View Full Version : New Horus Heresy Book Announcement

04-08-2011, 08:37 AM
So on April 15 we'll get more info on this book on the front page of blacklibrary.com.

The sub-phrase reads: "Into the fires of war"

Now, I may be hopeful, but I have to think that it preceeded by "Onto the anvil of battle," meaning we're gonna see a Salamanders HH book.


04-08-2011, 10:09 AM
With the teaser announcement including the phrases "Next week, the Horus Heresy evolves" and "Into the fires of war", I wonder whether we are about to see a wave of books dealing with the later stages of the Heresy: the invasion of Terra.

We've had the build-up to Horus turning against the Emperor and books dealing with Istvaan and the Dropsite Massacre and then others dealing with Horus moving towards Terra. Now it might be time for the final phase of the Heresy.

Count Fenring
04-08-2011, 11:03 AM
I hope they just get on with it. They have been milking it too much with a couple books having no bearing seemingly. Gaunts books are suffering from this too.

With how badly salamanders have been written (whiny children) in other books, I don't care to hear a thing about them again.

The first few HH books were fantastic, then due to this success, gw started the policy of scorched earth saturation as per usual. I fear this series will one year just die off with a whimper. They need to refocus and go out loud and proud, then move on to other era's such as apostasy maybe.

meh, I want more Eldar books, path of the warrior is a step in the right direction for them.

04-08-2011, 11:10 AM
I hope they just get on with it. They have been milking it too much with a couple books having no bearing seemingly. Gaunts books are suffering from this too.

With how badly salamanders have been written (whiny children) in other books, I don't care to hear a thing about them again.

The first few HH books were fantastic, then due to this success, gw started the policy of scorched earth saturation as per usual. I fear this series will one year just die off with a whimper. They need to refocus and go out loud and proud, then move on to other era's such as apostasy maybe.

meh, I want more Eldar books, path of the warrior is a step in the right direction for them.

I'll disagree on both counts.

The Salamanders books by Kyme have been solid. The Salamanders are certainly different than other chapters in their care for humans, but you can hardly classify them as whiny children.

Secondly, if you only think the first few HH books were fantastic, then you either haven't been reading, or simply don't know what you're talking about. The last four books have been the best of the series (which is hard to say considering the original three were fantastic as well) and they have all driven the series and the 40k canon further along.

To simply "get to the end of it" would be an utter disservice to both the fans of the series and the story they've been telling thusfar. Knowing what happend to the Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands post-Isstvan V is important, because those three are nearly wiped out. But if you don't care to read about those chapters, you don't have to. My guess is when it's all said and done, you could read the opening trilogy and the closing trilogy and you'd get the general story. But to leave out all the ancillary characters and events that shape the current 40k landscape is ignorant.

Remember, we all knew the Titanic sank. It's story leading up to it that won that movie so many awards and acclaim.

04-08-2011, 12:03 PM
I was thinking about this earlier today and wondering if they aren't thinking about doing this as "an epic in 3 acts".

We've seen Act I-it's all 15 books (and short stories) published so far. Act II I think starts with the next anthology and will be "the road to Terra" and other actions taking place elsewhere in the galaxy (the Ultramarines-Word Bearers fight, the Dark Angels fall and recovery, the continued fighting over Mars). Act III would be the final push, the assault on Terra, and the aftermath.

That plan would easily get us....50+ books. And I do think the Secret Lords of Black Library do have that in them to write.

04-08-2011, 12:35 PM
Couldn't agree more. I think the Anthologies provide a really nice way to pace that, as well.

Drew da Destroya
04-08-2011, 02:17 PM
Overall, I've really enjoyed the HH series... all the books have been really good, although Abyss and the two Dark Angel books were a bit of a letdown.

Admittedly, I don't care much about the Salamanders (or the Iron Hands for that matter), but I'm interested in seeing things from their end. I'm a lot more excited about the Raven Guard book, and anything at all to do with the Alpha Legion. I'd also like to see some more of Calth (Abyss and Garro's audiobook have really only had some small hints).

Some stories showcasing the Big 4 Chaos Legion's decent into Chaos would be cool, too... the World Eater's decent into madness (especially including Kharne!), some more Sons of Horus action (who else has joined the Mournival?), maybe a look at Mortarion's ascent to Daemonhood (although that'd be after the Heresy, I think).

Also, the Blood Angels getting f'd by daemons in the Signis cluster.

04-08-2011, 02:42 PM
Overall, I've really enjoyed the HH series... all the books have been really good, although Abyss and the two Dark Angel books were a bit of a letdown.

Admittedly, I don't care much about the Salamanders (or the Iron Hands for that matter), but I'm interested in seeing things from their end. I'm a lot more excited about the Raven Guard book, and anything at all to do with the Alpha Legion. I'd also like to see some more of Calth (Abyss and Garro's audiobook have really only had some small hints).

Some stories showcasing the Big 4 Chaos Legion's decent into Chaos would be cool, too... the World Eater's decent into madness (especially including Kharne!), some more Sons of Horus action (who else has joined the Mournival?), maybe a look at Mortarion's ascent to Daemonhood (although that'd be after the Heresy, I think).

Also, the Blood Angels getting f'd by daemons in the Signis cluster.

I'm cautiously optomistic about the Raven Guard book; I've yet to read a Gav Thorpe Space Marine novel that I thought was any good. I'm willing to give him another chance, for sure, but again, really hesitant.

After talking to the esteemed Mr. Abnett at Adepticon, he confirmed that he will be writing the Calth book, with McNeill and Dembski-Bowden writing the aftermath books for their respective Legions. Abnett also indicated there is another Alpha Legion book to come.

04-08-2011, 03:28 PM
I'll disagree on both counts.

The Salamanders books by Kyme have been solid. The Salamanders are certainly different than other chapters in their care for humans, but you can hardly classify them as whiny children.

Secondly, if you only think the first few HH books were fantastic, then you either haven't been reading, or simply don't know what you're talking about. The last four books have been the best of the series (which is hard to say considering the original three were fantastic as well) and they have all driven the series and the 40k canon further along.

To simply "get to the end of it" would be an utter disservice to both the fans of the series and the story they've been telling thusfar. Knowing what happend to the Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands post-Isstvan V is important, because those three are nearly wiped out. But if you don't care to read about those chapters, you don't have to. My guess is when it's all said and done, you could read the opening trilogy and the closing trilogy and you'd get the general story. But to leave out all the ancillary characters and events that shape the current 40k landscape is ignorant.

Remember, we all knew the Titanic sank. It's story leading up to it that won that movie so many awards and acclaim.

I've recently read Prospero Burns and am about half way through The First Heretic. I'm a huge fan of Dan Abnett and Graham Mcneill's books. I've always thought both authors consistently have been able to write great 40k novels, but even moreso write novels that transcend the genre all together, in other words, they just write great books period.

I tried in the past to pick up other books in the Heresy series or other 40k based novels by other authors and was always let down. Gav Thorpe is one example. He's just not a very good writer. Then again I haven't tried reading any of his non Space Marine books, but his Dark Angel's stuff is just off the mark.

The only other author apart from Mcneill and Abnett that has thus far not let me down is Aaron Dembski-Bowden. I'm about half way into The Last Heretic and its so far blown me away. It is extremely well written; beautifully written in many parts. In fact, I can't put it down. Dembski-Bowden has really done justice to the Primarchs, the Astartes, and the Heresy series. He's captured the look, feel, and atmosphere perfectly and has written something that is not simply just a great Horus Heresy novel, but a great book that I think anyone with an appreciation for literature could pick up and enjoy.

Anyhow, I'm really looking forward to whatever BL is unleashing on April 15 as long as it's being spearheaded by their best authors.

04-08-2011, 03:38 PM
There is also this http://www.blacklibrary.com/Horus-Heresy/coming-soon/know-no-fear.html
And it's about Calth. Confirmed by A D-B.

Count Fenring
04-08-2011, 05:23 PM
I'll disagree on both counts.

The Salamanders books by Kyme have been solid. The Salamanders are certainly different than other chapters in their care for humans, but you can hardly classify them as whiny children.

Secondly, if you only think the first few HH books were fantastic, then you either haven't been reading, or simply don't know what you're talking about. The last four books have been the best of the series (which is hard to say considering the original three were fantastic as well) and they have all driven the series and the 40k canon further along.

To simply "get to the end of it" would be an utter disservice to both the fans of the series and the story they've been telling thusfar. Knowing what happend to the Salamanders, Raven Guard, and Iron Hands post-Isstvan V is important, because those three are nearly wiped out. But if you don't care to read about those chapters, you don't have to. My guess is when it's all said and done, you could read the opening trilogy and the closing trilogy and you'd get the general story. But to leave out all the ancillary characters and events that shape the current 40k landscape is ignorant.

Remember, we all knew the Titanic sank. It's story leading up to it that won that movie so many awards and acclaim.

I will avoid calling anyone ignorant, disagree if you like, but don't get yourself too upset. I am sure GW does not pay you to be their public defender;) While your e-lesson was touching, it was not really what I was getting at at any rate.

We can certainly agree to disagree and I will just keep on giving out free, but terrible salamander books to fellow gamers.:p

Astral Platypus
04-08-2011, 06:02 PM
At the risk of putting myself in a small and hated minority I would like to say that I would enjoy seeing Henry Zou get a crack at something in the Heresy series.

04-08-2011, 06:57 PM
I will avoid calling anyone ignorant, disagree if you like, but don't get yourself too upset.

Check it again. I don't name call; I said it would be ignorant to leave out the other folks and ancillary stories involved in the Heresy. All those ancillary stories and characters are what bring the entirety of the Heresy to life.

Platypus: I thought Emperor's mercy was really good. I wouldn't mind that at all, particularly if it were in short story mode.

Astral Platypus
04-08-2011, 07:01 PM
[QUOTE=Platypus: I thought Emperor's mercy was really good. I wouldn't mind that at all, particularly if it were in short story mode.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. Give him 40-50 pages of Custodes or some defunct Imperial Agency to start with.

04-09-2011, 01:00 AM
At the risk of putting myself in a small and hated minority I would like to say that I would enjoy seeing Henry Zou get a crack at something in the Heresy series.

I quite agree, I enjoy his style of writing too, However I would like to see the HH books really get on with the whole terra thing as well.

My personal favourite of the series is Flight of the Eisenstein followed by Thousand Sons.

04-09-2011, 04:10 AM
I'm cautiously optomistic about the Raven Guard book; I've yet to read a Gav Thorpe Space Marine novel that I thought was any good. I'm willing to give him another chance, for sure, but again, really hesitant.

Gav Thorpe has been given my beloved Raven Guard!? *Sigh* Someone please tell me his novels are better than his army books/codexes

04-09-2011, 04:17 AM
Well it depends, his Spac Hulk novel wa quite dull apparently (I didn't read it), Path of the Warior was excellent but a lot of people don't like it because of ome unconventional story elements. His recent Space Marine story, something to do with Kadillus, or something, seems to have been quite well received.

I don't think his army books and codices ere that bad, he gets a lot of flack or CSM but Cavatore recently said the unpopular bits were his idea.

04-09-2011, 06:13 AM
I actually liked the Gav thorpe books about Col Schaeffer. Henry Zou isn't the best, but he is getting better the more he writes

I did find nick kyme to be a bit Dull and it seemed like he was trying to have them fight every single enemy he could think of- Iron Warriors, then Tyranids, then Orks all on one not particularly important planet?

The next Horus Hersey book by Graham McNeill will be a murder mystery set on earth amongst the Navigators, and we have a loong time yet before we reach Terra. There will be many secrets revealed and things that were thought to be true will be turned upside down.

04-09-2011, 10:43 AM
My understanding is that there are three BIG overall arcs, which the Fall of Horus and the Istavaan campaign is the first.

Also, check out Visions of Heresy and you will see how much there is to cover. There will be years of books ahead. And I hope they keep going. They are simply the best 40K books.

Just finished Age of Darkness and it is awesome. So many great stories.


Unzuul the Lascivious
04-09-2011, 05:22 PM
i've recently read prospero burns and am about half way through the first heretic. I'm a huge fan of dan abnett and graham mcneill's books. I've always thought both authors consistently have been able to write great 40k novels, but even moreso write novels that transcend the genre all together, in other words, they just write great books period.

I tried in the past to pick up other books in the heresy series or other 40k based novels by other authors and was always let down. Gav thorpe is one example. He's just not a very good writer. Then again i haven't tried reading any of his non space marine books, but his dark angel's stuff is just off the mark.

The only other author apart from mcneill and abnett that has thus far not let me down is aaron dembski-bowden. I'm about half way into the last heretic and its so far blown me away. It is extremely well written; beautifully written in many parts. In fact, i can't put it down. Dembski-bowden has really done justice to the primarchs, the astartes, and the heresy series. He's captured the look, feel, and atmosphere perfectly and has written something that is not simply just a great horus heresy novel, but a great book that i think anyone with an appreciation for literature could pick up and enjoy.

Anyhow, i'm really looking forward to whatever bl is unleashing on april 15 as long as it's being spearheaded by their best authors.

agree in totality

Baron Spikey
04-10-2011, 06:15 AM
The salamander HH book referenced is likely to be the forthcoming Vulkan- a Heresy Limited Edition Novella centred on the Salamander Primarch.

Thorpe's non-BL book, Crown of The Blood, is a truly excellent read that is on par with Salvatore, Feist, or even Gemmell.
So he can write great novels.

04-14-2011, 08:55 AM
Here it is.


More details on the BL website.

04-14-2011, 09:05 AM
Promethean Sun? Okay, I have to believe I was right about the Salamanders. BOOOYAH!

04-15-2011, 02:26 AM
Just bought 2 copies. It took 25 minutes to get through the whole thing. I guess a lot of people want this book cause the black library site is slooow.

If you want it, I'd get in quick.

04-15-2011, 06:05 AM
I feel its just a shame that i have followed this series with amazement and awe for the last few years to have to miss out on a release and a chunk of the 30k history due to a £30 price tag.

i understand all about limited editions and am sure the book will be a hobby and background wet dream, but roll on two years time when those of us without a disposable income can catch up with whats is going on in the far future.

04-15-2011, 07:13 AM
I feel its just a shame that i have followed this series with amazement and awe for the last few years to have to miss out on a release and a chunk of the 30k history due to a £30 price tag.

i understand all about limited editions and am sure the book will be a hobby and background wet dream, but roll on two years time when those of us without a disposable income can catch up with whats is going on in the far future.

At least were you to get it you live in the UK. I've gotta pay $36 for shipping because I'm forced to get it shipped via UPS. Bogus.

Of course I bought it anyway.