View Full Version : Callidus Assassin and Neural Shredder

04-12-2011, 12:16 PM
Am I reading the Neural Shredder, right? It's a template pistol (so flamer template, so that is cool), with Str 8 , AP 1 but the wounds are resolved by that target's leadership? So if I use this on space marines who are usually LD 8 or 9 I am looking at wounding on 4s?

I was hoping it would be 2s all over that place with the Callidus with the Neural Shredder but having it resolve against leadership makes me less likely to take her....

Hive Mind
04-12-2011, 12:34 PM
Am I reading the Neural Shredder, right? It's a template pistol (so flamer template, so that is cool), with Str 8 , AP 1 but the wounds are resolved by that target's leadership? So if I use this on space marines who are usually LD 8 or 9 I am looking at wounding on 4s?

Yes, that's right.

04-12-2011, 01:03 PM
Also like the weapons that wound against the Ld instead of T in the DE codex, you don't inflict ID on targets that are T4. The Strength has to be double the Leadership to inflict ID.

And same as toughness, roll on the majority of the squad...

04-12-2011, 03:20 PM
The neural shredder is complete rubbish.

Her other stuff's not too bad, but the nueral shredder is just poop. And it looks goofy too :(

04-12-2011, 03:34 PM
Have a word with yourself Teach. It does the same to damage on MEQ as a flamer but is AP1? Hardly poop methinks.

(I'll give you it looks odd though.)

04-12-2011, 05:16 PM
Wez Orkz not afraid of dat puny wea... wait boyz? Where r you Gitz? ... Uh oh...


04-12-2011, 08:07 PM
I was just hoping that I was reading the rule incorrectly. I still might use the Callidus Assassin from game to game, depending on the Opponent. Her Rules on just popping up in an enemy unit are pretty awesome, and hilarious to boot!

I wish the Culexus or Eversor were better....oh well....

04-12-2011, 08:32 PM
She used to be even better, what with "A word in your ear..." and being able to assault the turn she appears...

Alas, I cannot see myself using her any further... at least not with GK's. With my sister's, she is still awesome!

04-12-2011, 08:47 PM
Yeah, she got nerfed pretty hard. Vindicares is where it's at now.

04-14-2011, 10:32 PM
If you have any options to lwer the enemy leadership, she can be quite good. Also, remember that you are rolling against *majority* leadership, not the highest.

04-15-2011, 04:54 AM
The Callidus is still useful at poking at things in cover, such as Eldar Pathfinders, Snipers, Long Fangs, and all that jazz.

As an alternative, **** the police. Get the SoB codex, buy an Inquisitor Lord and whatever retinue you fancy, and get the Callidus from that Codex instead of the GK one. Yes, it's odd to have an ally for something your own codex can take. But why not?

04-15-2011, 04:57 AM
Um sob can no longer be taken as allies due to pdf :)
so u snooze on that one

04-15-2011, 06:26 AM
Witch Hunter pdf does not override the actual Codex.
Do you have a written document from GW indicating otherwise?

I still use the Inq Lord w/ Callidus with my Mech IG and PBS.
Still good until a new Codex comes out. Keep riding the gravy train...

04-15-2011, 07:57 AM
Um sob can no longer be taken as allies due to pdf :)
so u snooze on that one

Allow me to disagree. There's still the FAQ/errata for the codex, and it contain an errata to using WHs as allies. If they wanted to disallow allies, they'd say so instead of fixing errors.

I don't use them as allies, mind you, but there's nothing saying they can't be used.

04-15-2011, 11:09 AM
When the pdf was first released GW stated that it does not replace the written codex. You may use whichever one you have.

But putting the Callidus in the back line and using the neural shredder to thin out the squad I'm about to assault is very useful. If it was indeed a S8 AP1 template...that would be a bit broken and overpowered.

I use her to hunt heavy weapon squads. Redeploy them BEHIND that cover so they will have to move to get LoS, then when my Callidus appears, shoot and assault. Works very well for me. If nothing else it throws a serious wrench in my opponents plan giving me the breathing room to position my units.