View Full Version : New Assembly Instructions

Kieranator K82
04-01-2011, 06:59 PM
Cracked open my box of GK Terminators, and what do I find? A more detailed intstruction 'manual', more in line with those of model kits from companies such as Tamiya, Airfix etc. Is this the future of GW instruction manuals, or am I late to the party and has this been around for a while? I like the way they numbered everything and made the instructions so simple even the most foolhardy cretin could assemble the models.

04-01-2011, 09:21 PM
They have been around since Dark Eldar I think. It is funny though in the case of the Stormraven as it came with the new instructions and nearly everyone still managed to glue the tail on backwards

04-01-2011, 09:37 PM
They've been progressing this way for a while... If you go back to Tyranids, you'll find the start of it. Each sprue is labeled with a letter to tell you the type (S - small, L - large--monst creat sprue-- T- Termy, H- Hormy G- Gene, W- Warrior...) then they added letters to define Exarchs on Dire Avengers, then came letters to match bodies to certain arm sets and legs....

baby steps...

you should see the Grey Knights regular unit... that's a nightmare of labeling.

John M.