View Full Version : Quick Monolith Question.

04-07-2011, 12:19 PM
Not played Necrons using the current rule set but thought I would dig them up for tonights gaming session. My question is "can the monolith still only move 6in per turn ? "


04-07-2011, 12:24 PM
Unfortunately, yes.
I wish my Monolith's could move faster or just teleport.

04-07-2011, 12:35 PM
He's right, 6" or nothin

Let 'em come to you! You are the walking undead! Go forth and DIVIDE!!

I'm looking forward to a new codex soon, I hope. My War Clowns are looking to come out, and as always are pulling my attention from my space puppies.

04-07-2011, 04:04 PM
we played 1000 pts

I had

Lord with rez orb, phylactery and warsycthe

30 warriors

1 monolith

he had lots of smurfs don't remember his list but had lots of lascannons, 2 dreads and a chaplain were his stand out units.

Unfortunatly he ignored my warriors completely really besides his combat squads and tried everything to take down the monolith to no avail. I remember now why I loved them so much. Their a great distraction and allowed my warriors to get into rapid fire range and BAM, he gave up after turn 5 and didn't want to go on.

The Lord with warsycthe was the stand out guy though, taking down the dreadnoughts in cc. 2d6 + strength and I rolled 2 6s on both assault phases involving the dreads :)

Roll on next codex and thanks for the quick replies fellas.