View Full Version : Justicar gear

04-14-2011, 06:46 PM
Just been building my squads and had a thought in regards to arming the Justicars. Theres no difference in stats between a normal Knight and a Justicar but only Justicars can Mastercraft their weapons, and everyone seems to be taking this option, usually on a Hammer.

The point that comes to my mind though is that Justicars are the ones that suffer the Perils of the Warp tests. Its all well and good giving your Justicar a Master Crafted Thunder Hammer but one bad Hammerhand roll, or you botch your Cleansing Flame, or fluff switching on your Nemesis weapons and thats a good chunk of special weaponry going down the pan.

Im personally thinking that this is one army where the Sargeants shouldnt be given the special gear and that the Justicars will be getting Halberds like the rest of the grunts.

04-14-2011, 07:16 PM
In strike squads the Justicar is the only dude with 2A, so the hammer pretty much needs to go on him. But for purifiers, then yes, if you're not master crafting the weapon then put it on someone else.

04-14-2011, 10:29 PM
Personally, I run my Justicars as cheap as possible since they aren't very survivable. The only exception in my force is on Terminator Justicars as they get the fancy weapons for free. On Interceptors though, I've left the Justicar with a Force Sword and put the upgrades on regular PAGKs. Losing that extra attack on a special weapon is far better than losing the weapon completely because of Perils. That is just my $0.02 though.

04-15-2011, 03:46 AM
i used to run my justicar with digital weapon (+1 I6A) artifacer armour,bionics and a refractor field! and a S6 power weapon!

oh wait im too late :( :P

well now he has a master crafted fachion! (at S4)

04-18-2011, 09:53 PM
I'm pretty much in agreance with you Sonikgav, when the squad takes a peril or some other unforeseen occurance happens it's says it's the leader who gets the !@#$ end of the stick, so yea... equip em cheap.

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- Castellan Garran Crowe