View Full Version : Grey Knight Convertions

04-02-2011, 10:19 PM
So seeing how the box sets of the new GKs have so many options on them I was wondering what others might be doing with those bits or how you might be converting other vanilla marines into grey knights?

I was personally thinking of making my intercept squad a mixture of the Sanguinary Guard torsos and jet packs and cutting down the teleport sticks to go on the back of their legs about calf height while also cutting the length down a bit. Also other bits from the Sanguinary Guard I think go really well with PAGK and make for some simple changes to some awesome models.

04-02-2011, 10:23 PM
I'm going to get a box of Terminators and then some Tomb King bits when they're released in May to make some Rubrig Terminators.

04-03-2011, 02:21 AM
I'm building up a box of Grey Knights as Space Marine Honour Gurad. I'm also using Space Marine Command Squad components and green stuff to cover up some of the script on the Grey Knight parts that don't fit with my Chapter.

04-03-2011, 02:22 AM
Probably won't do a full army. but some custodes are definitely on the cards.

04-03-2011, 11:57 AM
I might be going for a Techmarine using Crowe as a base, with the normal servo-harness instead of his backpack. Maybe swapping out the deamonsword for the mechanicus cog-axe as well. not even sure im going to start a grey kniight army :P just like the idea of that model

04-03-2011, 01:25 PM
Wow I can tell that my spelling goes out the window when the wee hours of the morning come along. ( the title explains it all)

Curious what others are doing to make Dreds with the two autocannon arms as some have been throwing around in their lists? It seems like a decent build and very inexpensive option to GKs

I was thinking of cutting down the lascannons and then putting on a barrel end that looks more like an actual barrel for a round than a barrel for a lazer.

04-03-2011, 02:15 PM
Not really a conversion, but the two-handed weapon arms would be nice for various Space Marine armies.

04-03-2011, 02:26 PM
Good luck trying to convert most vanilla Marine models to look like GKs. The wargear is totally different. You're not going to be able to just buy a tactical squad and a bit of greenstuff and slap a few bitz on and call it a day.

04-03-2011, 05:50 PM
As to the dread thing ...

I'll just pinch the arms of one of my SM dreads (already got a rifleman dread combo). Arms won't even need repainting, as they are white and red respectively, two colours that are already in use on my GK).

04-03-2011, 05:50 PM
im thinking of using Dark angel vet bodies with GK bits for my justicars to have them stand out a little better. plus space marines in robes are cool. if they come out good i may just do all my purifiers like that.

04-04-2011, 08:57 AM
I have to disagree with DarkLink to some extent.

You are right in saying good luck, but I'm actually setting out to do just what you've said can't be done. Yes there are going to be some things that can't be fixed by mere greenstuff, and some of the details won't be possible on the vanillas. But I'm determined to make a good looking Grey Knights army out of the GK sets as well as various SM bits [probably not Space Wolves, but everything else yes]

Again, I do agree that this is going to be a daunting task, but I'm a hobbyist and an artist, and this is my goal for Greys...

I'm going to have progress pics up on my website www.xaqindustries.com once I begin...


04-04-2011, 09:19 AM
Probably the easiest way to do riflemen is to buy a dread and use the autocannons from the "aegis defense line," set from planetstrike.


04-05-2011, 04:39 AM
Good luck trying to convert most vanilla Marine models to look like GKs. The wargear is totally different. You're not going to be able to just buy a tactical squad and a bit of greenstuff and slap a few bitz on and call it a day.

But wouldn't it be easy enough to buy say a box of Grey Knights and a Space Marine Combat Squad to chuck together to make 10 Grey Knights? I don't play Grey Knights so have no real idea on how many bits you get in a box ect but it's what i would do with Blood Angels and Space Wolves ect too to save a few quid.

04-05-2011, 05:58 AM
I'll probably buy Fantasy Dark Elf Witches and turn them into Death-Cult Assassins. Wood Elf Warsingers can work too.

04-05-2011, 09:46 AM
Not so much a conversion as a "slap some bits together" but, as there isnt a Brotherhood Champion model floating around (yet) and i wanted one for my lower-point lists where the librarian would be too expensive, i bought a Space Marine Commander box with my Grey Knights and used spare parts to build him up.

Only ended up using three parts of the commander, too...the legs and rear torso on the main body, and the "loin cloth" on the backpack for extra detail.
Used a GK front torso to complete the body with cloak
Spare NFS for the main weapon, with SB as you'd expect from a GK model :p
Both shoulder pads were the script-covered ones (from the second sprue, where there are two separate from the main group of pads)
Spare Strike squad backpack (with the loin cloth on the back, as mentioned) rounded off the model nicely. A couple of purity seals, and the shoulder-mounted shield, for detail, and it's done.

Will post some pics when i get home (only pics i have so far are part-built ones...)

04-05-2011, 10:53 AM
But wouldn't it be easy enough to buy say a box of Grey Knights and a Space Marine Combat Squad to chuck together to make 10 Grey Knights? I don't play Grey Knights so have no real idea on how many bits you get in a box ect but it's what i would do with Blood Angels and Space Wolves ect too to save a few quid.

You get lots of weapons, but not enough shoulder pads, arms, helmets or backpacks to outfit the tactical squad.

If you bought 3+ GK squads, you might accumulate enough spare parts to outfit the tacs. They still wouldn't look too much like Gks, though, as the torso and legs have vastly different. They would look like tactical Marines with GK shoulderpads.

04-06-2011, 02:11 AM
speaking as someone who has 4 boxes of strike squads, you do indeed have more than enough to outfit additional squads; the only thing that you run out of completely are bodies (except the front of the torso...you get six in a box, heads (also six helms, and two bare heads per box), and shoulder pads (14 per box). Then you have all the weapons left, which in most cases come with specific arms in order to pose properly, and you have loads left after.

As DarkLink says, you wont have the ornate armour with script segments, because you use them, however DA veteran marines in robes cover up most of this "defficiency" and as i say above, a Space Marine Commander model's legs dont detract from the model's "grey knighty-ness" :p

You could certainly make some good looking models using the combination of kits, but people will notice that they're not "authentic" Grey Knights. But at the end of the day...it's your hobby, do it as you want. If you're happy with them (and i probably would be) then that's what matters...

You get twelve shoulder pads in a box, not 14. My bad doing things from memory after a night with little sleep. If you want to see precisely what's in the GKSS box, take a look on the GW site, where there are sprue images, or in this month's WD, where there is a sprue index

04-07-2011, 04:56 PM
hey EasyC get the bastion box that come with the quad gun turrets they make great auto cannons for a dread plus it comes with a left and right

04-07-2011, 07:33 PM
I'm going to have to look into that. It comes with other weapons, too?

04-07-2011, 09:19 PM
hey EasyC get the bastion box that come with the quad gun turrets they make great auto cannons for a dread plus it comes with a left and right

Awesome! Now to try it out. Found some examples online and seems very easy to do. I think I finally found a use for all that Planet strike stuff I bought.

04-20-2011, 10:03 AM
With the new stuff im pretty much gona "re-equipe" my older models. got about 50 metal GK's all with halberds. I want to make a Gk techmarine as well, will probably combine a Termie with the techmarines gear. or maybe crowe, read that one erlier, sounded good to me to.