View Full Version : Terrain Making

03-31-2011, 09:37 PM
I need some help making some formidable terrain for my local game store, and i was wondering if you guys have any ideas, because i am drawing a blank

04-01-2011, 01:00 AM
Formidable? You could go with some sort of WW2 bunker or a Ewok type tree village or a tank factory. Something like that?

04-01-2011, 05:55 AM
Well I posted these the other day


And it's on another forum but bugbait_nz has produced what could only be described as 'formidable' here:


04-01-2011, 06:13 AM
Well I posted these the other day


And it's on another forum but bugbait_nz has produced what could only be described as 'formidable' here:


Beat me too it. Also thanks for the links, I have started a few projects based on your STC templates.

@Wombatofcombat - what type of battlefield do you have in mind? this usually help decide the style of terrain you are making.

A City board would have lots of rubble and ruined buildings, and the occasional "bunker" whilst a battlefield would have bunkers, bastions, tank traps and craters.

Once you decide on the theme it gets abit easier.

08-13-2011, 05:43 AM
New .pdf plans for a man made hill are available you can get them by going here (http://40kaddict.blogspot.com/2011/08/terrain-is-everything-hail-omnissiah.html).


I know you may be wondering why anyone would want to make a 'man made hill' but my reasoning [explained in the blog] is that not everyone can get access to pink/white/peach/blue foam to make your standard hills but foamcard can be accessed relatively easily via ebay and craft shops.

So if you can make a hill equivalent with foam card that's one problem solved. It may be slightly more expensive in the long run but it's an option open to all terrain hobbyists. I've a couple more designs I'm going to work on as well.