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View Full Version : Making bases?

09-01-2009, 04:06 PM
What are your thoughts?

The situation is, I have a LOAD (I mean 40+) of old style space wolf terminators.

They are all on the old small bases.

They need to be ready for october, so they all need rebasing.

I know I could go buy the 40mm bases by mail order, or in the mixed pack, but I have been thinking of sculpting my own.

The questions are

1) What is the best material to use?

2) Will non-GW bases make the models not tourney legal?

09-01-2009, 04:25 PM
If they're the right size then they'll be legal. Also as long as the model is predominantly GW then it should be fine.

Buying a pack of 40mm is the cheapest way about it but it depends on what you want the bases to look like.

09-01-2009, 04:47 PM
check it out man, I will give away my secrete to 40mm bases. go to walmart or even some second hand store and look for the poker set. it will come with a ton of 40mm poker chips. they work perfect and they have some good weight underthem plus they are perfectly flat. now this could cost around 15-20 dollars at walmart or you can get lucky like i did and find a 250 piece set at a thirft store or 2bucks. good luck hunting!

09-01-2009, 09:49 PM
good call there splnes, i had never thought of doing that. extra 40mm are always welcome!