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Lord Castellan
04-12-2011, 02:57 PM
The answer is probably obvious once more, but id like to check.

I run Templar, and in the codex my Crusaders take either Bolters OR Bolt Pistols/CCWs. I always run the later combination, but sine I already spend $65 on my tac squads, I equip as many as I can with chainswords then the rest with Bolters. I still run them as Pistols and Swords, just model them different for sprue availability sake and appearance sake. So im wondering, even with making it clear in my list and vocally that all of them have Pistols and Swords, will I still be required to replace the Bolter wielding models? I mean can we seriously not assume a Space Marine is carrying a sword on his back, a pistol on his hip, and his rifle in a sling?

I understand I need to actually find and apply the smoke launcher bits to my rhinos but this one is slightly extreme, no?

04-29-2011, 12:04 AM
You are fine with the models as they are. This would only be an issue if some had Bolters, really.