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View Full Version : New Tomb Kings and Cold Blooded?

04-15-2011, 09:43 PM
Let me preface this first and foremost by saying yes, I do realize that the Tomb Kings book doesn't come out for another 3 weeks, and even longer still until an FAQ comes out. But I would like to know a reasonable way of handling the following.

So I was flipping through my FLGS's shiny new copy of the Tomb Kings' army book and I ran into an interesting issue.

A character (and a creature, or a second character, or something) had rules that dealt with leadership taken on 3 dice. One in particular, though the name escapes me at this moment, has an ability where you roll your leadership on 3D6 and for every point over, you take a wound. Another has you take a leadership test on 3D6 and discard the lowest, then something bad happens (great, specific info right?) I can't really remember :rolleyes:

From my Lizardmen army book, page 41 "For all Leadership tests, models with the Cold Blooded special rule roll 3 dice and use the lowest two scores."

So my question is, does one supersede the other? Or has there been some sort of precedent set in Fantasy so that they cancel each other out a la Shadow in the Warp and Runes of Witnessing in 40k?

To me, the sensible way to go about it is that they cancel each other out, but maybe I'm in the minority or there is maybe a better way to handle it. Anyone got any ideas?

04-16-2011, 02:14 PM
Well according to the similar 40k situation, nids and eldar they cancel each other out

04-16-2011, 05:36 PM
Thats the new casket of souls bound spell.

It is not a leadership test.
You roll 3d6 then compare it to your leadership. Cold blooded has no effect.

For example, an average roll on 3d6 is 11, your leadership is 9, take two wounds.

04-16-2011, 10:24 PM
Thats the new casket of souls bound spell.

It is not a leadership test.
You roll 3d6 then compare it to your leadership. Cold blooded has no effect.

For example, an average roll on 3d6 is 11, your leadership is 9, take two wounds.

A quote of the book states the following:
" The target of Light of Death must take a Leadership test on 3D6, adding the results together."

You have the power called Light of Death incorrect and I have to say that you have an issue and I feel that this is a cancel out.

04-17-2011, 05:09 AM
I stand corrected. Maybe it is the other ability that I am thinking of.

I was going on what I could remember from reading the book in store the other day

04-17-2011, 07:01 PM
Sorry was not trying to sound harsh. I just had the book in front of me

This seems like an issue for FAQ which they have been good with on the Fantasy side

04-21-2011, 11:43 PM
why not just keep it simple?

The casket does not add a die to your leadership test, it simply says take a test on 3d6. Since lizardmen already do this nothing changes, however because of Lizzy rules they would still drop the highest.

Now if they had worded it to say take a leadership test adding a d6 to the roll, then lizzys would be rolling 4d6 and still dropping the highest.

Lizzys win out against casket

Lizzys get the short end of the stick on pit of shades and purple sun.....cmon the lizzys can have 1 thing go thier way don't you think.:rolleyes:

04-23-2011, 11:21 PM
If I recall correctly a Leadership test is a characteristic test and things like cold blooded apply to panic and other such moral based leadership checks. A similar thing happens in 40k when a fearless unit is called to make a leadership check, it must still do so since it only automatically passes morale tests.

04-25-2011, 02:17 PM
If I recall correctly a Leadership test is a characteristic test and things like cold blooded apply to panic and other such moral based leadership checks. A similar thing happens in 40k when a fearless unit is called to make a leadership check, it must still do so since it only automatically passes morale tests.

"For all Leadership tests, models with the Cold Blooded special rule roll 3 dice and use the lowest two scores."

This would suggest to me that their Leadership tests cannot be modified, and as such, against the Casket, they will roll 3D6 and take the lowest two for their result.

04-26-2011, 10:50 AM
Although the casket says the sum of the 3 dice, you cant have that if you discard 1. As such they will cancel.

04-26-2011, 10:46 PM
Ahh I wasn't aware of the exact wording of cold-blooded.

04-28-2011, 05:23 AM
The rules aren't incompatible. The Tomb Kings rule asks you take a leadership test on 3 dice and add the result together. However Cold Blooded states that you take a leadership on 3 dice and discard the lowest. So you are forced to take a leadership test on 3 dice (which CB lets you do anyway). However the discard one die then kicks in.

The rules as quoted here (and I must admit I haven't read them) state that you 'add the results together' not 'add the three dice together'. This means that you add the final results of the dice roll, so you would include for example any re-rolls granted by another spell, item etc. So in this case you remove the lowest die, as per the lizardmen special rules and add the 2 dice together, along with any other modifiers you might have.

04-28-2011, 07:51 PM
Although the casket says the sum of the 3 dice, you cant have that if you discard 1. As such they will cancel.

It does not say that....see quote below

A quote of the book states the following:
" The target of Light of Death must take a Leadership test on 3D6, adding the results together."

You have the power called Light of Death incorrect and I have to say that you have an issue and I feel that this is a cancel out.

I disagree as the following poster comments, it demands a test on 3d6 which lizzys do anyway it does not demand that the 3 dice be added together only that the result is added together.....hence total after lizzys drop the Highest of the 3 dice.

The rules aren't incompatible. The Tomb Kings rule asks you take a leadership test on 3 dice and add the result together. However Cold Blooded states that you take a leadership on 3 dice and discard the lowest. So you are forced to take a leadership test on 3 dice (which CB lets you do anyway). However the discard one die then kicks in.

The rules as quoted here (and I must admit I haven't read them) state that you 'add the results together' not 'add the three dice together'. This means that you add the final results of the dice roll, so you would include for example any re-rolls granted by another spell, item etc. So in this case you remove the lowest die, as per the lizardmen special rules and add the 2 dice together, along with any other modifiers you might have.

Only thing to add here is Lizzys drop the highest, not the lowest(just so theres no confusion) I don't see GW FAQ this as I see no reason for confusion. Lizzys get a bonus against the casket, given the shaft they got from pit of shades and the purple sun is it really so horrible to think they actually worded the spell for the casket the way they did on purpose so cold blooded would work properly for it.