View Full Version : 1750 Ultramarines help!

04-16-2011, 11:56 AM
i currently have a 1805 ultramarines list that is almost finished. i dont exactly no the points for each unit so these are just rough estimates.

Captain Alexander 130 pts
-lightning claw
Librarian Theodosius 140 pts
-force weapon

Terminator Squad Untaintable 230 pts
-*** cannon
Dreadnought Punishment 115 pts
-power fist

Tactical Squad Nova 205 pts
-power fist
Tactical squad Alpha 210 pts
-power fist
-melta gun

Fast Attack
Assualt Squad Hurricane 135
-power sword
-melta bombs
-plasma pistol
Bike squad Beta 120 pts
-power sword
-plasma gun

Heavy Support
Landraider "Resolution" 270 pts
-storm bolter
-hunter killer missle
Landraider "Redemption" 250 pts

i am very proud of this lest because most of it is converted, (I started with Black Reach) and i managed to get one of the landraiders from my friend for free. The only problem is i dont know how to play them and dont want to guy anything new becuz i am starting a guard army soon. Are there any suggestions as to how i should play them?
ps srry that i put 1750. i started the thread and then realized i had 1805

04-16-2011, 01:24 PM
(i removed the captain if you playing 1750)
Librarian Theodosius 140+ pts
-epistolary terminator armour
-force weapon

Terminator Squad Untaintable 230 pts
-*** cannon
Dreadnought Punishment 115 pts
-power fist

Tactical Squad Nova 205 pts
-power fist ( id swap this for a melta/plasma gun)
Tactical squad Alpha 210 pts (how many marines)
-power fist
-melta gun

Fast Attack
Assualt Squad Hurricane 135
-power sword
-melta bombs
-plasma pistol
Bike squad Beta 120 pts (how many bikes??)
-power sword
-plasma gun

Heavy Support
Landraider "Resolution" 270 pts
-storm bolter
-hunter killer missle
Landraider "Redemption" 250 pts

and give your guys some more bling if you have the points!
remember that in scoring games you only have 2 TWO scoring units so you want to keep them alive
basic ideas: if its objectives keep the tac's alive and use LR's as transports, have the assault marines use the LR for cover and have the bikes hold a flank, with the dread on the other for support ( or have the dread defend the tac squad on the home objective!) hold the termies in Deep strike to help where needed. if its killpoints use the dread and 2 lrs offensivley - anf kold a flank with the bikes. whils having the assault martine and terminators deep stike and kill artillery, devestators and backfield targets.

so (in depth) ( for objective games)

1) have the termi libby join the termis- deepstrike them in if one of you tacticals becomes under strain OR if you can wreck your opponents rear lines (basalisk squadrons?)
2) put boh tacticals in the LR's move the moblie bunkers to the objectves.
3)have the bike squad support the LR's and picking off threats (aka melta spam units)
4) hold the assault marines in reserve to reinforce your lines ( or do some veichacl mashing)
use the assault squad to support the LR, using it as cover!
5) if you want to play 1805 attach the captain to your forward LR unit
6) have the dread support you lines- MM's can murder tansk and he is a great CC support unt- if you can get your hand on a drop pod he is MURDEROUS!

sorry for the massive lenght rant!

04-16-2011, 05:57 PM
thanx fuzz! the tactical squads have 10 men each and the bike squad has three normal bikes. The things is i dont know how to play against hoarde armies like nids and orks. Any suggestions with that:confused:
p.s. the libby is a normal one and duznt have terminator armor

04-17-2011, 10:49 AM
VS nids

shoot the heavy weapons ( aka monsters) with the LR's and use your tacticals + termies to shoot the small ones ( remember termies have fists , once in a GW megabattle i killed 3 trygons with soley termi powerfists)
hold assault marines in reserve and use them to finish off any thinned out squads!
use bikes to shoot things and run away/flank!


dont get into a combat unless you are certain you will win it, you are going to be charged and remember that things can enter a combat ( e.g. tacticals assault lone gaunt, tacticals are now in charging range of the fex)
if you are going to be charged charge first, you may at least do some damage!

lrs are almost invinsible to most weapons use them to keep your guys safe
dont EVER,EVER say .. 'oh its just a fex lets leave it'

Vs orks ( i have little experince)

fight the shooty ones ( assault mariens/ termies VS lootas)
shoot the fight ones (shootthe tacticals at the boyz)
dont get multi chaged!

Hive Mind
04-17-2011, 11:23 AM
When I'm playing vs. Marines the only MC I ever take is a Tervigon, unless storyline dictates otherwise. It's all about the hordes. For the price of a Carnifex I can take a twenty five-strong unit of Hormagaunts and have change. Keep a synapse creature nearby and they'll tie up a much more expensive unit for a long time.

If you play against people who play Nids like I do then the key is blast weapons. At 1750pts my horde is so big that with a missile launcher you're likely to hit something even if it scatters the full 8". Hole up behind cover and shoot as many gribblies as you can before they get into combat.

Looking over your list I don't think you'll do well against a horde. Too many short-range one-kill weapons. Also, may I suggest you call your Terminator squad something else? Unassailable maybe? Untaintable isn't a word.

I'd be interested in seeing pics of your conversions if you have them? As someone who struggles with simple head-swaps I find the things other people are capable of fascinating.

04-17-2011, 12:29 PM
I would start off with basic math. Unless you left items out your math is wrong in a few areas.

A Librarian is 100pts +50 to upgrade to a Epistolary +5 melta bomb=155 (so your -15 pts short)

A Dreadnought is 105 pts, comes with a Multi-Melta and a Dread CC weapon (power fist) this equals 105 not 115

1st Tactical squad with 10 marines =170+25 Power Fist=195 (Not 205pts)

2nd Tactical squad with 10 marines =170+25 Power Fist+5 Meltagun=200 (Not 210)

Some points shy on the Liby and a few over on the others units. But those extra points can be used on other areas.

If you want to just have fun, play this list and enjoy it. When I play one off games with a friend I field whatever I want and in any combination, lets me try out different units, have fun playing the game and actually use all the models an army has to offer. But if you want to be a bit more competative there are other aspects you have to look at. First off drop the Land Raiders, too many points and your focus will be on them and trying to protect them (its hard to loose 250 points in one shot). Take another Tac squad, maybe give them a Razorback for mobility and fire power. Get a Predator or two in there as support for your Tac squads. Predator=60pts+25 Heavy Bolter Sponsons=85pts pretty cheap for the fire power and 13 front armor. Bikes are ok....but they just seem to die too fast. Take Attack Bikes if you really want to run a bike. Attack Bike=40pts each+10 Multi-Melta=50, take two to make sure you get the job done=100pts. Go tank hunting with them. Five man Assault squad is ok, but if you are going to run the Termis for that assault punch there is no need wasting the 135pts. If you do not want to Deep Strike the Termis roll in one Land Raider to give them mobility, just be tactical with it and dont gamble that the 14 armor is going to hold out all game. ( We have all seen a Land Raider take it all game and survive, and have also seen it go up in flames on the first shot of the game)

This is just a few ideas. Everyone has their own playing style and ideas, you need to find what works for you and you playing style. Good luck to ya! (PS get a new calculator :D)

04-17-2011, 06:49 PM
thanx every one!:D

Hive Mind: about the conversion. Im not sure how to post pictures, but i took the AoBR commander, sut out his bolter and glued a marine missle launcher arm in its place facing out. I then took some telephone wire and made it look lke he was shooting lightning out of his hand. The only other thing i did was take a old school metal assault cannon and glue it on the plastic terminator model

Angels of Death: lol, thanx for pointing out all my math errors i wrote the list on the go and didnt rlly check my math