View Full Version : Gey knights as deathwing???

04-06-2011, 02:58 PM
I am plannin on runnig GK as my Death Wing list....i.e
Terminators and or Paladins

Any thoughts as to how to make this feasible.....I could go as far as using an Inquisitor + warband....but no GK power armor marines....

Any thoughts on how to make this feasible at 2000 pts....?

04-06-2011, 03:20 PM
GKs seem to lack the survivability for all terminators (like pre FAQ dark angels)

I think you'll want at least one librarian to keep your guys buffed.

I think dreadknights make good fire magnets/ cover providers but it's a bit of a conversion job to fit a dark angels theme.

04-06-2011, 04:48 PM
Erm.... In all honesty IMHO if your going to run a "count-as" deathwing, you might as well use the Logan Wing. There much closer to the Death Wing Play Style, and with proper unit selection can be justified.

The whole everyone being psychers and haveing force weapons thing would be hard to justify in your count-as list, and in the end of the day it would just be proxying your Dark Angles as Grey Knights.

Don't get me wrong. I love seeing well thought out and characterful Count-as Armies. But using your Death Wing as Grey Knights sounds a bit lazy.Last I checked the Dark Angles weren't well known for being a Chapter of Pyschers.


Not to mention even THINKING about taking Inquisitors in a count-as Dark Angles Army is a no-no. The Dark Angles are much to secretive then to let Inquisitors get in the way of there affairs.

I Mean, at that point? Go ahead and take Mountain-Dew-Can-Dreads and use Tau to Stan in for Assault Marines.

04-06-2011, 06:14 PM
im actully building my "Watchers in the dark"(GK) army using alot of DA bits but they're still gk models and gk codex. they will kinda look like DA in the old crusade black armor. i like the idea of a Dwing style list, and the GK will probly do a better job at it. how about this.
Grand Master/ rad grenades,psychotroke grenades,3 skulls, blind grenades/ 225
5 paladins /2 psycannon, 3 halberd,1 swords,1 hammers,psybolt/ 335


10 term / 2psycannon, 6 halberd, 2 sw,2 ham, psybolt/ 470
justicar thawn/ 75
10 term / 2psycannon, 6 halberd, 2 sw,2 ham, psybolt/ 470


storm ravin/ TLLC,TML,WSfield/245
storm ravin/ TLLC,TML,WSfield/245

04-06-2011, 07:46 PM
First off, why do you want to use the GK codex? Second of all what is wrong with the Dark Agnels codex and their updated FAQ? Third why not the Space Wolf codex if you want to make it more fluffy?

04-06-2011, 07:55 PM
I agree with all of the above: You CAN GK counts-as DA, but ultimately it is a very poor fit, almost like a shirt 5 sizes too big.

Yes, you have terminators representing terminators... but those terminators (GK) are so different from your average norm (and the DeathWing is basically an entire company of "slightly better than normal" terminators) that it is almost impossible to reconcile the differences.

If you want "ubar" terminators you could go with Logan-wing, as suggested by others... but the DA codex itself packs a mean Terminator-only list all by itself; comeon, an Assault-terminator group WITH 3++ saves AND Cyclone missile launchers?? WANT!!

Using GK as Deathwings is approaching the territory of "almost too powerful to be used", if not already over that line. You can try to stuff them in, but be prepared to see the disapproving eyes of "Bandwagon-jumping"-haters

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
04-06-2011, 08:01 PM
Ummm...why not just play Deathwing?? Seriously they are still a great codex, with the updates even more so.
Why do you need to justify that becasue the new GK codex is out you have to play them as something else?
Don't you like GK's?? or Dark Angels??

04-06-2011, 10:32 PM
Thanks to the new FAQ and the extremely undercosted Belial, Deathwing is one of the best Terminator armies. People like Logan-wing but Deathwing in some ways is better. Why not just use your codex?

04-06-2011, 10:46 PM
The biggest problem with Loganwing is that Space Wolf terminators can't teleport into battle. Sure, they can use drop pods, but then you are on the hook to buy 5+ drop pods, and it just doesn't feel like DA, imo.

But, do whatever you want. It's a game. It's about having fun. Other people may not like the idea, but whatever. It's your army, you can have purple polka dot space marines counts-as Grey Knights if you want (as long as it's WYSIWYG).

04-07-2011, 06:37 AM
The biggest problem with Loganwing is that Space Wolf terminators can't teleport into battle. Sure, they can use drop pods, but then you are on the hook to buy 5+ drop pods, and it just doesn't feel like DA, imo.

But, do whatever you want. It's a game. It's about having fun. Other people may not like the idea, but whatever. It's your army, you can have purple polka dot space marines counts-as Grey Knights if you want (as long as it's WYSIWYG).

For someone who wants to use the SW army for DW for fluff reasons (because there is more choices and not so bland as late 4th edtion codecies were) I said to use the Drop pods but moddel them as a teleportation crater with smoke about the size of a Drop Pod for LoS blockage purposes.

Again, it's to make the army fluffy, so the Drop Pods would be "counts as" teleportation, just use a CD with smoke on it that went up high. I thought that would work great for fluff purposes.

04-07-2011, 09:24 AM
I should clarify Death Wing style...I already have a fully painted DeathWing (GreyWing - I call it) Based on all Grey Knight Metal Terminator bodies with magnetized arms so I can also play them as Inquisition....So I wonder if it would be feasible to only use terminators or Paladins with no power armor troops in a GK list?

04-07-2011, 09:44 AM
Also I am about to participate in a Tale of many Gamers which requires us to paint a whole new army....
I am planning on using all terminators....with magnetized arms, which gives me an option to use them to boost my 2000 Death Wing later.....This is not going to be a counts as list....just Grey Knights without the power armor marines......I like the fact that you can use terminators as troops, as the new GK models are brilliant (old models too). As far as warbands are concerned, I also have a fully painted 2000+ point list of Witch Hunters so I can boost that later on as well...
I like having the utility to multi-task my models....but having played 40k since first edition....and already owning a painted SM army and a Chaos SM army, I really don't feel like painting yet more power armored marines....I am a visual gamer....so models looks come paramount over utility.


here's some examples of my minis...including my Grey Wing terminator.

04-07-2011, 12:34 PM
I should clarify Death Wing style...I already have a fully painted DeathWing (GreyWing - I call it) Based on all Grey Knight Metal Terminator bodies with magnetized arms so I can also play them as Inquisition....So I wonder if it would be feasible to only use terminators or Paladins with no power armor troops in a GK list?

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Then why not ask about playing the full Terminator Grey Knight force in the 1st place?


That is a viable Grey Knight Build. But you have to be careful since your low model count makes you fragile. Since you use to play Death Wing I assume you know this already. But you will need to take other things to support them, such as Storm Ravens for delivery, AutoCannon Dread Fire support, ect. Due to this I suggest using your basic Terminators and advoid the paly. Paladins are to expensive point wise for such a army.

04-07-2011, 02:32 PM
Thanks for all the comments.
here's my list so far....tear it up
I am going to probably combat squad these into heavy weapon and assault squads
10 terminators 2 psycanons, 1 hammer, halberds
10 terminators 2 psycanons, 1 hammer, halberds
2 drenoughts assault cannon, psi ammo
2 storm ravens typhoon, assault cannon, psi ammo
Nemesis Dread Knight, psycannon, hammer
7 psykers in a rhino - for the pie plate + rhino won't get shaken that much
1 cheap inquisitor with 3 servoskulls

04-07-2011, 09:21 PM
Ahhhhhhh now I see where you are coming from. I thought you wanted to be Dark Angels using the GK codex. Yes I believe you will have a fun army, but with the low model count, even if you survive, I am not sure how you will be able to claim and or contest objectives.

In KP games, you maybe able to do well.

04-08-2011, 10:36 AM
All Terminator Grey Knights seem likely to be a perfectly viable army. All Paladins also seems reasonable, though perhaps a little more hit and miss--their output is higher and they're substantially tougher against some things, but their low model count makes them weaker to other things.

04-09-2011, 03:45 PM
Thanks for all the comments.
here's my list so far....tear it up
I am going to probably combat squad these into heavy weapon and assault squads
10 terminators 2 psycanons, 1 hammer, halberds
10 terminators 2 psycanons, 1 hammer, halberds
2 drenoughts assault cannon, psi ammo
2 storm ravens typhoon, assault cannon, psi ammo
Nemesis Dread Knight, psycannon, hammer
7 psykers in a rhino - for the pie plate + rhino won't get shaken that much
1 cheap inquisitor with 3 servoskulls

MY friend suggested I drop the psykers and the inquisitor and take a librarian for better mobility and survivability....any thoughts?

04-10-2011, 01:07 AM
So your just going to deep strike all thows termies? To risky. A huge part of your army is being tied up in reserve roles. This is way to risky when most of your points are tied up in some very expensive squads.

Liberians with summoning can increase mobility. But if you had none to start with, it will not help you that much.

There are some ways you could go about doing this. My personal preferences is: 3 Storm Ravens with Warp Stabilizers, and a Liberian with Summoning. Then building the rest of your list around what thows Storm Ravens are going to deliver.

That's just one way off the top of my head.