View Full Version : Has Callidus been nerfed..?

04-08-2011, 11:58 AM

Is my reading of GK Callidus correct - polymorphine says deploy as per deep strike rules without scatter. This would mean no Charge on appearance, correct?

Why oh why would you ever use polymorphine - appear next to MEQ and get boltered to death by whatever survives your d6 S4 AP2, and the shredder. Appear next to a horde and it would probably be worse.

If I have understood this right she is now a lot worse, any comments?

04-08-2011, 12:33 PM
I don't know if they've been nerfed or not, but I was frankly underwhelmed when I read the rules for the Callidus. They don't seem anywhere near as useful as they were, although I might be missing some hideous combo/unit synergy trick. I usually miss those.

04-08-2011, 01:51 PM
I'd imagined a souped Assains in the new book, ahh well... Another disappointment :L. Are they're basic stats better/other assassins?

04-08-2011, 02:07 PM
They also seem to have lost 'A Word in Your Ear' while going up in price by 25 points. Based on a quick read through of the rules, I foresee more people taking the Vindicare in the future. For one thing, they now have unlimited amounts of their special ammo, and they seem to be the only ones who still have infiltrate. The BS of 8 is pretty wicked too.

Drew da Destroya
04-08-2011, 02:33 PM
Losing "A word in your ear" makes me really sad.

04-08-2011, 02:35 PM
I see people using techmarines to improve a buildings cover save by 1, then putting the stealth Vindicare into it, giving them a 2+ cover save, in addition to its weak FNP.

That'll be hard to shift

04-08-2011, 03:03 PM
Unless I've missed something in the rules, it appears that Assassins are no longer 0-1. Now, just imagine an army with three Vindicare assassins. With their special wound allocation rules, you could really rip apart special characters and special and heavy weapons on the other side. I wonder if they still have the ability to shoot into close combats? What a great way to take out hidden powerfists!:D

04-08-2011, 03:13 PM
Assassins are not 0-1, but each type is unique. So, you could run 1 Vindicare, 1 Culexus, and 1 Callidus assasin. But you couldn't run 3 Vindicare assassins.

04-08-2011, 03:56 PM
The callidus weapons should make quite a mess as there are no cover saves and AP2. The trick will be to pick a unit that is isolated enough not to be instant death from their buddies and any survivors but close enough that the assassin can still get back into the fight. SW long fangs seem like good targets for example.

The eversor seems to suffer more from getting no transport and no infiltrate, not even scout, and the culexus is the same, plus too expensive against anything except psykers.

04-08-2011, 04:15 PM
she's become FAR FAR FAR worse than she was before.

"A word in your ear" which was a selling point alone is completely gone.
Shredder has become worse (cant hurt vehicles).
She can no longer assoult after deploying.
Her weapon no longer bypasses invul saves.
She's totally lost her additional poison4+ attacka t end of combat.

for that she gained d3 s4 ap2 hits on a unit when deploying by polymorphine (on average one dead marine, WOW HOW AMAZING!)
better combat stats (WS8, A4)

to me its a worse trade than wath tyranids got with their new dex.

04-08-2011, 05:15 PM
A word in your ear was the main reason I took her. And that her neural shredder used to auto glance vehicles and she could charge when she appeared!

Went from my favorite to virtually useless imho.

04-08-2011, 10:23 PM
A word in your ear was the main reason I took her. And that her neural shredder used to auto glance vehicles and she could charge when she appeared!

Went from my favorite to virtually useless imho.

She's not useless, just completely different.

04-09-2011, 12:08 AM
It seems that out of the 4 assassins, the Vindicare is the only one who actually got better. All the others are either relatively the same as before or significantly worse.

The Callidus has been pulped by the nerfhammer, and even the mental eversor lost his biomeltdown as well as 12" charge. The Culexus stayed pretty much the same, and only the Vindicare got better, and that's only from having unlimited special ammo.

04-09-2011, 01:58 AM
and 4d6 ArP

and only the Vindicare got better, and that's only from having unlimited special ammo.

04-09-2011, 03:14 AM
The eversor has gone up in my opinion. Also I can't see anything nowadays preventing him from being in a squad or a transport - eversor leading death cultists in a LR anyone?

04-09-2011, 08:10 AM
The eversor has gone up in my opinion. Also I can't see anything nowadays preventing him from being in a squad or a transport - eversor leading death cultists in a LR anyone?

Im on vacation in blackpool at the min so dont have my codex on me atm, but i was under the impression he was not an independant caracter so he can not be joined by any IC or squad,

please someone prove me wrong as this does sound cool

Brass Scorpion
04-09-2011, 08:28 AM
Im on vacation in blackpool at the min so dont have my codex on me atm, but i was under the impression he was not an independant caracter so he can not be joined by any IC or squad,

please someone prove me wrong as this does sound coolThat is correct. Assassins are "characters" but not "independent characters" in the new GK Codex.

04-09-2011, 09:31 AM
and 4d6 ArP

**ahem** rending 4d6 AP

04-09-2011, 10:22 AM
Indeed. As it stands, Callidus is pretty lame, Culexus is about the same as it was, Eversor is reasonable close combat but nothing special, and the Vindicare is actually pretty good.

04-09-2011, 11:29 AM
The callidus isn't bad, she's just not she was before.

However, you can still ally with sisters- you could just take the callidus that way.

04-18-2011, 11:20 PM
Yes and no, yes the good abilites of ALL the assassins have been nerfd, no the stat lines have been increased in ALL of the assassins. take your pick i guess. And by the way everyone, you keep saying the vindi has ap2, he doesnt. He did in the old codex, but in Codex: Grey Knights, Exitus weaponry rifle and pistol are ap 1 now fyi. And the Culexus got the crap beat out of it the most, lost all its special rules, psychic abomination, souless, psyker assassin and life drain. imho i think the got the short end of the stick.. the new stat lines are VERY nice but the loss of all those ablilites they had just hurts to much i think. except for the vindicar he reall did get a buff out of all of them.

"To the righteous we bring hope. To the tainted we bring fire.'

- Castellan Garran Crowe

04-19-2011, 08:04 AM
Except for the Vindicaire's rules, which got significantly better.

04-19-2011, 01:23 PM
**ahem** rending 4d6 AP

*cough* 4d6 Armor Pen, Rending, AP1