View Full Version : Awesome, yet frustrating at the same time

04-14-2011, 06:20 AM
This arrived from UPS yesterday:


Sadly, no rules from FW, and it's not even on their website yet...

04-14-2011, 06:50 AM
Fantastic model. Is it as pose-able as the regular eldar dreadnought? (throwback to old times there)

04-14-2011, 07:15 AM
From Memory...same stat line as a wraithlord. But is Physker, 4+ invuln, cannon is same as weapon platform D Cannon

Think it was 145-155pts.

Can remeber the Physic powers it could buy, but not the costs

04-14-2011, 09:08 AM
Fantastic model. Is it as pose-able as the regular eldar dreadnought? (throwback to old times there)

It's based of the wraithlord sprue, with added parts.

(the spear is just the spear and hand, so you can pose the arm how you like)

I'm not only impressed with the sculpt, but also that FW apparently decided to send all the parts this time. (I have a horrible track record of them forgetting key parts...)

04-14-2011, 09:16 AM
Oohhhh, I wonder if this means my Adepticon "we dont have it" purchases will be coming soon!

04-14-2011, 07:35 PM
I hope they do, Wittdooley. I was actually impressed the 'Seer arrived so quickly, as it's not even up for pre-order on the FW website yet.

04-14-2011, 08:52 PM
All these new Eldar units are making a new Eldar codex look very promising. I'm glad I have some Eldar as a second army, for when they eventually do get updated.

04-14-2011, 09:02 PM
I still find the current Eldar codex to be up to snuff with the 5th edition codices. I can still have fun and win games. (The emphasis, of course, on having fun over winning games...)

Though after what Phil did with the Dark Eldar 'dex. I cannot wait to see what he does to bring Eldar into its 5th edition glory. :)

Who knows, they may even make Swooping Hawks viable again! :)

04-15-2011, 08:36 AM
I still find the current Eldar codex to be up to snuff with the 5th edition codices. I can still have fun and win games. (The emphasis, of course, on having fun over winning games...)

Though after what Phil did with the Dark Eldar 'dex. I cannot wait to see what he does to bring Eldar into its 5th edition glory. :)

Who knows, they may even make Swooping Hawks viable again! :)

Ask and thy shall receive: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/w/wraithseer.pdf

The 5+ inv save is ok. Definitely will need a fortuning farseer following him around.

WS5!! A3!!! W4!!!!!

Psychic powers are "meh". This guy is really a close combat monster.

04-15-2011, 08:39 AM
Enliven isn't bad, but yes its definitely super in CC. 12-22AP against vehicles too.

04-15-2011, 10:34 AM
Im torn to whether or not I like him as a HQ slot. Of course Eldar already have too many Heavy Support Options. I think Id rather him be a 0-1 choice, that counts as HQ, but doesnt take up the slot (Like Greater Daemons for Chaos Marines)

04-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Definitely a close combat monster. Though I fear I won't be able to resist giving him a D-Cannon. ;)

I'm with Eldargal--enliven will have the most use--particularly if you have another WL nearby who can do the initial charge.

The one thing I have to say is that it is a bit pricey for what it does--it's more than an Avatar in price, base, before any ranged attacks thrown in. And that's not even throwing in the min 105 point outlay for the required wraithguard unit.

I like what I've seen overall from FW for the new eldar stuff, but I do have to wonder if they'll ever go over the top like they did with the Caestus & Achilles.

04-15-2011, 07:49 PM
Experimental rules for the Wraithser are now up.
He cannot be the army general (so you MUST take another HQ choice in addition to him).
Shield gives him a 5+ invul.
Spear wounds on a 2+.
Can grant abilities to other wraith units within 12".

04-16-2011, 05:18 AM
I don't mind the rules, you are paying 85 points morethan a regular WL with wraithblade and getting:

5++ save
+1 WS
+1 W
The possibility of 4 WLs in an army (1HQ+3HS)
Enliven (good)
Foreboding (ok)
Deliverance (meh, like the film:rolleyes:)
Greater Spiritseer
The option to take a D-Cannon which is mobilel and isn't pointless.

04-16-2011, 01:36 PM
I don't mind the rules, you are paying 85 points morethan a regular WL with wraithblade and getting:

5++ save
+1 WS
+1 W
The possibility of 4 WLs in an army (1HQ+3HS)
Enliven (good)
Foreboding (ok)
Deliverance (meh, like the film:rolleyes:)
Greater Spiritseer
The option to take a D-Cannon which is mobilel and isn't pointless.

course it isnt pointless, costs 50 pts!
