View Full Version : BA Drop Pod Shenanigans

04-01-2011, 10:13 PM
OK, so my friend plays Daemons, and says he always lets his opponent go first, thus wasting a turn waiting for the daemons to arrive (1/2 first turn, rest reserved).

I got to thinking based upon the DoA article on the BOLS blog that this would be fun for BA players to attempt the same thing with 1/2 Drop Pods as the "1/2" dropping in with the rest of the units in reserve. Equip all units with either Drop Pods or ensure deep strike/DoA, and let them waste a turn, and then start popping guys up out of pods first turn, then remainder from then on DS

Anyone tried this yet?

John M.

04-02-2011, 12:00 AM
OK, so my friend plays Daemons, and says he always lets his opponent go first, thus wasting a turn waiting for the daemons to arrive (1/2 first turn, rest reserved).

I got to thinking based upon the DoA article on the BOLS blog that this would be fun for BA players to attempt the same thing with 1/2 Drop Pods as the "1/2" dropping in with the rest of the units in reserve. Equip all units with either Drop Pods or ensure deep strike/DoA, and let them waste a turn, and then start popping guys up out of pods first turn, then remainder from then on DS

Anyone tried this yet?

John M.

It's not exactly a new tactic and can be quite strong, noting how many full drop pod armies have hit the tables. It's stronger, as you point out, with BA because of rerolling reserve rolls. Any other army and you'd suffer the same problem that daemons face where if your reserve rolls aren't friendly, then you could suffer. If looking at BA, though, I'd suggest going full DoA unless you want to bring in some dreads (even then, just bring a Stormraven) because you're not forced to commit anything to your opponent on turn 1. If you go second with a bunch of DoA BA, you have the opportunity to deny your opponent two turns of doing anything but positioning while having a good chance of getting several units in with pretty accurate results.

Seems like a fun approach. :)

04-20-2011, 10:41 AM
Nope havn't tried it myself but, i have daemon player friend and SM ones to ( immagine that...) anyway, its a great idea. having half your army come in on turn 1/2 plus the damn things auto correct, so no scattering into things for mishaps, just scattering off the board. yea.. great idea : / lol

"To the righeous we bring hope. To the tainted we bring fire."

- Castellan Garran crowe

04-22-2011, 10:16 PM
Might work well going against your friends Demons army. But I have seen marine players do a full drop pod army and then watched thier opponent go full reserve om them. I have used a full DoA army and have players go full reserve on me as well. Just depends on the mission objectives and what type of player you have standing across the table from you. If you go full DoA then at least you have the choice to put all the units on the board to start, or hold some back. It gives you more flexability then drop pods IMO.

04-23-2011, 04:50 PM
My advise, as someone who thinks Steel Rain is the ONLY way to play, you have to spend a lot of thought on what you pack in a Drop Pod army. Blood Angels have some advantages that you can use Land Raiders and Stormravens.

Consider some mortis dreads/ devastators. You do not have to come in your pod, so if your opponent decides to reserve their army, you can place your dreads n' devastators in the choicest of terrain, then have the pods come in 'annoying' spots onto the board (ie limiting the ways for your opponent to enter from reserve). This will maximize your firepower. Don't forget to get some locator beacons if you take land raiders/ stormravens and deep strike them.

If your opponent does decide to deploy on the board, deploying the dreads n' devastators may still be useful. Then delay their respective drop pods. Then have as many of your units come in on turn 1.

04-24-2011, 07:55 AM
I do that with my Tyranids. 3 Mawlocs and a Doomspore deepstrike, genestealers and Tervigon outflank, Flyrant commander gargoyles and termagants are kept in reserve. That means the enemy gets one turn less to shoot at me. In DoW deployment I just don't deploy the Mawlocs so they enter play Turn 1, and I Burrow them.

04-24-2011, 08:38 AM
oooh. I like that you use 3 mawlocs. Personally, I like fielding 2 mawlocs and a Poddin' Screamer Killer with frag spines and adrenal glands (nothing like a plasma cannon with 5 re-rolling to hit Initiative 4, str 10 attacks).

04-24-2011, 12:20 PM
Mawlocs FTW. They rarely win games, but they help the rest of my forces do their job. A huge MC in the middle of your army draws attention, and 2-3 of them make many people panic, even if they never live to do much damage.

04-24-2011, 08:30 PM
While this may work ok for now... I have a feeling this strategy is going to become less and less effective.

Wolves have Tempests Wrath (basically 1/6 of the models DSing will die)
Grey Knights have Warp quake (Mishaps if too close!)
IG have + to reserve roll shenanigans for really cheap.

So, while you think you're wasting a turn of your enemy, you're actually letting him make your life more difficult... and lets also not forget that mobility is key in 5th edition. 1 turn can be enough for an enemy to decide where the battle will be fought, which isn't always just a small advantage (a popped rhino in my own deployment zone = scoring unit that can only contest my home objective... A rhino that's carried my squad 12" forward = a unit that can contest just about anything.).

04-24-2011, 09:53 PM
All deep striking armies have a finesse feature to them. They are not easy to play. However, they can allow you to dictate the way the battle will be played, simply due to placement.

In most cases your opponent must set up on the board to use their interrupt power abilities. That's fine by me