View Full Version : The Army Painter, Colour Primers.

04-08-2011, 11:27 AM
Just wanted to share my experience with The Army Painter colour primers. As we all know painting yellow to a smooth finish can be very very time consuming and difficult. However I have been toying with building an Eldar army and more to the point a ghost army using mostly wraith guardians as troops and wraith lords as their support. As a stickler for fluff I really wanted to to go with Iyanden with the blue and yellow theme but have so far been put off by all that.....yellow. So after stumbling across The Army Painter online store I decided to try some of their sprays out. On this test model (as you can see its not a wraith) I sprayed the base black and the body white separately. I then used the Demonic Yellow colour primer and following their spray instructions to the letter I got an magnificent smooth coat of paint. I think all in this model took me 2 hours of painting maximum after I had finished with the sprays. The regal blue I did with a couple of thin coats and then I added a couple of transfers which I then painted over to give them a free hand look. I was so pleased with the results of The Army Painters products that I have just placed another order for their shading products, some more sprays and some brushes. Besides having a problem getting payment though (their payment system does not seem to like uk debit cards) which was easily resolved with a pleasant phone call with Bo and using paypal I was able to solve this problem easily. Bo also informed me that they are looking to add paypal to their online payment options. Delivery took 2 days which was quick, very quick.

I have also used so far their silver and bone colour sprays for my Knights of Blood and Tomb Kings, Both of which were awesome.

04-08-2011, 07:16 PM
Looks nice and opaque. The only problem is...I hate the yellow lol. It's just not right for me I guess. Have you ever tried using an airbrush to paint yellow? Pretty much a snap.

04-09-2011, 12:55 AM
They do another yellow called desert yellow which is much I believe is more subdued, Yeah I have a badger airbrush but unfortunately my bull mastiff has eaten my compressor recently and I am struggling to find the funds to replace it, the compressor not the dog lol. I like the yellow personally and I have just ordered their strong tone quickshade. I think that will tone everything down and I will post a picture of the results when its done :). However really with this post I just wanted to highlight how much I was enjoying their products and wanted to pass on my experience with them.

04-09-2011, 08:03 AM
I like the yellow and blue scheme, have been a fan of the Iyandan army and of the look for a long timel. I would have made a Wraithguard army if they would have made them plastic. I have a few questions about the paint though. Have you tried to add a wash over this paint at all? And how well does the GW or another paint go over it?

04-09-2011, 10:13 AM
Not found a gw yellow to match it to be honest so I had to go uber careful with the hand painting as any mistakes could have taken awhile to mix and match up, My plan was any mistakes would become battle damage and chipped paint. Thankfully no mistakes. No wash as of yet but I have ordered some quick shade. When that arrives I will try it and post a pic.

04-09-2011, 05:44 PM
I like the yellow and blue scheme, have been a fan of the Iyandan army and of the look for a long timel. I would have made a Wraithguard army if they would have made them plastic. I have a few questions about the paint though. Have you tried to add a wash over this paint at all? And how well does the GW or another paint go over it?

Iv'e used blood red over their pure red primer and it applied fine. so i would presume other GW paints would work on other primers, but finding the right color will be the key. as far as washes go, i tried it on a spacemarine, so i didn't get the best results, but i found that black lining using GW washes works great on army painter primers.

04-09-2011, 06:05 PM
I've been very impressed with army painter primers except on two occasions (and before anyone replys i know how to shake a primer can and appy it)

I had issues with Dragon Red and Black. the black being that i got like a matte type finish with one can and a glossy finish with the second. Dragon red being that i got a darker red and a brighter red out of two cans. and maybe these were different lots who knows.

For painting you eldar i reccomend the citidel painting guide that had 3 easy steps for painting yellow eldar in it