View Full Version : Necron Nightmare shroud & buildings

04-05-2011, 06:33 PM
Hello BoLS Community!

The other day, I was playing an apocalypse game with this dude who was playing IG and I used Necrons. At one point, he was stationed in several bunkers when I deep-struck, unloaded my Lord with the Nightmare Shroud and released the fury.

And here's the rub: the section for buildings in the main rule book state that they're supposed to be transport vehicles that can't move. In the transport section, it describes them as being off-limits from attacks as they are considered part of the vehicle. So my question is, can my Nightmare Shroud force his lowly guardsmen, who are in bunkers, to take a morale test as though they lost 25% and potentially run out of the building?

I hate to say it, but methinks the answer is no. The Doom of Malantai had a similar issue, I recall: the Leech ability could not target units in transports, and since this could be considered a similar aura ability, I was wondering what everyone here thought. I'm hoping to be wrong...please let me be wrong so I can use my boogyman tactics on this guy again.

04-05-2011, 06:38 PM
Unfortunately you're right. It's generally accepted that squads in transports can't run away due to failed leadership.

04-05-2011, 07:37 PM
Here is another opinion giving you bad news. In the BRB FAQ it says that units inside transports cannot be targeted for psychic attacks. Although the Nightmare Shroud isn't a psychic attack, I think it only affects non-fearless models with a Leadership characteristic and who aren't in a transport or building (as they are considered as transports).

04-06-2011, 10:31 AM
Thanks y'all. And again, because it never hurts to double-check, but my question is about buildings. And it looks like the answer is "no." Dang.

On a separate note, what are the low-leadership/not-fearless armies? I think Eldar, Dark Eldar and Imperial Guard are about it. Keep in mind, I don't own every codex. So what armies would the Nightmare Shroud be the most effective against?:cool:

04-06-2011, 11:59 AM
The Doom of Malantai (new Tyranids) has a similar ability that affects all enemy units within X distance of him (can't remember right now, forgive me). The FAQ on that said that any units in vehicles were not affected.

Also, I believe that currently, the ruling is that if you have an event that would force a check (such as losing enough plasma gunners to force a morale check during the shooting phase) and the affected unit is inside a transport, then they are unaffected.

04-06-2011, 12:05 PM
Tau also has low Ld (troops are Ld 7-8).

Even against marines, Nightmare Shroud is decent. Grey Knight troops are Ld 9, or 8 if the sergeant-equivalent is dead. Grey Hunters are also Ld8. Devastator teams are usually Ld8 if I remember properly.

04-06-2011, 02:29 PM
I thought that all marines had the (broken) ability to automatically pass all morale checks. You mean there are some that don't?

04-06-2011, 02:41 PM
Basically all marines (minus Chaos marines) have And They Shall Know No Fear, which means that they automatically pass test to regroup as long as there are no enemies within 6". They can still fail a leadership test and run away, and you can still escort them off the table by staying within 6".

In Codex: Space Marines it's also possible to have Combat Tactics, which means you can always choose to fail a leadership test. So you can run away when you want to run away (like when you don't want to be assaulted), but you can't just choose to pass.

04-06-2011, 02:55 PM
Oh. I never knew that. Thank you very much!
And I used this formation with an the Shroud to make all of my opponents guardsmen flee in terror after I blew up their chimeras/bunkers.
