View Full Version : GK termy storm bolter & Elysian Sentinel questions

George Labour
04-09-2011, 02:36 PM
So I'm sitting here near the completion of two of my WIP armies. The first is my decade old Grey Knight models, mostly painted up. The second is my Elysian drop troops army using Steel Legion models and regular sentinels. However this has led me to two problems.

The last four of my Grey Knight terminators have incinerator arms, and I have no intention of arming them as such. I also try to stay as WYSIWIG as possible so as not to confuse my opponents as about half of them are rather newbish. SO the question is, are the new plastic GK terminator arms backwards compatible with the old metals? This way I could buy a batch of arms and storm bolters off Ebay and quickly update my older toys.

Side not. Are the limbs for the power armored plastics backwards compatible with the old metal ones so I can add some falchions or hammers to them easily?

Now onto project two. Elysian Sentinels have the option of carrying either a Heavy bolter, or Multi-melta. The melta is no problem (front third of a Russ's melta glued onto the back 2/3 of a sentinel plasma cannon). However the heavy bolter is more problematic as I want an ammo bag/box/shape that looks like it would carry enough to last an engagement. I'm also using spare right side razorback bolters.

Now the original plan was to use one of the many gas cans that come with IG vehicle sprues, smooth it out, and use a half of one to put an underbelly ammo canister under the hull. Unfortunately I am at a loss as to how to make a ammo belt to link the bolter to the ammo drum. Someone suggested a string of beads, but I couldn't find any of the right size and shape. I also don't have any spare ork or chaos weapons from which to swipe ammo belts. Any suggestions there?

04-09-2011, 03:01 PM
The arms/hands etc. for the power armour models are 100+ backwards compatible. Not sure about the termies, but I would assume they would be as well.

Luckily for you, many of the weapons on the new sprues are also just hand pieces - not entire arms. A buddy of mine has already converted several old power armour models to have falchions by lopping off their hands and gluing some plastic falchion hands in their place.

04-09-2011, 03:01 PM
The arms are plastic, so they're easily compatible. You just need to trim off the metal stub on the Terminator body as the plastic arms don't have a slot for it.

George Labour
04-09-2011, 03:11 PM
That's good to hear. I'll start browsing Ebay after next payday and just tough out the lack of arms on some of my boys for a bit.

Now, any help on the ammo belt problem? My last resort is to just smooth out the gas can and attach it directly to the bolter, but that won't look quite as epic as a ammo belt feed from drum to gun.

04-09-2011, 04:14 PM
search dargonforge's blog (its on the bols roll somewhewre) they are releasing what you are looking for!

oh and the GKT set comes with 17 arms ( combat) all of which are backwards compatiable

George Labour
04-09-2011, 04:25 PM
Those look promising. Now I just have to wait and see if they'll fit into the ammo wells on the heavy bolters.

04-10-2011, 03:13 AM
For the Sentinel I would mount the ammo can on the opposite side and run the ammo feed over the top then loop down to the gun.

To make the ammo feed get some styrene strip about the width and thickness of the hvy bolter feed. You can make it look like a flexible belt by either adding thin plates or carving notches in the strip. You can bend it easil by heating in hot water.

George Labour
04-10-2011, 08:35 AM
So you'd have the ammo feed go over the top of the sentinel and then back down to the gun?

04-10-2011, 01:18 PM

I did forget to mention that I plan on relocating the gun.

The weapon will be a magnetized mount placed high and to the rear of the cockpit, ammo will be on the opposite side and the stock mount will have a targeter/ sensor pod instead.

In your case, a standard mount location, I would run the ammo feed under/ thru the cockpit.
The ammo can would have the thin edge facing forward with the belt coming out, down and into an opening in the hull. On the opposite side it would come back out and to the weapon.

Hive Mind
04-10-2011, 01:29 PM

I bought a butt-load of Nid bits from them, they have the GK bits you're looking for and they'll probably have something to use as an ammo-belt.

George Labour
04-10-2011, 04:14 PM
Thanks for the link, but here in Texas we use Dollars for money. ^^

I've of course begun trolling the ebay bits shops for the parts. Although it almost looks like it'd be cheaper to just find an online retailer that does discounts and buy the boxes themselves. Then I have bits to trade and whatnot.

Hive Mind
04-10-2011, 04:30 PM
They deliver worldwide from as little as $3 depending on weight and location, natch.

04-10-2011, 05:11 PM
The arms are plastic, so they're easily compatible. You just need to trim off the metal stub on the Terminator body as the plastic arms don't have a slot for it.

I generally find it easier to DRILL a corresponding hole into the replacement arm. It will aid you in positioning it, AND add extra surface area for the glue to hold. Important for those metal/plastic hybrids.

Yes, the new plastic terminator arms ARE compatible with the older metals.