View Full Version : GK Orbital relay

04-04-2011, 01:48 AM
The GK's orbital relay states that it always scatters the 2d6, but does not say you cannot apply ballistic skill. the SM Relay states it always scatters the 2d6, but you CANNOT subtract ballistic skill. So, with the GK relay do you subtract the ballistic or not ?

04-04-2011, 05:27 AM
I think you do not substract anything. The rules on p58 state this:

"note that orbital strikes alwas scatter the full 2D6" in the direction shown..."

Rusty Nail
04-04-2011, 07:59 AM
How would servo skulls affect that, if at all do you think?

04-04-2011, 10:42 AM
P62. "Friendly blast templates placed within 12" of a servo-skull roll one less D6 for scatter."

Rusty Nail
04-04-2011, 12:16 PM
Yep I know that, but p58 states that the orbital relay scatters the full 2d6, so which rule has precedence do you think, or does anyone have any thoughts on previous rulings from FAQ's or the like that would shed some light on this, or alternatively am I being stupid and have missed something obvious, it wouldn't be the first time :o

04-04-2011, 12:45 PM
Yep I know that, but p58 states that the orbital relay scatters the full 2d6, so which rule has precedence do you think, or does anyone have any thoughts on previous rulings from FAQ's or the like that would shed some light on this, or alternatively am I being stupid and have missed something obvious, it wouldn't be the first time :o

I think the Servo-Skull rule takes precedence, if only because it makes logical sense.

The servo-skulls are targeters which are most likely uplinked directly to the ship through some psychic or mechanical relay. So it makes sense that they would scatter Orbital Strikes less.

What actually makes less sense to me is how a dude with a frag-missile launcher or frag grenade launcher or the like scatters less; they don't have the sophisticated targeting systems that the space ships have for the Servo-Skull to interface with.

04-04-2011, 05:44 PM
Paul makes sense but when dealing with rules lawyers I'd rather not be dependant on sane common sense.

The way I see it from a pure RAW/lawyering POV is that the servo skull and orbital realy (_allways_ scatters the _full_ 2d6) are directly contradicting rules with no set ranking.

therefore you'd ahve to roll a 4+ for every shot that lands within skull-range.

from a RAI I think skulls should apply (scattering 1d6 regardless of BS/hit) and I hope the errate will deal with it.

one thing however you can do is mastercraft the strike relay.
this issue is reversed IMO as I dont think you should be able to mastercraft from a fluff/common sense POV but the rules allow it (grandmasters for example may mastercraft all their weapons and the OSR is found in the "weapons" tab of your armory :D).

04-04-2011, 08:57 PM
Note that in the C:SM codex, the Captains firing an Orbital strike does not reduce the scatter with his own BS... because ultimately it is done by a ship in orbit.

Mayhaps RAI IS scattering 2d6 despite there being a servoskull ("always" in "always scatter the full 2D6" have a finality to it)... perhaps the signal from a floating head is not strong enough to go all the way into space?

Guess it is time for another of GW's FAQs...

Rusty Nail
04-05-2011, 01:28 AM
@Xas, you thinking mirrors my own exactly, (even down to master crafting the thing), although I'm happy for a one off dice roll to decide which rule to use for the game.

@wkz - It definitely is strong enough to reach a ship in space as that's where the teleporters come from isn't it.

However as said relying on common sense for rules interpretation isn't necessarily going to give you the right answer.
