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View Full Version : Hi from Mick @ Liberro Games

Mick @ Liberro Games
04-04-2011, 09:17 AM
Hello from the UK, this is my first post so just saying hello. I'm Mick. a 40 year old gaming fanatic from Hertfordshire, into 40K, Fantasy and this new game called Dust Tactics. I love painting miniatures from Games Workshop, Mantic, Reaper and Avatars of War to name a few. Years ago in the dark and distant mid-80s I played Dungeons and Dragons, Lazerburn, Traveller, Judge Dredd, Talisman - any game we could get our hands on really. Funnily enough, Warhammer was in it's infancy and didn't really grab my friends and I. Now it's massively popular of course.

I'm interested in any opinions good or bad that you may have about my online shop, what should be on there, what you like or don't like - any input at all is welcome. I'm a gamer just like you guys and so please have a look I'd love to hear from anyone interested.

Mick @ Liberro-Games
United Kingdom