View Full Version : Tony's list

04-06-2011, 06:14 PM
Tony won Adepticon! Does anyone know what his wolves list was? lol

04-06-2011, 06:19 PM
This is completely hearsay, I don't have a direct source.

5 scouts mgun,
5 wolf guard fist/combimelta (and 2 have mbombs),
2x8 gh mgun standard rhino
2x7 gh mgun standard rhino,
2x5 gh flamer plas/laserback,
3x5 fangs 4missiles

04-06-2011, 06:23 PM
ok ty and if anyone has a different view of the list plz still post.

04-06-2011, 07:45 PM
Now, was it really a Wolves list or a "counts as" but just using the SW codex? Pretty shamefully that 28 out of the 30 SW were "counts as".

If those armies were for fluff reason and now unfluffy power rules were used then it shamefull, but to use the SW codex just because it is the "power" codex, then that is shamefull. What are you in the hobby for just to win with Toy Soldiers?

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
04-07-2011, 07:30 AM
Found this link to his army list



04-07-2011, 12:41 PM
Man, do I hate armybuilder format. It does everything it can to hide useful information about their list amidst as much useless info as it can cram in. I already know that Space Wolves have Frag, Krak, ATSKNF, Counter Assault, Power Armor, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, CCW etc standard. All I need to know is how many are in the squad, and what special weapons they have.

04-07-2011, 12:43 PM
Man, do I hate armybuilder format. It does everything it can to hide useful information about their list amidst as much useless info as it can cram in. I already know that Space Wolves have Frag, Krak, ATSKNF, Counter Assault, Power Armor, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, CCW etc standard. All I need to know is how many are in the squad, and what special weapons they have.

If you don't like the output, make your own custom output. Its not hard.

Just XML.

Here's the default tournament output directly from AB. People just don't use it or know about it for some reason.

Unlimited Pts - Blood Angels Roster - Astorath's Crew

Total Roster Cost: 1995

HQ: Astorath the Grim (1#, 220 pts)
. . 1 Astorath the Grim, 220 pts

Troops: Death Company (8#, 200 pts)
. . 1 Death Company, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 35 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Weapon 15)
. . . . 1 Death Company, 45 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Fist 25)
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts

Troops: Death Company (8#, 200 pts)
. . 1 Death Company, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 45 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Fist 25)
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 35 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Weapon 15)

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Stormraven Gunship, 215 pts = (base cost 200 + Extra Armor 15)

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Stormraven Gunship, 215 pts = (base cost 200 + Extra Armor 15)

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts

Elite: Chaplain (1#, 100 pts)
. . 1 Chaplain, 0 pts
. . . . 1 ...in Power Armour, 100 pts

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 240 pts)
. . 7 Assault Squad, 126 pts = 7 * 18
. . . . 1 Assault Marine with Meltagun, 28 pts = (base cost 18 + Meltagun 10)
. . . . 1 Assault Marine with Meltagun, 28 pts = (base cost 18 + Meltagun 10)
. . . . 1 Sergeant, 58 pts = (base cost 28) + Thunder Hammer x1 30

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 240 pts)
. . 7 Assault Squad, 126 pts = 7 * 18
. . . . 1 Assault Marine with Meltagun, 28 pts = (base cost 18 + Meltagun 10)
. . . . 1 Assault Marine with Meltagun, 28 pts = (base cost 18 + Meltagun 10)
. . . . 1 Sergeant, 58 pts = (base cost 28) + Thunder Hammer x1 30

HQ: Librarian (1#, 115 pts)
. . 1 Librarian, 0 pts
. . . . 1 ...in Power Armour, 115 pts = (base cost 100 + Infernus Pistol 15)

Validation Report:
b-2. Apocalypse Allies: Trusted Allies only; c-1. File Version: 1.19 For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; b-1. Roster Options: Apocalypse, Imperial Armour, Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission; 1. Chapter: Blood Angels
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
Formation: 0 (- - 0)
Other Units: 11 (- - 0)
Legendary Units: 0 (- - 0)

Created with Army BuilderŪ - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

04-07-2011, 02:20 PM
I don't use army builder anyways, but yeah, that's much better. Though I still don't like how they list individual squad members. 10 Assault Marines with 2 Melta and 1 power fist is easier to read than 7 Assault Marines, 1 Melta Marine, 1 Melta Marine and 1 Power Fist sargeant (#10).