View Full Version : Cygnar Markus Brisbane & Rangers

Mr X
03-30-2011, 09:27 PM
I'm very new to Warmachine and I've been reading all over the place that using his Foxhole spell Markus Brisbane can give Rangers stealth when it interacts with their Prowl ability.

My reading of the rules are that Concealment and Cover are 2 different things.

Foxhole gives the unit cover which activates the rangers camouflage rule but Prowl requires concealment to activate which foxhole does not provide.

So what am I missing here that somehow gives the rangers concealment and in turn stealth?

03-31-2011, 07:39 AM
I don't think you're missing anything. Having just double checked my book, you're correct. They wouldn't benefit from Stealth. Unless I'm terribly mistaken, those who posted that the Rangers would get stealth are incorrect.

Of course, they're still immune to Blast Damage and have a ridiculously high Def score of 20. That's pretty much just as good as Stealth anyway, especially since they won't be blocking LOS to your own models.


Mr X
03-31-2011, 05:08 PM
Thanks Brentron, I just wanted to check that there was no rule somewhere that I hadn't seen that gives you concealment when in magical cover or something odd like that.

Inquisitor Hate Machine
04-02-2011, 11:35 PM
Thanks Brentron, I just wanted to check that there was no rule somewhere that I hadn't seen that gives you concealment when in magical cover or something odd like that.

He is correct. The nice thing about this game is the abilities are very well worded, and pretty much if it doesnt say "from cover" then you don't get it from cover. Prowl is still a very nice ability, just gotta make smoke effects!

MAYBE they are talking about his Tier 3 ability which gives him some AOE 3 cloud effects at the start of the game, which would trigger prowl..