View Full Version : Grey Knights - Suck for Adepticon Team Tourney Builds?

Ghost of War
04-07-2011, 06:22 AM

So we were thinking of making a GK team tourney list for next year and after thumbing thru the book and trying out a few ideas... (our theme is we each take an assassin.. thus 1 elite used each 1 float)

Only one guy can take Cortez to make henchmen troops, and we need to keep our HQ at least survivable so we dont give up heads.

So that means 3 of us need to pretty much go pure GK as the 1 floating elite would end up as Purifiers or Paladins or something...

I can not freaking beleive how lame the lists are compared to what I would take at 1k for my Eldar. I mean my buddy played Tau and he had like 60 models. I can barely get to 20-25... and they are in tiny squads that will yeild kill points.

Am I missing the math super formula here?

I was thinking

Libby - 2 powers (5 pts a power so cheap.. he is a level 2 so one power was stupid)


5 termies (1 hammer the rest have swords and 1 psycanon) - minimal upgrades.. hammer is free .. canon is the only upgrade

5 Greyknights in a rhino... justicar has a hammer one guy has a psycanon

5 interceptors with a couple glaives and an incinerator.. just with a hammer

dread with double autocanons and psyammo

thats... a grand (I might put in a servo skull to keep people back)


So after looking at this and thinking that only one dude will get the inq as troops.. and our theme steals our elites for the most part.. I am kinda at a loss..

They are T4 S4 marines (sure they can try to hammerhand, and they can take a glaive for even more points that make them I6.. but they have like 1 attack each!)

For all the hype on this book, I have literally no idea how the GK army even at full strength could give my aging Eldar book a run for the money.

Ghost of War
04-07-2011, 06:24 AM
Not to mention that if the two regular GK guys drew eachother as partners and didnt get the Inq.. They would get FACESTOMPED by someone playing Orkz or Nids.

04-07-2011, 10:25 AM
For the Adepticon Team Tournament, special characters who change the Force Org chart change it for the whole team. So, as long as one person is running Coteaz, everyone counts Henchmen as troops.

04-07-2011, 10:51 AM
They ruled that? That's awesome! That's a huge advantage for the GK players.

Anyone who thinks that pure GK doesn't work hasn't read the new codex. Coteaz is far from necessary. He is only one of a few dozen ways to build a viable list.

04-07-2011, 11:40 AM
I do think they suffer a bit in low points games though once you dip below 1,000 as you have to give up a lot of the cool stuff to keep your troops up.

The assassin theme is interesting, but the culexus is a bit iffy in a small game where you want lots of psykers to buff his power and the assassin + HQ eats up a huge chunk of points at 1k.

A basic dreadknight could be scary though in a small list with potentially fewer AP2 weapons

04-20-2011, 10:12 AM
I don't think GK's suck for the tourny, just that they need to be built a lil diffent to compliment the other's on the team. im also in agreance that with smaller armies 1k and less, yea GK's do suffer a little because of point cost but, that is also PURE GK's. Mix it up with the cheap stuff and im sure you can make a very viable list.