View Full Version : Psy power question

04-12-2011, 06:12 PM
Hi, im a bit confused with psy powers. If a power says "for the rest of the turn" is that power active in my turn and my opponents turn or just mine and have to cast it again?

Is this the same with force weapons? If i used it in my turn, can i cast it again in the assault phase of my opponents? Because you can (usualy) only cast one power at an time!

04-12-2011, 06:20 PM
If you cast it in your turn, it only lasts for your turn.

And yes, you can cast your force weapon power in both you and your opponents turn.

04-12-2011, 06:34 PM
If you cast it in your turn, it only lasts for your turn.

And yes, you can cast your force weapon power in both you and your opponents turn.

A lot of powers have restrictions, though, make sure to read the rules for the specific power carefully.

To OP: For your reference check page 9. "Turn" always means 'player turn' unless otherwise specified.

04-12-2011, 06:35 PM
BRB page 9, "Game turns and player turns"
Whenever a rule uses the word "turn", both in this rulebook and in the codexex, it means 'player turn', otherwise it will clearly state 'game turn' "

Gah, got ninja'ed lots...

04-12-2011, 07:41 PM
And yes, you can cast your force weapon power in both you and your opponents turn.

Does this mean that the limit of 1 power per turn resets every player turn as opposed to every game turn? Does this mean that a GKT unit that can use one power per turn can do Hammerhand in their assault phase and then again in their opponent's assault phase of the very same game turn?

Also, what does this mean for Librarians with Shield? Do they have to cast them in their own turn and it lasts through the game turn or do they cast it in their turn and then again in their opponent's turn?

04-12-2011, 07:59 PM
Does this mean that the limit of 1 power per turn resets every player turn as opposed to every game turn? Does this mean that a GKT unit that can use one power per turn can do Hammerhand in their assault phase and then again in their opponent's assault phase of the very same game turn?

Also, what does this mean for Librarians with Shield? Do they have to cast them in their own turn and it lasts through the game turn or do they cast it in their turn and then again in their opponent's turn?

Read the description of the psychic power. Where is references "the turn" it means the current players turn (this is in the BRB FAQ).

04-12-2011, 08:01 PM
Does this mean that the limit of 1 power per turn resets every player turn as opposed to every game turn? Does this mean that a GKT unit that can use one power per turn can do Hammerhand in their assault phase and then again in their opponent's assault phase of the very same game turn?

Also, what does this mean for Librarians with Shield? Do they have to cast them in their own turn and it lasts through the game turn or do they cast it in their turn and then again in their opponent's turn?

You can cast both at your Opponent's turn. It can really ruin their turn if you can get Sanctuary cast on their turn!