View Full Version : Stern Guard and heavy weapons

03-30-2011, 09:56 AM
In codex space marines Stern Guard veterans are allowed to take 2x additional lascannons for 20 points
making the unit cost a total of 145 points. If a player takes Pedro Kantor the stern guard can also be scoring. The stern guard have +1 leadership and attacks over standard marines but I know that would matter very much with a support unit.

A devastator squad would cost 160 points if it included two additional lascannons. I know the devastator squad also comes with a signum boosting one models BS up to 5 and that would give the devastators a advantage over the stern guard of course.

A Stern guard squad with two heavy bolters or missile launchers would cost 135 points and three members would still benefit from their special ammunition which would be great for anti-infantry. A devastator squad would be cheaper at 120 but without special ammunition I don't see it packing quite as much punch.

My question is has anyone ever tried taking stern guard with heavy weapons in place of devastator squads?
Or is this idea a really stupid one that should never be attempted?

03-30-2011, 10:16 AM
It's not stupid. Not at all really.

In a Pedro list I'd actually say it's a fairly good idea. The only issue is that you'd really like to include more Sternguard to take advantage of their special issue ammunition. I would suggest possibly combat squad'ing the lascannons off with 3 other chumps - but then points start becoming an issue with a 10-man squad.

Food for thought...

03-30-2011, 10:29 AM
Sternguard are a great unit with flexible options. The choice on the special ammo they can shoot is really nice. Tooling out the unit with either heavy weapons or hand held ones will dictate what you plan on doing with the unit. Not sure about the Crimson Fists special character, but it sounds like you could take a couple of heavy weapons and then be able to defend and control an objective with them. I like using them with 2 meltas and if I have a few points to spare give a few more combi-meltas. Only one shot but real nice if you have to take down a something big or pop an expensive vehicle with a 5pt combi weapon.

03-31-2011, 07:47 AM
I do it all the time with my Crimson Fists. In fact, it was one of the things that drew me to Sternguard so strongly in the first place. I typically field 3 units of Sternguard, of which all are combat squadded. 1 Drop Pod, 1 Razorback and 1 Rhino. The Rhino for the ride with Pedro, since it'd be a shame to waste the Arrow of Dorn (I like it better than the Heavy Bolter.)

One technique I've been toying with is the idea of giving a combat squaded unit 2 Missile Launchers and 3 combi-plasma so they can sit on a reinforced bunker (due to MoTF.) They can provide some serious firepower for defense. (I generally leave the combi-plasma out, so that they're just 5 strong w 2 MLs.)

Supported with a couple units of Scouts in Land Speeder Storms, and you've got a really fun mid-range shooting army of marines. I don't have a flawless record with them, but I have fun every time, and I'm pulling about a 2/3 win ratio.

... of course, I haven't played against C:GK yet...

03-31-2011, 11:54 AM
That would be an interesting game, grey knights against a stern guard heavy crimson fist army.
The stern guard would have combi-weapons and special ammunition, they could wound
Dread knights on a 2+ and and shoot up power armored knights with the S 4 ap 3 special ammo

It would be a big bonus with pedro Kantors 12 inch +1 attack rule and orbital bombardment.
I really wanna play a GK vs. CF game!

03-31-2011, 01:51 PM
Could be interesting to see in the game. The only problem is that they compete with Hammertime Terminators and Dreadnoughts for Elites slots. I guess if you don't use them heavily (or at all) then it isn't an issue.

03-31-2011, 05:19 PM
I found that while it is most point efficient to buy lascannons because of the heavy discount, doing so does leave you with a bit of a targeting dilemma since the lascan is AT while sternguard special ammo are all anti-infantry (AI).

While it might be cheaper to get a twin lascan sternguard than a dev squad with the same heavy weapons, you are giving up a lot more killing power with the sternguards shooting tanks or not shooting at all compared to devs.

I find that plasma cannons are the best weapons for sternguard, especially when you throw some combi-plasmas in there as well. Although I do that with BA, and so tend to have a priest nearby to help with the occasional overheat.

Heavy weapons on sternguards are cool, but you really should not be relying on that as your primary AT unless you are playing Pedro CF I guess.