View Full Version : Most popular Xenos in your local meta

04-04-2011, 02:33 AM
So we all know that Space Marine variants tend to be the most prevalent armies around. I was just idly wondering that if you put the marine armies to the side, which alien races do your local friends and opponents tend to favor? My guess would be either Tau or Dark Eldar, but I'm somewhat curious to see other people's views.

04-04-2011, 02:43 AM
Counting main armies only, in my group there are:

3 Ork players
3 Eldar players
3 Tyranid players
2 Dark Eldar players
2 Necron players

04-04-2011, 03:52 AM
Erm, are you asking for Xenos armies only, or non-Space Marine armies? After all, Sisters and IG are not the "Space Marine variants" we're putting to the side...

Kieranator K82
04-04-2011, 05:19 AM
My FLGS (I think that's the correct term, don't actually know what it stands for!) is dominated by Marines, Chaos Marines and Daemons. We have maybe two Ork Bosses (one of whom I am), a Tyranid Tyrant, a Tau Shas'o ... and I can not think of anything else at the moment. It's tragic, really.

George Labour
04-04-2011, 06:17 AM
Tau are the most popular non human/non chaos/ non imperial force in my FLGS.

I think orks and Dark Eldar come in second (especially due to the bandwagon effect) with tyrannids, necrons, and eldar following in that order.

Though of the rest Codex marines, chaos marines, and Dark angels are the most popular overall.

04-04-2011, 08:38 AM
My FLGS (I think that's the correct term, don't actually know what it stands for!) is dominated by Marines, Chaos Marines and Daemons. We have maybe two Ork Bosses (one of whom I am).

FLGS stands for 'friendly local gaming store'.

04-04-2011, 08:55 AM
Dark Eldar, Eldar, and Demons. We have 2 of each.

04-04-2011, 10:18 AM
We actually have a fair balance. While I would say Marines of some flavor are most common there are still 2x Tyranid Player, 2x Ork Players, an Eldar Player, a Dark Eldar Player and even a Tau player.

It may not seem like that many but my group is relatively small (About 15 people), so about half our players don't play Marines as a main army.

04-04-2011, 10:42 AM
My FLGS has a pretty good mix:

3 Tau
3 Dark Eldar
2 Eldar
2 Tyranid
1 Necron
1 Ork

Also: 2 Chaos Daemon and 3 Chaos Space Marine players.

04-04-2011, 12:34 PM
Our FLGS is actually pretty awesome, if small.

1x Space Wolf Player
1x Chaos Space Marine (World Eaters) player
1x Imperial Guard player (me)
1x Tau player
1x Necron player
2x Tyranid player
1x Blood Angels player

Sadly enough, no eldar or Dark Eldar, at least not regularly. But with that division, one can easily get a variety of games in.

Tyranids are the most common.

04-05-2011, 04:00 AM
In my club, they are mostly PA players.
With 9 armies comprised of PA units (whether they be loyalist or spiky).
There are Two eldar players, two Tyranid players, two T'au players, and we have one of each of; orks, necron and we HAD a single DE player, but he just sold them because they were too hard to win with (like THAT had changed in 11 years) for a noob.
No clear majority of a single xenos faction.

Lord Castellan
04-05-2011, 11:56 AM
Its actually a fair balance. There is usually two players of each army, but of course in tournaments its 90% Power Armor. Most

Whats surprising is the small number of codex marines.(Amongst regulars.) Its pretty evenly split between Bleh Angels and Chaos.

There are two Knights players, one Dark Angels, like two Wolves (both are new to the game but thank the lord arent kids :p) and im the sole Templar player. FTE

04-06-2011, 11:33 AM
At ours we have

4 tyranids
3 eldar
1 dark eldar
2 necrons
5 orks
3 tau
1 chaos demons

marine variants

2 blood angels
4 space wolves
2 dark angels
1 black templars
3 ultramarines
1 white scars
1 daemonhunters/now grey knights (me)

2 chaos marines
3 imperial guard

we have a pretty decent balance at our store, it is however the only store in the area that can support it. there are probably some others i'm missing.

04-07-2011, 01:17 PM
You guys have some pretty neat stores. Well balanced and more than just Spess Mehrines!

My local store is pretty chill. Pretty much everyone has more than one army, but everyone's primary army is Space marines of some flavor or another.

Most popular Xenos armies are, including pure Xenos players:
Orks by 3

Necrons by 5 [and 3 play them exclusively!]

Eldar and Dark eldar by 1 [same guy]

Tyranids by 3

Tau by 2 [both play pure Tau!]

04-07-2011, 01:25 PM
Well. For the Regulars:
2 Orks
1 Necron
1 Dark Eldar

So for the Tourny Players:
2-3 Ork
2 Necron
1 Dark Eldar
1-2 Eldar (Use to be easily 5+.)

Other Wise it's Gaurd and Space Mariens as far as the eye could see.

Most popular Army is acctualy Imperial Guard. They is almost as many Gaurd players as there is SM, SW, and blood angles combined. Mostly because that's what happens when you live next to the largest military base in Atlantic Canada.

04-07-2011, 11:09 PM
At my Favorite Local Game Store:

5 Chaos Daemons
4 Chaos Space Marines
4 Craftworld Eldar
2 Dark Eldar
6 Imperial Guard
3 Necrons
5 Orks
4 Sisters of Battle
15 Space Marines: (2x Black Templars, 2x Blood Angels, 3x Dark Angels, 1x Grey Knights, 1x Iron Hands, 1x Salamanders, 2x Space Wolves, 3x Ultramarines)
6 Tau Empire
6 Tyranids
1 Witch Hunters

Now that I look at it, that's a pretty good (and odd!) distribution of Armies there!

04-08-2011, 10:29 AM
My game group is fairly even divided, with about three people playing each of the races (SM are relatively unpopular). What is interesting to me is that similar people tend to play the races. They don't necessarily get along (the arguments between the the DE and CSM players are legendary), but the eldar players are rather bookish and gangly, the demon players inevitably wear dirty concert Tshirts and listen to their iPods throughout the game, and tyranid players bring five course meals to the tables.

Uncle Nutsy
04-08-2011, 01:03 PM
orks (i loves my orksies! dey so goofy!)
2x Tau
3x nids
2x necrons
2x DE

04-08-2011, 01:15 PM
Tyranids are the way to go, a race designed to expertly hunt and kill. no one is left in their onslaught.

Tyranidsx3 (ME)
Space Marinesx8
Dark Eldarx2

04-08-2011, 01:47 PM
My local store is almost entirely imperium and almost all space marines at that. I am one of the only xenos players (play tyranids) and there is another younger guy playing Nids too (like 16 years old or something). There is also 1 guy playing Dark Eldar and one other playing Orks. That sadly is it.

04-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Tyranids Represent!!

Looks like a lot of Game Stores have a strong Tyranid showing. Even with a nerfy Codex and nerf-batting by the F.A.Q.

Tyranids, my first, and still my favorite Army!!