the Jokaero squads, I can Heavy Flamer any troops out in the open. All Summoned vehicles can be brought up using Libby's and placed near the Mystics or near the Servo Skulls. All Blast attacks can be aimed with the help of the Servo Skulls as well. Stormraven can use its Mindstrike Missiles to target Rune Priests.

In a perfect world, thats ideally how it works, or at least my thinking in putting this list together. Look it over, and give me any constructive ideas and/or comments you have.

Thanks in advance everyone.

04-17-2011, 12:19 AM
Still need to take 2 actual troop choices that aren't henchmen as they don't fill foc requirements even though they now count as troops thanks to coteaz.

04-17-2011, 10:33 AM
Actually, not necessarily. Emperor's champion doesn't take up a force org slot, but still counts as your minimum HQ as per the BT FAQ. And while Summoned Lesser Daemons don't count towards the minimum, they have a rule that explicitly states that so it isn't because they don't take up force org slots.

Anyways, drop Psychic Mastery 3 on the Librarian. Not only will you likely never actually need it, but you didn't even take enough psychic powers to really make use of it. Remember, you get two psychic power per player turn. Once of you five powers can only be used in your opponent's turn, and four only in your turn. Of those four powers, you will likely only use the Summoning once, maybe twice in a game. Same thing with Warp Rift.

So basically you are upgrading so that you can case two, maybe three extra psychic powers. Really, not needed.

Wait, your plan to kill Land Raiders is to try and stab it with Eviscerators? Really?

Just take henchmen with meltaguns. Never rely on CC to kill vehicles.

04-17-2011, 12:03 PM
Still need to take 2 actual troop choices that aren't henchmen as they don't fill foc requirements even though they now count as troops thanks to coteaz.

Actually, I don't believe this is true. Coteaz's Lord of Formosa rule makes Henchman Troop choices, so for FOC purposes they'll count as Troops.

That statement would be true of the Grand Master Grand Strategy-Unyielding Anvil rule. That rule makes units scoring like Troop choicse, but does not make them Troop choices, hence you still need 2 Troops slots in the FOC.

04-17-2011, 12:51 PM
The 1st thing that jumps out at me on this list is the unit with the Servitors. The Heavy Bolters on the Servitors is a little redundant considering how many Chimeras you have. Multi-meltas or Plasma Cannons would serve you better.

3 Jokaeros with 5 Psykers seems like overkill on the Jokaeros, especially given their point cost. You could easily drop 1 (or even two) of them out of those squads and free up some points. I'd add one more Psyker to each squad, and possible a Warrior Acotyle or two with Melta or Plasma guns.

4 Banishers w/ Eviscerators or 3 Warrior Acolytes with Meltaguns and 5 more with Combi-meltas for about the same point cost? 4 wounds vs 8 wounds for basically the same tank busting role. I'd take the Melta.

04-17-2011, 03:24 PM
Combi weapons count towards your 3 special weapon max.

04-17-2011, 06:31 PM
Ah wasn't aware people were still debating on the clarification on coteaz, last I heard was you still needed to take the standard 2 troop choices.

Yea cut the servitors with heavy bolters and the banishers with eviscerators for some better things like doctorevil stated.

04-17-2011, 08:16 PM
No, don't need them. That was just wishful thinking on the behalf of whiners.

04-19-2011, 10:28 AM
Thanks DarkLink about the Mastery Level 3, was thinking of at least turn 2 or 3, using the summoning, then a shooting attack, and then casting an assault power, or possible multiple Might of Titan and Quicksilver if need be later in the game.

With the whole Eviscerators thing, was something I was interested in trying out. Point heavy yes, but was curious to see how well it would work. The other Jokaero Henchmen squads with the Multi-meltas/Lascannons should be able to get it, if not I could try the Eviscerator squad. I've gotten burned with the shooting, as I'm sure everyone else has.

DoctorEvil, the Sevitors are just added shooting punch. For 45 pts, I get 9 Heavy Bolter shots, so why not. Besides with BS 3, I'm only landing half my shots, so if I use multi-meltas, that's 1-2, usually 1 hit with my luck. With the H.B.'s, thats 4-5, wounding 2-3. Plus the added 12" range over the M.M. is a plus as well.

Hopefully with 8 Jokaeros, and 2 S8 AP1 Psyker Barrages, I should at least be able to Immobilise if not Destroy/Wreck the L.R. An Immobilised L.R. is an easy target with 12 S8 3D6 AP Eviscerator attacks, with an AP on average of 15 auto-hitting. If the L.R. gets popped before I assault, I can always use the Eviscerator guys against any threats in a building, or it's still 12 power-weapon attacks for a soft target squad. With the 3 Multi-meltas, again your only averaging 1 hit, with an average AP of 15. Odds favorite are the choppy expendable dudes. Besides, they should be a low target priority. I mean who's going to waste a round of shooting against them, when you have other High Value Targets. Most people won't think about a Libby using MoT on them for the Strength/AP buff, at least not yet.

Thanks for the insight so far. Anything else as always is appreciated. The more comments and suggestions I can get, the more I can see if I overlooked something, or how my opponent might approach me.

04-19-2011, 11:12 AM
Yeah, if you think you'll be using 3 powers frequently enough, then take it. You might find you don't need the extra power, though.

04-23-2011, 03:05 PM
I dont think this list is going to win agains Space Wolves! He will shoot the deathcult transports and kill the rest of the units in assault. Libby is to expensive, you dont need to be lvl3 psy, warp rift sucks, shrouding is a big maybe and i dont think those servo skulls are going to help you...