View Full Version : Old Codex = Abusive Lists

Lord Castellan
04-06-2011, 09:10 PM
The more I look into my Templar Codex, the more I want to take advantage of having an old codex.

It gets me that the Black Templars, an army devoted to close combat, can be one of the most powerful shooty armies out there. Simply because we still have old rules. Two Cyclone Missile Launchers and Tank Hunters on a five man termie squad? In a Drop Pod that doesent have to come down turn one(thank god) Thats 4 S9 Krak Missiles anywhere on the board! Or Power Of the Machine Spirit on any vehicle, even Vindicators and Predators? S10 Lascannons on my Venerable Dreadnought?!?! Crazy cheese, completely unintenional but happened simply because the book is out of date.

What other old rules can be abused to wicked ends out there?

04-06-2011, 10:36 PM
Daemonhunters Inquisitors w/ Mystics next to a Titan were a big one in the Apocalypse scene as they would let you possibly get a free Titan shooting phase at anything Deep Striking within 48". Couple that with a Disrupter Beacon asset and you can not only screw with Deep Strike/Flank March but you can take Deep Strikers affected by the beacon and drop them within your Mystic's range. It was really broken but many things are when Apocalypse is taken seriously.

Thankfully that has ended with C:GK.

04-07-2011, 01:19 PM
Before the new codex, dark eldar could do some downright dirty things.

For example, my archon rode on a jetbike, had a 2+ inv save, got to pick as many combat drug effects each turn as he pleased, resulting in a dude with str 6 pw, 6 attacks on the charge, and reroll failed to hits.

All this for the same point cost as the standard agonizer layouts of the current codex. Needless to say the old archons make vect look tame especially when you consider the fact that you could join him to 3 haemoculi also on jetbikes (t5) with venom blades and what are now known as "liquifiers" (str 4 flamers with d6 ap)

New codex killed the possibility for dark eldar seer councils :c

Another area of brokenness was 110 pts for 10 warriors 2 lances and 2 blasters, and for +5 points, your dark lances on ravagers and raiders can be turned into disintigrators.

These are not the disintigrators players have become familiar with today (str 5, ap2, heavy 3). No, not at all. These disintigrators struck fear and discord through any player who used power armor. Old disintigrators had two firing modes, one which fired 3 shots at str 4, and the other, god mode as it were called, fires str 7 ap2 blast. 120 point ravagers were rocking 3 of these and removing entire squads at a time.

And finally, the true gamebreaking upgrade that very few players actually got to see or play against was the horrorfex.

The horrorfex was a vehicle upgrade which counted as firing a weapon, although instead of melting power armor, this gun had a slightly different roll:

horrorfex (5 point upgrade) : 24" (if i remember correctly) blast, all enemy units with models hit by the blast must take a ld check at -1 per model hit. If this test is failed the squad is pinned.

Hands down this was the most abusive use of pinning that any army had, and at 5 points a pop there was no reason not to have one on every vehicle even if you only use it once or twice a game. When you started to combine 6+ of these firing from your raiders entire armies could be shut down for a turn and a lot of deathstars could simply be put on ice for 3-4 turns straight from one raider 'fexing them.

/rant, although I love a lot of the new models and some of the new units, I miss the old days and feel like de's blade has been significantly blunted in exchange for safety nets like 5+ invulns on vehicles and higher ld

04-07-2011, 01:49 PM
blah blah blah

HAHA you think that's good look into Black Templar techpriests. They have access to the armoury. 2+, 3++, 4pf attacks and 3 power weapon attacks each, plus their shooting shenanigans.

Rediculous. oh, and it's all re-rollable.

04-07-2011, 02:41 PM
Thats 4 S9 Krak Missiles anywhere on the board! Or Power Of the Machine Spirit on any vehicle, even Vindicators and Predators? S10 Lascannons on my Venerable Dreadnought?!?! Crazy cheese, completely unintenional but happened simply because the book is out of date.

I think maybe you got a little over-enthusiastic. According to the BT Codex, the Cyclone missile launcher counts as a normal missile launcher (i.e. only one shot, not the two shots from the current SM codex). I'm also curious about the S10 Lascannon, because the codex I have says S9 for them.

04-07-2011, 02:54 PM
4 pf attacks, its 2 lol :p

04-07-2011, 02:58 PM
I think maybe you got a little over-enthusiastic. According to the BT Codex, the Cyclone missile launcher counts as a normal missile launcher (i.e. only one shot, not the two shots from the current SM codex). I'm also curious about the S10 Lascannon, because the codex I have says S9 for them.

He has given the Tank Hunters special rule to the Dreadnought, making the Lascannon S10 against armor and the Missile Launcher S9; it is arguably the only instance that such a loadout is worth it for the points.

Lord Castellan
04-07-2011, 10:34 PM
The FAQ changed it. BT Cyclone Missile Launchers now fire 2 Krak Missile shots or 2 Frag Missile Shots, and you can take 2 in a squad, so thats four shots each. With Tank Hunters thats S9 against vehicles.

And if you give a Dreadnought Tank Hunters, against vehicles its a S10 Lascannon(so to speak, +1 to penetration) and a S9 Krak Missile. Also a S5 Frag Missile for walker squadrons, which could get interesting.

Read, it helps.

Also, Las/Miss Dreads are deadly. They can move and fire both weapons, and are cheap at 135 points. And can get cover far more easily than tanks. A STEAL, especially for an army in desperate need of Anti-Tank shooting.

04-08-2011, 02:19 AM
Also, Las/Miss Dreads are deadly. They can move and fire both weapons, and are cheap at 135 points. And can get cover far more easily than tanks. A STEAL, especially for an army in desperate need of Anti-Tank shooting.

They are only that cheap for BT. For all other SM codices they cost way too much to be useful.

04-08-2011, 01:53 PM
The FAQ changed it. BT Cyclone Missile Launchers now fire 2 Krak Missile shots or 2 Frag Missile Shots....

Hmm. Well I'll be damned. I try and keep up with the FAQs, but I don't recall seeing that in there last time I checked (which admittedly must not have been recent). I stand (well ... sit) corrected.

As for the Lascannons, I thought you might have meant something different from the +1 penetration for Tank Hunter. I know it's a bit of a nit to pick, but technically that's not exactly the same as S10.

Well shoot. I may need to rethink putting BT on hold until the new Codex comes out.

Lord Castellan
04-09-2011, 12:09 AM
Its not a nitpick, you're right, I just call it S10 as its easier to say and understand than S9+1.

But yeah we got some tricks up our sleeves, and I enjoy taking advantage of them. Like our Assault Termies. Take a few THs to soak up fire with their Storm Shields, then get a couple Lightning Claws. Then give them furious charge. Initiative Five on the charge, four attacks each, at S5, rerolling misses, rerolling failed wounds. Oh and those are all power weapons. :)