View Full Version : 1750 Needs to be a hard list

03-30-2011, 10:26 AM
So i have an upcoming paint and play competition that since I'm one of the better players in the region i will be competing against other really good players who are all taking the hardest lists they can think of. Now I place in GT's fairly high with my spaces marines all the time regardless of the army I run and now I'm trying my hand at IG. I would appreciate it if you guys could rip this list as I'm trying to win and it needs to be as hard as it can to compete in my bracket lol. Melta is the best weapon with the local meta game by far hence the heavy melta presence in my lists


Company Command Squad 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF) 145


Infantry Platoon- 350
Command 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Flamer Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Auto-cannon Chimera (Hull HB)

Infantry Platoon- 350
Command 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Flamer Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Auto-cannon Chimera (Hull HB)

Veterans 2x Melta 90
Veterans 2x Melta 90


Vendetta 130
Vendetta 130


Manticore 160

LR Executioner (PC Sponsons) 230

Hydra Flak Tank 75

1750 Pts

The autocannon squads will sit on back objective while the others will be pushing up with the command Squads. Air Cav vets will be out flanking. Please rip this apart call me an idiot what ever is needed, I'm not new to going to tournaments and having to powergame, but i am new doing so with IG. Now i got several of every model in the army for conversion and fun purposes as the majority of my time is taken up playing whacked out fun lists, and I've had the most fun doing that with IG so far lol

03-30-2011, 11:33 AM
I'd say the platoons give you more than enough troops, so I'd skip the Veterans. That way you'll keep the Vendettas empty, making them less of a target and freeing them to ferry troops that have lost their chimaeras.
That would free up enough points to play around somewhat. Another two Hydras, change the Hydra for two Basilisks or Medusas, and Hellhounds can all be useful. The idea would be to trade some bodies for more firepower and redundancy.

03-30-2011, 12:44 PM
So i have an upcoming paint and play competition that since I'm one of the better players in the region i will be competing against other really good players who are all taking the hardest lists they can think of. Now I place in GT's fairly high with my spaces marines all the time regardless of the army I run and now I'm trying my hand at IG. I would appreciate it if you guys could rip this list as I'm trying to win and it needs to be as hard as it can to compete in my bracket lol. Melta is the best weapon with the local meta game by far hence the heavy melta presence in my lists


Company Command Squad 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF) 145
This is good, consider an Officer of the Fleet


Infantry Platoon- 350
Command 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Flamer Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Auto-cannon Chimera (Hull HB)

Infantry Platoon- 350
Command 4x Melta Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Flamer Chimera (Hull HF)
Infantry Squad 1x Auto-cannon Chimera (Hull HB)
Take one platoon, keep the command squad how it is, take 3 squads in chimeras all with autocannons

Veterans 2x Melta 90
Veterans 2x Melta 90
3x Meltas, Demolitions upgrade, chimera

Vendetta 130
Vendetta 130
this looks good, a third would be nice

Manticore 160
LR Executioner (PC Sponsons) 230
Hydra Flak Tank 75

I wouldn't go with this at all. I would take 3x Hydra Flak Tanks, keep the manticore and take 2 medusas
1750 Pts

The autocannon squads will sit on back objective while the others will be pushing up with the command Squads. Air Cav vets will be out flanking. Please rip this apart call me an idiot what ever is needed, I'm not new to going to tournaments and having to powergame, but i am new doing so with IG. Now i got several of every model in the army for conversion and fun purposes as the majority of my time is taken up playing whacked out fun lists, and I've had the most fun doing that with IG so far lol

Overall this list is good. I think you just need to fine tune a few things. The heavy support is kind of all over the place and some of my other suggestions are things that I like/thing I used to do when I played IG. Just my thoughts, good luck!

03-30-2011, 01:13 PM
Mostly good. A few tweaks:

As's been said, consider an officer of the fleet for your company command. Otherwise, leave it as is.

Your line squads should basically all be autocannon/grenade launcher in chimaera. Swap those platoon command meltas for flamers.

Consider replacing hull heavy flamers with hull heavy bolters. They participate in your gunline, and you can get close-up shots elsewhere.

Bring three meltas in your veteran squads, consider plasma in the second. Give chimaeras to both. Bring at least one Demo charge.

Vendettas are good.

Manticore and hydras are good, Executioner basically isn't. If you must take a russ, bring a bare-bones demolisher. In general, though, russes are not where it's at.

Finally, psycher battle squads are gold, and you should consider squeezing one in. For a list that's fairly similar to what you've got going above, I'd consider:

120 - Company Command, 4x Meltas, Officer of the Fleet
55 - Chimaera

50 - Platoon Command Squad, 4x Flamers
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera

130 - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltas, Demolitions
55 - Chimaera

130 - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltas, Demolitions
55 - Chimaera

130 - Vendetta
130 - Vendetta

160 - Manticore
160 - Manticore
150 - 2x Hydra


1745 total

03-30-2011, 01:28 PM
Mostly good. A few tweaks:

As's been said, consider an officer of the fleet for your company command. Otherwise, leave it as is.

Your line squads should basically all be autocannon/grenade launcher in chimaera. Swap those platoon command meltas for flamers.

Consider replacing hull heavy flamers with hull heavy bolters. They participate in your gunline, and you can get close-up shots elsewhere.

Bring three meltas in your veteran squads, consider plasma in the second. Give chimaeras to both. Bring at least one Demo charge.

Vendettas are good.

Manticore and hydras are good, Executioner basically isn't. If you must take a russ, bring a bare-bones demolisher. In general, though, russes are not where it's at.

Finally, psycher battle squads are gold, and you should consider squeezing one in. For a list that's fairly similar to what you've got going above, I'd consider:

120 - Company Command, 4x Meltas, Officer of the Fleet
55 - Chimaera

50 - Platoon Command Squad, 4x Flamers
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera
65 - Line Squad, Autocannon, Grenade Launcher
55 - Chimaera

130 - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltas, Demolitions
55 - Chimaera

130 - Veteran Squad, 3x Meltas, Demolitions
55 - Chimaera

130 - Vendetta
130 - Vendetta

160 - Manticore
160 - Manticore
150 - 2x Hydra


1745 total
That looks good, is spending that much on the veteran squads really worth it? and is not running outflanking veterans in the vendettas not such a good idea? Again IG is my newest army and im being put to the test by my local community to bascially hammer out something as strong as possible as fast as possible. Ill play test around with a list like that, now last question i have is why so many flamers in the platoon command squads besides bs3 mocks flamers templates lol. Again i dont know what really works the best with gaurd as of yet, so im still in research mode atm

03-30-2011, 01:56 PM
That looks good, is spending that much on the veteran squads really worth it? and is not running outflanking veterans in the vendettas not such a good idea? Again IG is my newest army and im being put to the test by my local community to bascially hammer out something as strong as possible as fast as possible. Ill play test around with a list like that, now last question i have is why so many flamers in the platoon command squads besides bs3 mocks flamers templates lol. Again i dont know what really works the best with gaurd as of yet, so im still in research mode atm
Is it worth cutting 1 manticore to add a Pysker squad? In your guys opinions? I see why they are great especially for making a squad poof off the table or objective when you want them too.

03-30-2011, 04:09 PM
Is it worth cutting 1 manticore to add a Pysker squad? In your guys opinions? I see why they are great especially for making a squad poof off the table or objective when you want them too.

Depends on how much Psyker hate you expect.

03-30-2011, 04:10 PM
First: yes, vet squads are worth that much. Leave off the demo charges if you want, but I think you'll find that they're worth it. Maybe drop to one.

Second, I'll admit that the outflanking vets in vendettas seems like a good idea. What I've found in practice, though (playing against a friend who basically plays parking-lot guard and does it well) is that the vendettas don't actually want to outflank nearly as much as it seems like they ought. They really chill out and do back-line gunshipping quite a lot, and the demands of delivering those meltas and demo charges often conflict with what their lascannons want them to do. Chimaeras deliver them without giving up as much.

Finally, yes, it is probably worth dropping a manticore for a psycker battle squad. Battle squads are awesome.

That said, I the manticore a lot, too. I'd consider dropping something else, instead, but I'm not sure what it'd be.


Also, yes: take 4 flamers. They're five points each, there's no reason not to take as many as you can on that flamer squad. The squad is basically there to hammer an enemy squad that gets too close on foot--four flamers isn't overkill against a lot of the units that matter, and you always want to do as much damage as possible in that sort of situation. You should absolutely take the fourth flamer. Also, remember that flamers don't roll to hit, which is one reason I prefer to give them to platoon command squads while keeping meltas for company command and vet squads.

03-31-2011, 07:33 AM
So I found out there is going to be Alot of MEQ armies for me to deal with running the gauntlet from Dakka Heavy GK's (twin autocannon dreads and razorbacks with psybolts) to Terminator Heavy GK's and BA's Codex DW and BT's those seem to be what some of the better players are going to bring. Now im really pleased with the flamer squads because there are going to be some of the lesser experienced players that are going to be running some horde armies and i dont want to be geared and lose to a gaping whole like them so I thank you gents for all the assistance. I'm a bit torn on psyker squad and im going to playtest both lists for the next two weeks or so and try to figure it out. Lack of ap3 has me alittle worried but i guess the 10 meltas and the lascannons would work out in a pinch :)

03-31-2011, 08:30 AM
Yeah, and if you're expecting lots of foot grey knights, definitely keep the demo-charges. That's exactly what they're for.

03-31-2011, 11:14 AM
Got a chance to toy around with a list while on lunch today playing against a buddies BA. How does this look?

Company Command: 4x Melta Guns Chimera
Company Comman: 3x Plasma Guns - going in vendetta

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad 4x Flamers
Infantry Squad 1x GL 1x AC
Infantry Squad 1x GL 1x AC
Infantry Squad 1x GL 1x AC

Veterans: 3x Melta Demolitions
Veterans: 3x Melta Demolitions




Hydra x2

Comes to 1750. As I said it worked out well against a BA and the plasma in the second command squad came into full bloom when they cleared a term squad off the table after it ate one of my poor line squads, other then that i wasnt really missing the fact that they werent shooting while my vendetta was busy being a gunship. Only things I feel im missing out on really is the officer and the psyker battle squad

03-31-2011, 12:35 PM
Yeah, looks good. The second company command grinds my aesthetic gears, but it's a solid unit.

03-31-2011, 01:57 PM
Yeah, looks good. The second company command grinds my aesthetic gears, but it's a solid unit.
I hear you, feel dirty having that with no real purpose other then to be a punch unit but thats what i think is going to be required