View Full Version : are henchmen worth it?

04-05-2011, 06:32 PM
I have been a GK player since the old book, i have always played Gk as a full knight army, but since the drop of the new book i am now wondering.. is it worth it to take henchmen. Granted they have some awesome models like the deathcult assassins and the jakaero weapon smith, but their low toughness strength and save, im not sure its worth it. any further ideas?

04-05-2011, 06:52 PM
15 point Death Cult Assassins? Coteaz has artificer armor, a daemonhammer, re-roll to seize, and nerfed 2nd edition mystic ability built in for 100 points? Crusaders are 15 points and have a power weapon and a Storm Shield (wargear would cost 30 points elsewhere)? 10 Point heavy bolters/multi-meltas from servitors?

Yes, henchmen are worth it. Don't be surprised if full Henchmen armies (depending on the FAQ about how they work with FOC) become the dominant build.

04-05-2011, 06:55 PM
It's hard going down to MEQ durability, isn't it? And yet, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, Imperial Guard... many armies are competitive without the T4 and 3+ save.

04-05-2011, 06:58 PM
this is very true but theres something apart of me that makes me not want to do it.. haha

04-05-2011, 07:05 PM
I have been a GK player since the old book, i have always played Gk as a full knight army, but since the drop of the new book i am now wondering.. is it worth it to take henchmen. Granted they have some awesome models like the deathcult assassins and the jakaero weapon smith, but their low toughness strength and save, im not sure its worth it. any further ideas?

It doesn't need to be a MEQ to be good. 3 scoring meltaguns in a double-heavy weapon mobile AV12 bunker for under 100pts? Who doesn't love that?

04-05-2011, 07:19 PM
this is very true but theres something apart of me that makes me not want to do it.. haha

Its because it is all so woefully undercosted. It is very clearly the Veteran spam of C:GK. The only reason I have some included in my 1500 point list is because I want Coteaz' seize ability and I need a second troop choice. I still feel guilty with 3 MM servitors and 2 Crusaders sitting in a building.

04-06-2011, 03:51 AM
well id prefer a 100 pt unit of jokero+servitors as a scoring unit to hold on to home base rather than a 200pts of GK with 2 psycannons and not much else!

p.s. deamon weapons deathcults and ginger monekeys.

p.p.s SOB 'counts as' for 15Pts

04-06-2011, 12:02 PM
Three Gun Servitors + 2 Jokero + Inquisitor with Null Rod + Chimera = win.

I plan on running an insane 30 servitor/6 Jokero AdMech list at some stage. Feel free to rush my gunline as Coteaz explains how He's Been Expecting You. I don't care how good your Descent of Angels is, 12 multimelta shots is more than enough to keep me alive this turn, and then when the Heavy Bolter squad fire the turn after? Good luck, son. (60 strength 5 shots plus six lascannons plus ten multimeltas = dead everything).

Yes. Henchmen are most definitely worth it.

04-06-2011, 12:17 PM
Three Gun Servitors + 2 Jokero + Inquisitor with Null Rod + Chimera = win.

I plan on running an insane 30 servitor/6 Jokero AdMech list at some stage. Feel free to rush my gunline as Coteaz explains how He's Been Expecting You. I don't care how good your Descent of Angels is, 12 multimelta shots is more than enough to keep me alive this turn, and then when the Heavy Bolter squad fire the turn after? Good luck, son. (60 strength 5 shots plus six lascannons plus ten multimeltas = dead everything).

Yes. Henchmen are most definitely worth it.

How can you have 12 multi-melta shots in a single unit?
Also, 12 MMs at BS3 will only kill 2-3 MEQs on average if they are in cover.

04-06-2011, 01:30 PM
How can you have 12 multi-melta shots in a single unit?

I've just re-read the GK codex and now I have my sad face. I thought you could upgrade all your servitors :( Moo.

Ah well, three Servitors plus 2 Jokero in a Chimera is still rollicking good objective-claiming fun :) If the rest of the Chimera is filled with delicious cheap meat... sorry, Acolytes, even better. :D

04-06-2011, 01:39 PM
I've just re-read the GK codex and now I have my sad face. I thought you could upgrade all your servitors :( Moo.

Ah well, three Servitors plus 2 Jokero in a Chimera is still rollicking good objective-claiming fun :) If the rest of the Chimera is filled with delicious cheap meat... sorry, Acolytes, even better. :D

The same thing happened to me. Only with Melta Warriors. :/