View Full Version : Semi-Competitive Fluffy Inquisition List (1500)

04-07-2011, 04:59 PM
Hi Guys,

I've been throwing around ideas in my head for an all-inquisition force (no actual GKs), and I am looking for some serious comments and criticism as to whether or not we think each unit is a viable option and if you think each unit complements the others well and whether it'll all work well together :)

So without further delay:

Inquisitor Coteaz (This guy is paramount to a full inquisition army list as taking henchmen as troops is crucial.)

Vindicare Assassin (Lovely, a must have in my opinion, wish I could take more than one)

Eversor Assassin (A nice close combat character, combat drugs, looks like he could do a fair bit of damage)

3 Jokaeros in an Inquisitorial Chimera (Heavy Flamer, Heavy Bolter)
This unit can act as long range fire support as it slowly moves up centre field, Jokaero's using whatever weapon the situation permits. Eventually when they get close, we're looking at 4 heavy flamer templates from the hull into a single squad, quite scary, I expect this to soak a bit of firepower

8 Psyker, Rhino
8 Psyker, Rhino
7 Psyker, Rhino
These three speak for themselves, a Str 10 AP 1 Large Blast fired from a Rhino as a Psychic Shooting attack with decent range, not 100% reliable but powerful enough to lend fire support to anything, and they're scoring.

3 Warrior Acos, Rhino
3 Warrior Acos, Rhino

The warriors acos here are purely to provide 'scoring' to a vehicle unit. These two squads will jump into the Stormraven Gunships and make those scoring, and the two Assassins can commandeer their Rhinos for protection / mobility purposes.

2 x Stormraven Gunship, TL Assault Cannon, TL Multi Melta, Hurricane Bolters, Psybolt Ammo.

These Gunships provide Psy-enhanced Shots across the board, this is some heavy fire support for the rest of the army, quite durable, and they can handle the tank hunting alpha strike if necessary.

I feel that the army is on the whole 'fairy solid' however it is low on models and I am aware of this weakness. I do like the fact that almost everything has a vehicle and almost every unit is effective at what it should be doing. There is a fair amount of mobility built into the list which I like, but I've yet to playtest anything (as I am new to Marines in general) and would very much like your input.

Many Thanks.