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View Full Version : Blood Bowl PC Game!

07-31-2009, 12:34 PM
1. Who is going to get it?
2. Any thoughts on the rules?
3. Opinions on game play?

07-31-2009, 01:03 PM
I've got it and I love it.

I'm a long time Blood Bowl player and I've been waiting on something like this for awhile. Like every new game, there a few bugs/glitches/inconsistencies but the staff at Cyanide have already released at least 6 patches for the game so far. So atleast they are committed to making the game better.

I think for some people, the price tag ($50) may seem a tad bit excessive given that the game lacks polish, but for fans of the game, it's easily overlooked.

The rules are about 99.9% accurate for Living Rule Book 5, so anyone familiar with the game will catch on rather quickly. It's just a matter of adjusting the camera views and getting the controls down properly. Also, the game doesn't have every playable race yet. Which just makes for a good business model for them so they can release add-ons later down the road.

I don't believe there is a demo available yet which is a shame because I think a lot of people would like to give it a try and see how it stacks up but I would encourage anyone out there that's thinking about it to go ahead and download it.

If there's enough interest in these forums we should set up a BoLS private league or something. Anyone up for that?

07-31-2009, 01:08 PM
I'm going to be picking it up next paycheck in two weeks and from what I've played on the demo I found it is really worth it! :D

07-31-2009, 01:33 PM
Ah so there is a demo? I hadn't bothered to check. Is the demo for the PC game? If so, where did you find it?

08-01-2009, 12:09 AM
At some point, when I find some dinero, I'd love to get my hands on it as well. Won't be soon, but its on my to-buy list.

Dragon Knight Of Rhun
08-01-2009, 01:01 AM
Ah so there is a demo? I hadn't bothered to check. Is the demo for the PC game? If so, where did you find it?

I believe he was referring to the Beta which is now closed.

Although I could be wrong. :D

08-01-2009, 01:08 AM
Good to hear the game plays well - Am I right in thinking that there will be a PSP version released soon?


08-01-2009, 05:47 AM
Good to hear the game plays well - Am I right in thinking that there will be a PSP version released soon?


You are correct. It'll be out on the PC, Xbox 360, DS, and PSP.

08-01-2009, 06:24 AM
As soon as it comes out for 360, I say we get a full on Live league going.

Blood Bowl is the game that I love to hate. I have never been more frustrated and exultant for a win/loss of any game I have ever played. I love it, and the single biggest game nemesis that I have ever had, the block die.

I want to see if anyone wants to get some games in in the Killeen/Austin area, or start a league. I get back from Iraq in Feb, and I have 5 teams.


08-03-2009, 10:45 AM
Thanks for the feedback.. Is it Multi player or not? It looks like a cool lan game.

08-03-2009, 01:29 PM
Yep, it's got Internet, LAN, and Hotseat.

FYI, Hotseat is where two people can play on the same computer taking turns on the keyboard.

08-04-2009, 03:43 AM
its a great game and i love it but ive stopped playinf for a couple of reasons ... one im travelling the other is you get *******s who lvl up a few players like 2 or 3 to really really star players and then fire the rest of there team so there ranking goes down to about 5-700 so you get journymen to make up for the team you lack but the journeymen dont count towards inducements for some reason. so a starting team is 1000 thats 300k of inducements thats hell of alot plus their journeymen and there ridiculously pumped players ruins it for new people ... but the game itself is great :)

oh and the campaigns and championships and things on single player are good but on the hardest lvls i watched a dwarf blocker make 6 dodge rolls in a row and pick up the ball all of those rolls were 6s i think they made it hard by fuxing with the ai's dice rolls ...

08-04-2009, 05:09 AM
its a great game and i love it but ive stopped playinf for a couple of reasons ... one im travelling the other is you get *******s who lvl up a few players like 2 or 3 to really really star players and then fire the rest of there team so there ranking goes down to about 5-700 so you get journymen to make up for the team you lack but the journeymen dont count towards inducements for some reason. so a starting team is 1000 thats 300k of inducements thats hell of alot plus their journeymen and there ridiculously pumped players ruins it for new people ... but the game itself is great :)

oh and the campaigns and championships and things on single player are good but on the hardest lvls i watched a dwarf blocker make 6 dodge rolls in a row and pick up the ball all of those rolls were 6s i think they made it hard by fuxing with the ai's dice rolls ...

All the more reason to join a BoLS private league. ;)

08-05-2009, 02:24 PM
I have it and, yep it's awesome.

I'm already in the Worlds End Radio league and would love to join a BoLS league or any other league.
My coach name is Warpsword so if anyone wants a game then just challenge me.


08-06-2009, 10:34 AM
I'm really enjoying it. It's much better against human players I think. If you want to, just give me a "call" online, my trainer name shockingly is "ChaosPhoenix"

08-07-2009, 10:47 AM
AAAAAAAARGH the game is not yet avaiable in SA... but i was told its a matter of days or weeks...

08-08-2009, 06:05 PM
It's weird here. The game gets more expensive every day. It startet at 29€ and now even Amazon lists it with a 49€ pricetag. Some weird resellers sell the game for 60€.

08-09-2009, 06:13 AM
I have to admit that it's a fantastic game and I love it. It's already got me planning a new team for a return to the board game.

I played it online and it was brilliant fun, although I do agree that the offline campaign does seem a little stacked in the favour of AI teams on the hard setting.
I've never seen dwarves do so many acrobatic moves and wood elves that are so darn tough to kill.

08-09-2009, 11:22 AM
The Devs said there are problems with the DCs and the players reported some really odd dice behavior which the devs didn't admit so far. But playing against human players balances most of the problems :)

08-15-2009, 11:43 PM
Its good that people are getting a lot out of the game. I can't wait for it to hit 360 later this year!

As a side note, I just stripped my 18 model Chaos Team, and am repainting them again! Heh.


09-01-2009, 08:49 PM
Hi, I also have it and for me it is basically the only way to still play Blood Bowl as I am away from Germany for 2 years.But I would still prefer the board game, it is more fun to see the oponent right in front of you. BTW: The AI realy sucks, if you know the board game it is quite easy to win even with Goblins in the highest difficulty. It is also a pity that they didn't implement any weather or the card decks...

Brother Hastatus
09-02-2009, 03:57 AM
It looks really good, and I'm considering getting it for either PSP or 360. When does the 360 version come out?