View Full Version : For the Emperor, and the Ommisiah (Custodes and Mechanicum project)

The Custodian
04-10-2011, 01:05 PM
Hey yall, after more than a year of not signing onto the forums i do so now with this little log :P

So first off a bit of info about the army. Im going to use the new GK rules. Regular marines just dont cut it unless they release an army completely made of honour guard, also this allows me to do two projects at once, one part the Custodes (will comprise of the PA gk's, and paladins) And a mechanicum force (dealing with the vehicles, dreads, troop termies, and dreadknights). Just be aware that while i am trying to stick to the fluff i also want this to be an effective army for playing so im making some changes as i believe appropriate. ( Librarian, hammers, ect.)The models still need allot of filing and such on the greenstuff (especially the colars)

I have yet to decide on how to base the group, but im thinking one of two options, either Ullanor (so tons of ork bits) OR the battle in the webway (deamons). The second option sounds best since it lets me use all these GK bits. Anyway now for pics!

First group of PA Custodes


Last group with 'Justicar'



As you can see some of them are missing shoulders, those are in the mail and im waiting for them before i glue them on. The mechanicum portion of the project will start once i burn out on the custodian production... Which should be soon. (Im also waiting for the bits to come in for my knight titans :P )

04-10-2011, 02:42 PM
very nice! thats a LOT of GS molds!

The Custodian
04-30-2011, 01:27 AM
Well im sure not going to buy all the bits :P Anywho Update!

I now have 20 Custodes and my Admech Support (need to get started on the skitari now...)

First off: My Prototype Stormraven (I figured that since the grey knights always had the things the Admech probably was testing it during the great crusade. So im going to paint it us as an Admech vehicle)


Next: My admech explorator vehicle of sorts. It will count as a dreadnought with 2 twin linked autocannons and psibolt ammo.


The custodes all gathered together,

Currently working on a Knight titan converted out of a Forgeworld Chaos blood slaughterer, some Jetbikes, and the Skitari.

04-30-2011, 02:41 AM
very nice: i love the raven... im not so sure about the explorator? a nice concept but looks like a sentinal with a box :(


dude you are insane!

04-30-2011, 02:51 AM
...base the group...the battle in the webway (deamons)

Definitely this one or maybe during the fateful events on Horus' battle barge?

I'm glad to see someone doing this because I was thinking of it, but I've got too many 40k projects already.

The Custodian
04-30-2011, 07:32 PM
The 'explorator' (it really doesnt have name, i just gave it that) was really something i was debating. I hate the look of dreadnoughts sporting 2 twin linked autocannons, just looks weird. With it i wanted to ave the look of some sort of scientific research/exploration that had been repurposed for war.

And im not converting a brass scorprion. Im converting the Khorne Blood slaughterer :P

As for the bases i think ive decided on the defense of the palace on the ground. So mostly a city fight sort of thing with snow (its in the mountains) . Lets me also use the bunch of CSM and deamon bits i have.

Thanks for the comments.

05-01-2011, 01:41 AM
ooh so your only partaily insane :P have you seen this website by any cahnce ?


they do some cool admechish stuff! ( i was going to link to scribor for the custodes but it seems that youve already been there :P)

The Custodian
05-01-2011, 01:46 AM
Yes i have, i acutally have a set of those wings for when i do up a tech priest (Inquisitor) .

Im trying to stop myself from doing full models from 3rd party since i game at a GW and they allow me to use 3rd party conversion parts.

The Custodian
08-13-2011, 07:35 PM
Soooo it took me awhile but i finally did remember that i had this thread here. The army is done at 2k points so painting has begun.

Anyway onto the models i have painted...

6 Custodes (I use purifier rules)

Dread, I painted him a day after the other 2 photos were taken. THats why you see him unpainted in the custodes and knight photos.

1 Knight Titan (uses dreadknight rules)

Anywho theres allot more where those came from. And slowly im going to get to painting them... Very very slowly...

Lord Inquisitor
08-13-2011, 07:46 PM
Looks great! The only thing I would point out is that your models are supposed to have storm bolters and your guys have bolters. You should do something to make them look more like storm bolters, maybe add a barrel.

08-14-2011, 02:17 AM
Wow did you GS and sculpt all of the eagle heads or... ?

If so, you did a really really good job

08-16-2011, 01:36 AM
Hey yall, after more than a year of not signing onto the forums i do so now with this little log :P

So first off a bit of info about the army. Im going to use the new GK rules. Regular marines just dont cut it unless they release an army completely made of honour guard, also this allows me to do two projects at once, one part the Custodes (will comprise of the PA gk's, and paladins) And a mechanicum force (dealing with the vehicles, dreads, troop termies, and dreadknights). Just be aware that while i am trying to stick to the fluff i also want this to be an effective army for playing so im making some changes as i believe appropriate. ( Librarian, hammers, ect.)The models still need allot of filing and such on the greenstuff (especially the colars)

I have yet to decide on how to base the group, but im thinking one of two options, either Ullanor (so tons of ork bits) OR the battle in the webway (deamons). The second option sounds best since it lets me use all these GK bits. Anyway now for pics!

First group of PA Custodes


Last group with 'Justicar'



As you can see some of them are missing shoulders, those are in the mail and im waiting for them before i glue them on. The mechanicum portion of the project will start once i burn out on the custodian production... Which should be soon. (Im also waiting for the bits to come in for my knight titans :P )
Fantastic looking models you have there Custodian. May I ask how you made the eagle heads as Fuzzbucket is hinting at GS molds? Many thanks

08-16-2011, 06:33 AM
Looks fantastic. Where did you get the heads? What bitz are you using for the bodies? Honor guards?

The Custodian
08-24-2011, 09:08 PM
Hey all, The eagle heads are indeed press molds. As for the bits. They are a wide combination using Blood Angel, normal Marine, and grey knight bits.

Lastly the heads are from Scibor Miniatures

I would have modeled stormbolters but I'm aiming to reflect the artwork somewhat. So bolters and bolt pistols. Besides i havnt gotten any complaints so far. The moment i say they are using grey knight rules people know what they have :P

So i wont be able to give any updates for awhile. Im leaving on Saturday to start my military career and probably wont have access to my models for awhile.