View Full Version : You have to read this! You can triple the number of games you play!

04-01-2011, 09:03 AM
My buddy rolls dice amazingly well. I don't. In our last game, I said, "I wish I could just roll average." He said, "I'd be fine with that."

I got to thinking, and created 2 average dice tables. I have used them a couple times, and the amazing thing is that there is still randomness in the game, but you can play MUCH faster.

The tables are set up to take the number of shots or attacks, then based on the to hit, they give you the hits, then you slide over to the strength toughness comparison and take the wounds number. So look at the ranged attack table, BS4 22 shots with a S4 weapon vs a T3 unit, you look in the -1 column and see that the attack yeilds 9.8 wounds. If that is the only weapon shooting you then roll for the last wound. You get the 9 wounds, but on a 1d6 roll of 2+, you get the 10th wound. Those last wounds work like this: .1 to .2 needs a 6+, .21 to .4 needs a 5+, .41 to .6 needs a 4+, .61 to .8 needs a 3+, .81 to .9 needs a 2+. So you only roll for the last wound. If you have 3 types of weapons shooting, then add the 3 wound results, and if you still have a decimal, roll for that last wound. If you have weapons that beat armor, then keep those seperate, and roll for those decimals seperate.

At higher numbers of attacks I skipped by 5's, so for 48 attacks, just add the wound from 45 and 3 together. The math works out the same.

So now you have the number of wounds as a whole number. Go over to the table that has a W column. That is the number of wounds. Slide over to the correct save column, and that number is the number of DEAD models. Again roll for the last model if there is a decimal.

So now we have to deal with rerolls. Basically you always roll 1d6 to determine the decimal, then take anything that needs a reroll back into the table. Rerolling hits means look at the number under the BS. That is the number of hits. Roll for the decimal, then subtract from the original shots, those are the misses, so use that number as shots going back through the table. Total the wounds from the hits and the rerolled hits, and roll for the decimal, then go to the wounds table. Fortune and FNP means you go through the wounds table twice. Doom means you take the number of wounds generated, and subtract that from the hits, and use that number to enter the table from the hits column instead of the shots or attacks column. There is some extrapolation there, but it is still close to average dice.

Scatter dice, running, difficult terrain, leadership checks, ability checks, and low rate of fire weapons stay as regular dice rolls. You can figure all that out yourself. I play Eldar, and have lots of BS3 TL Scatter Laser weapons. Average dice are 3 hits out of 4 shots. Based on the toughness of the target, I just roll for the last wound, then my opponent rolls for the last armor save.

Rending maybe should happen regular, or divide the wounds by 6, and roll for the decimal.

It really is easy, once you get the hang of it, and you still have the back and forth effect of rolling when you roll for the last wound or save.

One thing I have found is people will start making their decisions on what to shoot based on the table. We have made a house rule, that the opposing player looks at and uses the table, during each player's turn. It is kind of like premeasuring. You are not allowed to consult the table when you determine your targets.

Try it out one time, and let me know if I can improve the table. Also, if there are effects I have not thought of, that need to be addressed, let me know.

Sorry guys I can't upload pdf's here. So check out this thread for the files.


04-01-2011, 09:40 PM
wish I could show you guys

04-01-2011, 10:59 PM
Eh, nice idea. I just do the calculations in my head. Percentages based on d6 or 2d6 isn't that hard to figure out once you have the pattern down.

04-02-2011, 09:13 AM
If you think I am an idiot, then April Fool's!

If not read further...

I played a game last night and the rule was any ranged or melee attack using 5 or more dice could use the table. 4 dice or less we rolled. Also, at anytime, either player could roll dice in place of the table, and either player could ask the other to roll rather than use the table.

Sometimes we rolled and sometimes we took the average and moved on. It sped up the game, but to my mind didn't take anything away from the drama. At one point, I had 3 units of Guarcdian jet bikes shooting at marines. 12 TL shots equals 4.8 wounds. 1st squad shot, and I rolled a 4 to get the extra wound. That meant 2.3 marines die. He rolled to save the 3rd, and failed. Then a 2nd Guardian squad shot. I rolled a 5, and he failed to save. His 10 man squad was down to 4 guys. It had been doomed by the farseer by the way.

At that point I was going to shoot the 3rd squad at the same unit, and my opponent said to roll as normal. I did and ended up killing 2.

Friendly game, and lots of fun.