View Full Version : I want to play dark eldar

03-31-2011, 10:29 PM
Like the title says, I want to play dark eldar but Im iffy because I feel like they might be to much of a glass canon? Ive always played xenos, because I dislike space marines and I used to play nids so not getting saves, im used to, I want to know, with playing dark eldar, what to expect, where do you rate them on a scale of 1-10 compared to other armies and how, as a new player can expect going into them.

03-31-2011, 11:56 PM
I am a big fan of the Dark Eldar. I have played SM (Salamanders), Chaos Daemons, IG, Blood Angels, and Dark Eldar. Of all the armies I listed, I usually have the most fun with Dark Eldar. There are quite a few interesting lists that you can make and still do pretty well with. I run a mixed Kabalite/Wyche army. I drive around in raiders shooting at tough targets, and my wyches can usually come in behind me and clean up.

I find that I don't really rely on pain tokens. They are not that hard to get, but for the most part I don't factor them into my game plan.

You can also play a straight Haemonculi Coven army with Wracks and Grotesques, but that isn't really my thing.

They are best described as paper planes with nukes tied to them. When I play tyranids, all my poison just rips through their MCs, even with 3+ or 2+ saves if you get enough wounds you are bound to force some failed saves. Against Marines armies I don't do to bad either, but I have to be much more tactical. I have had my raiders blown up by bolters more times that I want to think about and if my Wyches get caught in the open I might as well just pick them up and put them back in their tray.

On a scale of 1-10 I would give them a 9. They are a fun army, easy to paint, and have a few different archetype list you can expand upon. My only complaint is the last of a plastic venom.

04-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Like any army, it depends on the skill of the players whether an army is 'good'. They are definitely as durable as other armies, so you have to play them differently. They do have all the tools to totally wreck face, so it might take awhile to determine the build you like and how to play it. Having said that, I find them a very enjoyable army which can deal with other armies quite well. Mech IG is their toughest match-up, but if you can make it to their lines not totally depleted, then you'll be OK. If you're interested in playing them, I would say 'yes, go play them'.