View Full Version : Thoughts on the All termie army.

04-04-2011, 08:01 PM
I've been considering making a Deathwing army, mostly since I have a Ravenwing army so ......

But then the new GK 'dex comes out, and lo and behold, troop termies. Take a look into the Imperial dog pound, and you can field a SW army with all termies.

This all got me wondering, Who does the best all termie army in 40k? Or is it too early because the GK codex just came out?

04-04-2011, 08:08 PM
Well this isn't anything new. The Space Wolves's codex had this and a few people used the SW codex to represent the DW. They did it for fluff so anything that wasn't fluffy they didn't use.

I actually asked this question in Bolter and Chainsword Dark Angel forum to see if anyone was doing it. It looks like they may not do it, but still too early since only the few who answered said they will not do it. No lists yet either.

One answer was there was no power fists so you really can't use any old DA minis for WYSIWYG purposes though. Almost all of them are saying that the current DA codex with the new FAQ really suits them well and might be better fluff to use it instead of the GK codex.

If you really want a fluffy army then maybe Space Wolves is the way to go.

04-04-2011, 08:42 PM
My GK army is all termys, and it's pretty fun. The paladins are sweet and the low model count is a nice change from my green tide of orks. 28 models = 2,000 points.

Their more fragile then most would think, mainly because i was DS my entire army.:( but it was a blast to play and my opponent was happy the match was over. My paladin squad got bogged down by his thunder wolf calvery and wasn't able to make it to his base objective before the match was over. 2.5 paladins vs a 6 man Grey Hunter squad. i would've loved to see that unfold, but the battle didn't go on. :( :(

04-04-2011, 09:11 PM
GKs have the best all-termie army in the game, by far. They've got Paladins, they've got great psychic defense when backed up by dreadnoughts, they've got I6 and all sorts of stuff.

04-04-2011, 09:30 PM
With all of that said...
Deathwing is still a solid all termie list. The ability to storm shield everything in sight and take cyclone missile launchers is very good. I also see the 5 man squads as a good thing because it allows flexibility.

04-04-2011, 10:15 PM
I'll probably still make the DW army, since I've already got a DA force on the go.

And I did think about making one for both DW and GK. But there'd be bits galore, tiny magnets and much work that really in the end wouldn't work that well, IMO.