View Full Version : Too big for a Daemon prince(ss)?

04-14-2011, 09:30 AM
Ever since I saw this (http://banelegions.maelstromgames.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/release-bnb-010/bnb-010-euryalia-u-w-p-02.jpg) (possibly NSFW) I've thought what a wonderful Daemon princess of Slaanesh it would make, but is it too big do you think? That base she is on is 50mm so she is at least twice the height of the current GW daemon prince model.:rolleyes:

We have a lot of LOS blocking terrain in our games but even so, too big?

04-14-2011, 09:33 AM
Nope. there is no max size only the size base :P
i mean for a daemon prince it gives u disadvantages due to los :P
I think u could use that, tho it makes a better greater daemon, since a prince is generally a mortal turned daemon so normally a lot uglier.

04-14-2011, 09:35 AM
YEs, I mean in terms of LOS.:) I mean she towers over pretty much anything.

04-14-2011, 09:35 AM
Based simply on the title of the thread:

On to a real comment:

I think it would be a fantastic model for a Daemon Princess. Utterly Fantastic. I wouldn't ever have issue with it, and I'd hope others wouldn't either. With that being said, if someone had a problem, you could always say you're only counting half her height, or whatnot, as the TLOS measure. You should totally go for that. The Banelegions models are so very nice.

04-14-2011, 09:49 AM
I'd be just fine with that model towering over me.

OVER OTHER MODELS. I meant over other models. Yes, los will give you problems. I'd never shoot such a pretty model though.

\I'd powerfist it.

Wait what?

04-14-2011, 10:05 AM
Well, if you worried about the LoS issues, you could always arrange something with your opponent BEFORE the start of the game. If I were your opponent, I wouldn't mind pretending she's only half her size...

Then again, you'd have to put up with a lot of these remarks (http://youtu.be/XTeeEb2nFwQ) if I were to play against that model...

04-14-2011, 11:08 AM
No I donī t think she is too big. The FW-Big-Deamonette is of equal size and i saw people use him/her/it as a Keeper/Greater Deamon. From her siloutte she is not so much big as a FW-BloodyBloodthirster (who will block a lot of LoS with his big wings). So she looks kinda nice (if you like wearing chains an the important body-spots) and a bit cheaper as her FW-Sis, i would give her a try, but i would use her a very big demonette with the FW rules. Not only because she fits the size, mainly because the stats of a common DP will not fit that model and in this term, yes - she is to big for a prince(ss).

04-14-2011, 11:12 AM
Yes I think I might use her as a Keeper of Secrets rather than a DPrincess.:) Our group is having an escalation campaign starting at 500 points in a few months, might make the army for that. Kos and 2x10 Daemonettes being the army, hehe.

04-14-2011, 11:15 AM
\I'd powerfist it

Awesome model, and playing with it would be a pleasure, as for LoS only complete d*ck would had a problem with chageing hight for purpose of targeting(sory for spelling)

04-14-2011, 11:41 AM
Yes I think I might use her as a Keeper of Secrets rather than a DPrincess.:) Our group is having an escalation campaign starting at 500 points in a few months, might make the army for that. Kos and 2x10 Daemonettes being the army, hehe.

FWIW, the Bane Legions models are all top notch. I totally recommend them to anyone.

04-14-2011, 02:40 PM
for you eldargal that is normal

for the rest of us that is NSFW

any questions?

looks like a cool model, but i would not bring it into the FLGS anytime soon!

04-14-2011, 04:06 PM
I guess I'd also be curious how you would use her. What else is in your army?

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-14-2011, 05:38 PM
WOW, now if i had started a Slaanesh army (which i nearly did) this would be the centrepiece. I would love to just paint it.
If anyone brought this to the table and wanted to play it, i would never have a problem with them. I love to see decorated and highly detailed miniatures in games. As for LOS, well it doesn't look bigger than the FW version, actually the FW seems taller against her. But, there are plenty of building she could hide behind i guess.
Would love to see this figure painting, as i think its less scary than the FW version

04-14-2011, 07:09 PM
Wait 'till you see my Witch Elf costume...

Here (http://banelegions.maelstromgames.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/release-bnb-010/bnb-009-euryalia-p-p-s-w-p-01.jpg) is a picture of her painted, not the best paintjob in m opinion, I think it could do with a wash or some such thing to smooth the skin.

At the moment the rest of my army consists of ten old metal Daemonettes (the Diaz sculpts) my brother donated last night.:p

for you eldargal that is normal

for the rest of us that is NSFW

any questions?

looks like a cool model, but i would not bring it into the FLGS anytime soon!

04-14-2011, 07:21 PM
I'd say there's nothing wrong with using a larger model than recommended.

Just look at the size difference between the FW Avatar and GW's version.

04-15-2011, 05:40 AM
I'd say there's nothing wrong with using a larger model than recommended.

Just look at the size difference between the FW Avatar and GW's version.


There are also plenty of pictures of daemons, avatars and the like shown towering over normal troops and much bigger than they are on the table top. Some of this is in Epic fluff, where daemons and avatars were truly huge, but you also see it in 40K and WFB drawings.

I've always thought that the size of FW greater daemons and dragons is much closer to how these creatures are depicted in the fluff and that GW would be selling models of that size as the 'normal' greater daemons and dragons if they could produce them cost-effectively enough and if they thought enough people would buy them.

There's also no reason why a daemon prince cannot be larger than a greater daemon. IIRC, the rules for turning into a daemon prince in Realm of Chaos said that the transformed person grew to about two and half times their previous/ mortal height but there's no reason why a particularly favoured daemon prince might not get gifted with a more imposing stature or have some other reason for being that tall.

As for the issue of using it in a game, other posters have already said it better than I could. There shouldn't be a problem using it and the increased LOS helps it but also hinders it. It can see more but it can also be seen more.

04-15-2011, 07:52 AM
Wait 'till you see my Witch Elf costume...

Promises, promises...

But seriously, I've got RT era deamons that I use and I have no problems fielding them, I see no problem with that.

04-15-2011, 08:53 AM
From her siloutte she is not so much big as a FW-BloodyBloodthirster (who will block a lot of LoS with his big wings).

For what it's worth, wings and "decorative bits" don't block LoS for shooting, and can't be shot at.