View Full Version : 1500 GK Thawndrop

03-30-2011, 04:31 PM
this is intended as more of an exercise, since I really plan on playing a Coteaz list. I just wanted to hear people's opinions on a basic GK list.

Grand Master Mordrak

Vindicare Assassin

10 GKs w/ 2 Psycannons, Master-crafted Hammer, Rhino
10 GKs w/ 2 Psycannons, Master-crafted Hammer, Rhino
5 Terminators with Thawn, Hammer, Incinerator


TOTAL 1500

The plan is to keep things simple. Mordrak drops safely on turn 1 with the Terminators. Choosing normal Terminators over Ghosts does several things. It allows me to drop Thawn into the enemy lines, where he'll be a real pain, and it allows me to split Mordrak from the unit if needed. This is also important to use Karamazov's By Any Means Necessary rule. Suiciding miniatures that are either free (ghosts if they appear) or virtually immortla (Thawn) allows me to do it several times.
Karamazov provides anti-horde, and a very nice aura for anyone that has to stay in the back.
The Vindicare Assassin is just too good anti-tank for the cost, plus it has other uses. He's not an IC, so he can be made scoring if needed too.
The two GK squads are very basic. They can either stay in their transports and shoot away, or rush forward popping smoke, depending on the enemy. They can be combat-squadded if I want more troops, or if I think I'll need the extra flexibility.
The Autocannon Dreadnought with Psybolt ammo provides some anit-psyker support to make up for the lack of hoods in the army, and it provides good, constant firepower. the name Psyfleman, BTW, is not something I invented.

03-30-2011, 05:25 PM
Mordrak isn't an IC. He can't join any other unit other than his Ghost Knights, so dropping in with him doesn't work.

03-31-2011, 01:06 AM
Mordrak isn't an IC. He can't join any other unit other than his Ghost Knights, so dropping in with him doesn't work.

Oh snap, you're right.

Back to building then.

03-31-2011, 04:47 AM
Noooooooo! I was looking forward to trying the Thawndrop!!! But it was destroyed before it could even get to the table.

I also just noticed that Crowe is not an IC, which is good because he can hide in the back while the purifiers of awesome do the dirty work!

03-31-2011, 06:48 AM
the name Psyfleman, BTW, is not something I invented.

I prefer psyrifle dread to psyfleman, sounds too close to trifleman, which isn't as intimidating.

You can always use someone with the psychic communion power to increase the likelihood of getting Thawn in place early