View Full Version : 1000 Points 'o Necrons!

Brosef Stalin
04-14-2011, 03:16 PM
Hey y'all!

So, I'm playing a doubles tournament (2000 points per side, 1000 points per army) with a friend of mine, who's playing Orks. So, Melee is covered, which is good 'cause that's not particularly my thing.

This list I've come up with so far is:

Lord – 100
Rez Orb - 40
Warriors x10 180
Warriors x10 180
Warriors x10 180
Destroyers x4 200
Scarabs x5 60


I've got a few points to move around, and I was wondering if anyone had any input. I was wondering if I should take Heavy Destroyers, so we have some armor bustin' capabilities, because other than that all we have are his power klaws, and me prayin' for Gauss glances. He was also wondering if I should take a Monolith at that level, for all it's worth, but I'm not sure it's worth the points.

Any ideas? Thanks a bunch for even reading!

04-14-2011, 03:47 PM
Looks alright.

I personally would cut the Destroyers. Sounds crazy right? Then use the points to get more scarab swarms, with disruption fields. That way you can glance any vehicles to death, and not lose many "necron" units for phase out.

I also like a unit of flayed ones for infiltrating.

What are you going to do with the last 60 pts? Veil of darkness? Destroyer body and phase shifter? 5 more scarabs?

04-15-2011, 11:03 AM
Tomb Spyder is 55 pts I believe, might be worth takin to help with WBB and to bust up tanks as it is 2d6+6 for armor pen.

Id suggest dropping 1 Squad of troops for +180 points.

You will want a Phase Shifter for your Lord, in case you get charged with Power Weapons. Put D Fields on your scarabs with some of those points so you can glance vehicles. Maybe add a Heavy Destroyer to sit back as a long range las cannon.

A monoliith is nice, but I would keep that as a 1500+ point army model.

04-15-2011, 11:24 AM
I run a nice list that's worked pretty well for me. It is really lean though.

Monolith = 235
Monolith = 235
Warrior Squad= 180
Warrior Squad = 180

Necron Lord & Rez. orb, warscythe, Gaze of Flame = 165

995 total

Pretty lean, I know. But most peple are scarred ***tless and try to pop Monoliths with their silly lascannons. I castle my forces and then dance around the monoliths, using them for their Particle Whips and re-rolls to the We'll Be Back role. If you want, you can pick up a disruption field for the lord to make it an even 1000.

04-15-2011, 01:21 PM
Wow, a necron list in the 5th edition climate. I sincerely hope it does you well and it certainly sounds pretty solid. If you have any, you might want to consider trading in some models for immortals. Gives you some more 'necrons' and a nice little shooty unit.

04-15-2011, 01:54 PM
For myself, I'd go with something like this:

Lord with res orb and veil of darkness: 200
12 x Warriors: 216
12 x Warriors: 216
10 x Scarabs: 120
3 x Wraiths: 123
3 x Wraiths: 123

Total: 998

The Scarabs would be in front of the Warriors to act as a buffer against Waagh! They also provide cover saves against shooting attacks. If the Scarabs are overrun, the Lord can teleport one of the Warrior groups out of danger. Of course, the Lord also provides Orb assistance. The Wraiths are my assassins. They move like jet bikes (including turbo boost). They are completely unaffected by terrain. They have 3+ invulnerable. They're S6, I6 with A3 (A4 in a charge). I've torn Basilisks, Chimeras, Sentinels, and similar stuff completely apart with them.

04-15-2011, 02:03 PM
I hate to say this, but I advise against playing Necrons in 5th. I should know, my metal dudez are in the shelf collecting dust.

Other than that, the list is OK.

04-15-2011, 02:12 PM
I last week smashed a SMurf list with my Crons

Lord, with war scythe, phylactery and orb

3 x 10 warriors with disruption fields

1 monolith.

Just kept in rapid fire range using my monolith as a screen and to pie plate his marines. The lord was a monster in cc and took down 2 dreads solo.

04-15-2011, 02:26 PM
Necrons are really not that bad in 5th, at least as a solo army. The problem in team tournaments, tho, is Phase Out. Ask your Tournament Organizer if Phase Out still applies for a team tournament, otherwise by RAW the Orks will Phase Out when the 'Crons do.

04-15-2011, 03:07 PM
Necrons may have limited tricks, but they can do well. I had playing for may 6 or 7 months when I entered my first 'Ard Boyz last year. After three rounds against Space Wolves, Chaos Daemons and CSM, I lost by only 2 points. And that was because I focused on creaming my opponent instead of playing the objectives. It held up the final count because it was that close.

Brosef Stalin
04-16-2011, 10:14 AM
Thanks for the advice everyone!

Some very interesting strategies here, I'll have to keep in mind the Phase Out rule as it applies to the team!

Still gonna bat some ideas around with my partner, I'll let you guys know what we settle on and how it goes.

04-28-2011, 06:42 PM
Necrons may have limited tricks, but they can do well. I had playing for may 6 or 7 months when I entered my first 'Ard Boyz last year. After three rounds against Space Wolves, Chaos Daemons and CSM, I lost by only 2 points. And that was because I focused on creaming my opponent instead of playing the objectives. It held up the final count because it was that close.

Care to post that list.....I have about 6,000 points of Necrons (mostly Old School Models) and am looking for ideas.

05-01-2011, 02:13 PM
I run a nice list that's worked pretty well for me. It is really lean though.

Monolith = 235
Monolith = 235
Warrior Squad= 180
Warrior Squad = 180

Necron Lord & Rez. orb, warscythe, Gaze of Flame = 165

995 total

I've used that exact list before, except slightly different equipment on the lord, and i did quite well due to my opponent relying on missiles and melta to take on tanks. I used the liths as shields to the warrior squads but the onlything which could have given me problems would be deep strike and barrage.