View Full Version : Grey Knights and marketing

04-01-2011, 11:47 AM
Am I the grumpiest old bugger or what?

Now I know I shouldn't complain, primarily because as stated many-a-time I usually only go to GW for the odd paint or bit I need (Ragnar Company shoulder pads).


Christ I hate the marketing strategy. The refusal to publish formally a schedule of release. The rumours, the 'leaked pictures', the new minis hiding in the back of shots in WD. The hype.

Really annoyingly, the leaked rules, then indy dealers getting their black box codex copy, the discussions of lists on the net before mere mortals have even seen the codex.

The whole thing vexeth me mightily - I think GK has brought it into sharp focus for, as I find them interesting as opposed to spikey space elves which were just more xenos to crush beneath my boot.

Does it really magnify sales any, would there be less hype than if we knew for definite 1 year in advance what was coming? Would people not save up even more for stupid amounts of plastic crack?

I try not to work myself up into new codex histrionics, I believe it is the purview of what Jabba the Hutt would refer to as 'weak minded fools'.

Rant over.

04-01-2011, 12:18 PM
What bugs me is that the codex isn't even out yet, but there's already a ton of questions that need an FAQ or Errata.

04-01-2011, 12:25 PM
Yeah I hate the way GW does things too, but hey it's their company and they can run it however they want. Personally I see how they do buisness as a middle finger to the customer and I have mixed feeling about it. On one hand I wish they would go under and see all the higher ups that made the decisions loose all their money and live in trash cans, but on the other hand that would mean no more game and that would suck. But then again I haven't bought anything since they hiked up their prices so I'm really on the verge of being pushed out of the hobby I love so much. I am with you on the hate of the leaked rumors, I really hate the one about squats being in the new Tau book, because it could be true or it could be some dick that was just bored one day and thought it would be funny to spread some rumor.
I hate it so much. I wish the GW high ups would have a day where the customers can get back at them and kick them in their pants.

04-01-2011, 12:28 PM
What bugs me is that the codex isn't even out yet, but there's already a ton of questions that need an FAQ or Errata.

Black box copies of the codex. I wish they'd learn and send out a beta in a black box and let the entire world playtest it and address it in the codex when it's printed.

04-01-2011, 01:15 PM
Excellent idea.

04-01-2011, 01:44 PM
One of the most unfortunate parts of their business strategy are the price hikes. Its common in any niche hobby really; prices get hiked simply bc executives cant think of anything else to do. Of course cost may rise, but at what point are some of the models really worth their cost? Does the production of a Soul Grinder come anywhere near $60?? There comes a point when excessive profitability turns on you; when your customers have had enough.

True GW is the only supplier due to its IP rights, but bc of these excessive prices we find people using internet providers for cost savings, 'knock off' companies making alternative parts, and people generally finding replacements. I try to support my local hobby shops with the majority of purchases bc of the access to playing tables. But I simply cannot justify some of the larger purchases that can have significant savings on websites. If GW presented 'fair' pricing, than I would support them with my purchases 100%.

Furthermore, the hidden marketing style is quite interesting. One would think the reason is for more control over the product lines so that they could do as they fancy without upsetting people waiting for certain releases. But this isnt the case as they often produce models months in advance. So why they do it is lost on me.

04-01-2011, 02:33 PM
I agree that it's a bit annoying, but the strategy is sound. Having discussion online as provided by those who have seen the codex and even played games with it generates excitement for the general purchasing base. The hype sells models, plain and simple. Easter eggs all over the place means that all of their correspondence will seem worthwhile and this helps boost sales for their marketing material, including White Dwarf and their online content.

Having bits and pieces come out a little bit at a time, I agree, is annoying because I'd rather know more than less. In the end, though, if you knew everything about the codex well-before its release, not only would sales, but also excitement rapidly diminish.

04-01-2011, 02:53 PM
One of the most unfortunate parts of their business strategy are the price hikes.

Oddly enough the Grey Knights Terminators did not get a price hike. At $50 they are the same price as vanilla termies but have far more bits and options. I was expecting $60-65.

04-01-2011, 04:02 PM
Well it certainly seems to be effective...I went to pick-up some GK stuff after work today and all the Dread Knights were sold out. 12 boxes gone in an hour.

I don't believe that would not have happened without the pre-release speculation and hype.

04-01-2011, 05:56 PM
Black box copies of the codex. I wish they'd learn and send out a beta in a black box and let the entire world playtest it and address it in the codex when it's printed.

I know where the early stuff comes from. What's sad is GW's inability to find and correct problems with their rules. They should just give up and hire Privateer Press to do all their actual rules for them:rolleyes:.

04-02-2011, 12:59 AM
Something i never quite understood is why they got rid of the Apoc-deals. The 3 basilisks for 90$(USD) the Green Tide for 150(USD)...:(

Those were great deals that got split for greater profits from the individual components.

Also, i miss bits orders...Those were AMAZING!!!:D

04-02-2011, 02:36 AM
I think it was GENIUS of them. The marketing hyped the Grey Knights and they are SELLING like hotcakes. As a long time player of GK i am not happy about all the net list but I hate netlist and what the 'net has done for that aspect of the hobby.

As far as price hikes, Really the price hike are a needed aspect of like EVERYTHING goes up.Plus it is not like GW is making you buy anything. On top of that is the price when up and the overall quality was static I would be angry too . That is not the case the quality of the product is at an all time high ad they are kicking the crud of all the competitors with their quality of product.

Also the cost of starting and upgrading has gone down form most armies. as thing go plastic from metal the cost foes down. Example DE Wyches the old metal was 10 dollars a model for regular girl and they sucked. so get get a squad of ten you spend 30 plus you need the blaster and the squad leader each of those were 2 dollars more so bump that 30 to 34 and you have 10 not so attractive metal models. now for 24.75 you get 10 hot models and all the bits to model them how every you want. Same thing in Fantasy Dark Elf Cold one knights were 50 for 5 and they stunk not it is 24.75 for 5, Same with Chaos Knights and Chaos Marauder horsemen, Lizardmen Cold One Riders, Lizardmen Temple Guard, High Elf White Lions and so one and so one. The Dark Eldar Warriors were a 10 man box for 33.00 and they sucked balls now they are sharp and sweet and 20 for 24.75. Grey knight termins were 15 (75 for 5) now 50 for 5 and cool as bitz and plastic. Grey knights were 35 for 5 and all you got was a weak butt Incinerator now 33 for 5 and you get all 3 weapon choices.

The rumors I really wonder how many come form players and how many come for GW because redshirt and black shirts know VERY little and they stopped doing the six month window for trade accounts.

The Models get better and mostly cost lest or hold the same. This is a hobby if you cannot afford then maybe you need to look for something cheaper. I would hate to see players leave and they threaten to but we don't because we have a community and a game we are so invested in that is why we get so upset we love the universe and it is part of us so we get very passionate about it.

Uncle Nutsy
04-02-2011, 02:55 AM
Black box copies of the codex. I wish they'd learn and send out a beta in a black box and let the entire world playtest it and address it in the codex when it's printed.

yeah, i'm not so sure I agree with this. Mainly because when you have new codecies mixing in with old, it tends to screw them both up.

I think what they're trying to do with these new codecies is a rebuild from the ground up, since all of the armies are getting a 5e update.

Better to have the dex work well under 5th and each other than having to worry about what the old dexes can handle.

I know it's tough to go through this but I think we're better off in the long run when each 5th ed dex can go against each other on an even playing field, and not have to worry about how well they work with the 4th/3rd dexes.

04-02-2011, 12:06 PM
yeah, i'm not so sure I agree with this. Mainly because when you have new codecies mixing in with old, it tends to screw them both up.

I think what they're trying to do with these new codecies is a rebuild from the ground up, since all of the armies are getting a 5e update.

Better to have the dex work well under 5th and each other than having to worry about what the old dexes can handle.

I know it's tough to go through this but I think we're better off in the long run when each 5th ed dex can go against each other on an even playing field, and not have to worry about how well they work with the 4th/3rd dexes.

Perhaps if they borrowed again from Privateer Press' business strategy, they wouldn't have this issue.

1.) Release the beta rules for free--to the entire player base, along with revamped unit entries for every codex.

2.) Gather data back from your playtesters. Review and make any appropriate changes to the final product.

3.) Release the new rules edition, and new, updated codices for every army within a 12-18 month span.

4.) Watch the internet ragers impload from actually getting their wish.

5.) Profit! ;)

Now before the whole PP is much smaller than GW and they couldn't even HOPE to do the same w/GW's volume, consider this.

Hordes/Warmachine has 11 total "factions/armies." (WM: Cygnar, Menoth, Khador, Cryx, Retributin, Mercs; Hordes: Circle, Trolls, Skorne, Legoin & Minions) 40k has 14 armies.

So, it would seem, that on the surface, that GW has more that they have to deal with, making it harder for them to accomplish the same goal.

However, just as one example, the WM: Mercenaries army book has 67 different entries. Sixty. Seven.

The Imperial Guard codex only has 51. And that's including all the upgrade options and Leman Russ variants, etc. The Dark Eldar codex only has 32 entries. Clearly, the gap between the two games isn't as wide as some people would like to think.

Now lets look at price: with 40k codices running around 95 pages mostly black&white for $29.00, you get some okay content. Privateer Press runs full color army books running from 140 pages to 175 pages on average for $34.99.

If you revamp everything at the same time (and PP has shown it can be done) you get a lot of happy players, and a lot of profit, as they go out and get...gasp value(!) for their money. And, of course, a game system where every army has been tuned to work to the new edition.