View Full Version : All inquisitor army ( Hench men break down)

04-03-2011, 11:06 AM
I have had a group of inquisitorial nutters I have been collecting, now I'm painting and planning.
Here is my breakdown of Henchmen options. Like to here your thoughs

The inquisitorial army

One rule create ( O.K. guide line)an army of inquisitorial only troops with out grey knights where possible
(caveat: i think from reading grey knights this will take a big FAQ to sort out rule glitches. Also I think there may be some 6th ed indications e.g. we know psychics can use one or two powers, however despite this convention the dexes have always given funky names to these levels. Mastery level 1 and 2 has appeared in grey knight and smacks of the war hammer wizard level )
Coteaz ( to make Hench men troops)
And other inquisitors
Assassins and henchmen (FAQ job)
Hench men
Fast attack
Storm ravens ( inquisitors landing craft)
Heavy support
Dred knight (penitent engine stand in)

Ok the strategy troops
I can see 3 types of squad Hench men squad
Shooty (warrior acolytes, servitors with inquisitors, jackero )
Assulty(warrior acolytes, servitors with inquisitors, death cult , archo, crusaders banishers )
Strange( psychics, deamon hosts)
Inquisitor forces listed have nothing that can deep strike, so he is useless to us ( not though for grey knights). Model used as psyker.
I can see him being useful to most Hench man units as go to guy for taking melta and plasma to face for rest of squad. It is worth noting he does not add to fire power. Also he may not be a great return in points if you hide his squad in a chimera.
His power fist is reasonably priced (though servitors are better value) and 5th rules changes mean double handed is not an issue. He is not what you’d call shooty. His abilities are situational however on balance I’d think most assault Hench men unit would do well to have one acting as power fist sergeant. If nothing else it would be embarrassing struggling against deamons with a grey knight codex
Compared to both marine and guard codex these in all forms are a bargain (may be due to not being able to fix vehicles). The mindlock means they need to be led by inquisitor. That can restrict his roll. They don’t have relentless so it is either sit back and shoot or charge forward assault unit ( and therefore inquisitor)
Defiantly upgrade for shooty. Sucks (think tau/gretchin) in close combat. Offers no/little benefit to banishers, crusaders ,deamon hosts, psykers or mystics. The jakero weapon shot will be a matter of nerve and who you fight. Early on and las or is the anti tank more important and melta, or last min flamer ( with a horde that may be only sensible way to go). It’s worth noting that digi weapons are not relentless the fire as the gun E.g. heavy for las and M melta. So you have to be careful that your not tying your unit ( or inquisitor) in to a static role.
Bit of a gamble this 1 for a large blast it’s assault so can go in with assault but also long range so does not hurt shooty units. The ld of the psyker is not great and of course your opponent is may have some defence. BS of psyker is also average. But there is that add more psyker with a third of your men psykers you get a anti marine weapon with most you get a st 10 ap 1 blast It’s a temptation. servo skulls can help with accuracy
.Deamon hosts
Cheap, tough, strong, random. A third of the time their shooty the rest close combat. Most of the time war gear produces the same /more reliable but expensive. Result 3 that as one effect gives fleet is odd. Maybe it’s an oversight ( or may be they plan a change for 6th). Unless their in a squad entirely of hosts i don’t see the benefit. So apart from that roll no bad results ( and you can have a squad of hosts to get round it). Just remember they will probably mess your opponents mind more than yours.
What Coteaz has to say on a squad like that is a different matter

Archo flageant
Your one stop anti horde close combat machine, combines well with death cult. Versus MEQ they should be sacrificed over death cult
Death cult
Your one stop anti MEQ close combat machine, combines well with Archo flageant
. Versus hordes they should be sacrificed over death cult

Warrior acolyte
To simplify things I have used a traffic light system of ranking their options green = good yellow = O.K. red = bad

As is
Only thing that can be described as cheap in codex (may be exaggeration) useful for taking a hit for the team. Most will die nameless and forgotten( Yes that’s you buddy)
Assuming you take crusaders for power weapons and AP1 +2 you may well want some good saves for those extra AP 4,5 +6 and CC hits
Storm bolter ,bolter
Not an option open to guard both seem reasonably costed
Plasma gun
This is compared to guard with similar BS cheap. Acolytes can have better armour but you need to watch them becoming a point sink
This is compared to guard with similar BS expensive. Though accolites average BSmakes it an option
Melta gun
Same cost as IG therefore a good pick
Melta bombs
are fairly costed, can’t say I’d go with them

Hot shot las gun
Not an option guard have so difficult to compare. It is worth noting if you equip an acolyte with hot shot and same armour he is more expensive than a storm trooper and has less BS Main problem is it’s short range so weather it will go with a shooty unit or assulty unit is a tough call.
Combi weapon
These cost the same as the special weapons. It is also worth noting they are twice as expensive than fo BS 4 stern guard
Power fist
Competes with servitor who is much cheaper and banisher which is a close second same-ish points but with some nice anti deamon ability. Neither of these options offer much fire power which were the acolyte option has an edge
Plasma pistol
This is compared to guard with similar BS expensive. Acolytes can have better armour but you need to watch them becoming a point sink

Power weapon
Death cult assassin is cheaper with this and handier with more attacks and higher weapon skill Only reason to take it is to maximise squad fire power by taking a plasma pistol or other decent gun with it

Storm shield
crusader is much cheaper with this. Only reason to take it is to maximise squad fire power by taking a decent gun with it

dave l