View Full Version : DE 1000pts... Input/Tips plz

03-30-2011, 09:35 PM
Hi all. I posted here for the first time about a month ago. I was just getting into 40K for the first time and the members here really helped me put togather a competitive first army @ 750 pts. It's time to expand a little now (as my gaming group is increasing by 250 each month untill we are all @ a min of 2000pts. So building upon what I assembled for my 750, here's what I'm looking at at 1000. Any tips or input would be greatly appreciated.

btw... with the group I play with, I will routinely come against Tau, Necron, Orcs, Ultramarines, Eldar, and Bloodangles... In case that makes much difference in what you would suggest I field.

Archon - Agoniser, Ghostplate, Combat Drugs, Clone Field, WWP, Haywire Grenades - 160pts
Haemonculus - Stinger Pistol, Venomblade, WWP, Scissorhand - 110

Warriors (8) - 72
Wyches (8) - Razonflail, Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades - 136

Incubi (5) - Klaivex, Bloodstone, Demiklaive - 150

Fast Attack
Hellion (5) - Hellarch, Stunclaw - 95

Ravager - Flickerfield - 115

Raider 1 - Flickerfield, Splinter Racks - 80
Raider 2 - Flickerfield, Shockprow, Aethersail - 80

The Archon will be loaded in raider #1 with the warrior squad. It will be their job to fly around and harrass infantry as much as possible (i.e. as long as the raider holds out). The Haemonculus will be mounted with the wyches in Raider 2. They will pick a high priority enemy armored unit and utilize the Aethersail and Shockprow to quickly get to it and ram it. Wyches unload and begin assulting the enemy while the Haemonculus sets up the WWP, through which the hellions and incubi will enter. You may think the Haemonculus gear to be a little strange, but I figured since he is with the Wyches and will be assulting... I tried to make him a bit more of an assult threat cheaply. Also, the Archon is carrying a WWP as well just incase something happens and the Haemoculus is unable to set his.

In planning this list, Im mainly thinking about "Meatgrinder" type of battles. We havent bothered with many objective based games yet since we were all only playing with 750pts and now 1000pts, however Im sure this will change once we get more sizeable forces put togather.

03-31-2011, 03:55 AM
Its good you get a varied opponents list!

Looks a healthy list, and not knowing what your 750 one was...The CC Hemon is a good call as well, but if you can wiggle the points out, maybe give him a Liquifier gun instead of the pistol...givew a good flamey death to whoever the Wyches are going to assault.

Also, appreciate how awesome a Klaivex is, but with demis and the bloodstone thats 62 points on one guy, who doesn't have an invulnerable save, doesn't have a transport, and doesn't have a big enough squad to meatshield him up safely. In a smaller game, such as this the point might be better suited elsewhere? Like giving the Warriors a Blaster?

03-31-2011, 08:59 AM
I agree - may not want to put so many points on a single model at this points level, in that small a squad. I would drop the toys and get another Incubi to boost the squad size (unless you plan a Venom for them next month).

I'm a little concerned about lack if long-range AT in your army. Lots of potential Rhinos, Devilfish, Piranha, Hammerheads, Vipers, Falcons, etc. that you could be facing as the lists get bigger. Your list only lets you shoot at 3 vehicles per turn as is. You cannot count on each one taking out a Rhino or other transport each shot. Also, you intend to charge those Raiders in close quickly - you can expect them to drop just as quickly, reducing your AT shots even more.

Definitely give the Warriors a Blaster. Good against both Infantry and tanks. Consider what you want to add "next month" as you'll be seeing more vehicles there. Adding 250 points next month, I would probably want to consider a Ravager (or a flier) to add to the list as a primary addition.

Good Luck!

03-31-2011, 09:30 PM
Thanks for the tip. Ultimately, yes, the Incubi will be mounted in a Raider identical to the wyches, I will then attach the archon to them and use the same shockprow tactics with them. However for the time being, I can see where you are coming from on the cost of the Klaivex. The reason for me using him was just to add some "Flamer" type damage with the bloodstone, but I have no problem waiting to do that until its a larger squad in a raider.

The other thing that was bothering me the more I thought about this list is the Archon. He is an assult beast, but in this current setup, he's gonna be kinda useless. I have him with a shooty squad and he doesn't bring much to the table in that catagory (at least not the way I have it setup atm). So... I'm considering benching him for this point level and replacing him with a cheaper Heamoculus equiped with Hexrifle and WWP.

If I make that adjustment plus the klaivex, that will free up 90pts... hmmm what to do with it. Adding the blaster will kill 15 of it, but that still leaves 75pts to spend. I could add another heamonculus to the incubi squad so that they come in with a pain token... thoughts?

Oh and as for the plans as we progress to 1250 and 1500... I plan on working in 2 more ravagers ultimately for a total of 3 on the table @ 1500.