View Full Version : what should i use for...

04-06-2011, 01:39 PM
Im a bit of a cheap *** so can any one help me select an alternative to death cult assassins and arco flagellants?
i dont want to pay 8 quid for two and i hate painting metal minis so plastic please. even other companys will surfice. help me out fellow plastic crack addicts....

04-06-2011, 02:06 PM
Arco's you could use empire flagellants. They fit the meatshield role pretty well...http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod10006

04-06-2011, 03:15 PM
DE wyches would work fine if you convert the pistols to be a second CC weapon and paint in imperial colours.

Flagellants are harder, you could wait and see if we get plastic wracks in june. Otherwise any human with arms replaced by plastic chain weapons (like the wych razorflails) could work.

04-06-2011, 04:03 PM
I was planning on using the DE witches as well for the DCA. Should be a simple case of cutting the pistols off, sculpting a block on the fore-arm and shoving a leftover nemesis falchion or something left over from the plastic GK sets in there. You should have acces to plenty of imperial style blades if you play GKs anyway.

As for the arco's. Any minature with a bare chest should work, though plastic catachans might be a bit too beefy. Maybe empire militiamen could look suitably inquisitorial if you use some greatcoats in the army. It seems like a promising box anyway for henchman conversions in general.

Just add a blob of greenstuff on the head to represent the control hood and draw an I in it with a sharp edged object. Even if you are no Green Stuff genious, this should be one of the easiest things to do. Then cut of the arms and simply add metal wiring or, should you have acces to it: thick guitar strings. You might want to dril a few fine holes for that around the arms though. And maybe a bit of greenstuff to look like amputated flesh to make it suitably twisted.