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03-30-2011, 08:33 PM
Question, does a combat's resolution affect a challenge?

My Captain was busy dueling a Vampire in a recent Empire vs. Vampire Counts battle, somehow holding his own against him. Despite my Captain doing well, my 30 Greatswords were reduced to only one man and his Grave Guard numbered around 20.

Obviously, he killed my last guy and won combat res by a very large amount. Now, here is the question. Since I technically lost combat, does my Captain in the duel need to take a test to flee? does he remain in the duel? and if he flee's, does he 'instantly die' from running from a duel? I'm asking these since every observer of this combat offered a different opinion. The rule book is a bit vague about it and since this duel affected the larger scope of the game, it'd be nice to know for the future.

03-31-2011, 08:35 AM
If he loses combat, he takes a break test. If he fails the break test, he flees, just like any other unit would.

Being in a duel doesn't protect you from taking break tests or fleeing.

Being in a duel doesn't mean that you auto-die if you flee.

The rulebook isn't really vague at all. It tells you exactly how to resolve combat, what to do when you lose, and what to do when you fail your break test and flee. Nothing in the rules for challenges modifies any of those rules at all.

03-31-2011, 10:08 AM
Gotcha! Prolly didn't help we were all looking through the challenges section instead of the break combat section to figure this out, thanks!

03-31-2011, 01:12 PM
Yeah. It's easy to get stuck thinking, "the rules probably handle this unusual situation differently than normal," look through the situation-specific rules expecting to find some specific rules for this specific situation, fail to find any, and come away thinking that the rules don't cover the situation you're in. It's important to always remember that, if there are more general rules covering a category into which your situation falls, they apply to your situation unless the situation specific rules somehow override them--when the situation specific rules don't mention your situation at all, it doesn't mean that the rules are vague or have holes; it just means that you need to go back and use the more general rules.