View Full Version : Looking for playtesters - Eldar

03-30-2011, 09:53 AM
OK so here is what my group is going forward with for further playtesting. If you would like to play a few games with these rules and report your results, or comments in this thread, I would appreciate it.

Rule changes

Eldar roll 2D6 when running and pick the highest result.

Star Cannons - strength 7

Haywire Grenades – 1- no effect, 2-4 – glance, 5-6 – penetration, Count as AP-.

Phoenix Lords gain a 4+ invulnerable save and may designate one squad of their Aspect as a scoring unit.

Shuriken Catapults – Range 18”


Warp Gate - Equipment item (25 points) While setting objectives, or prior to the first player's deployment in games where no objectives are used, place a warp gate (mounted on a 50 mm base) on the table outside of the opponent's deployment zone, and at least 12" from any objective. The warp gate is a terrain piece with an AV of 14 and a 4+ invulnerable save. If destroyed by the enemy it counts as a kill point. Each turn one Eldar non vehicular unit entering the table from reserve may treat the warp gate as a friendly board edge. If any enemy unit is located within 3" of the warp gate, it may not be used that turn. Any members of a unit using the warp gate that cannot be placed within 2" of the gate due to any reason are lost in the warp and removed from play.

Mind War – No cover saves.

Eldritch Storm – range 36”.

Guide - Range 24", All friendly ranged attacks against the target enemy unit may reroll "to hit" rolls for one turn. (30 points)

Dire Avengers - plasma grenades, Blade storm - Range attacks made by this unit gain rending this shooting phase. This unit may not make range attacks next turn.

Wraith Lords – 2nd weapon of the same type is no longer twin linked.

Avatar – Inspiring Presence - Eldar units within 12 of an Avatar gain stubborn.

Warp Spiders – Surprise Assault – This unit rolls 1d6 to determine deep strike scatter.

Shining Spear’s – 4 point cost reduction, Hit and Run = 15 points

Warlocks- Conceal – This Warlock's entire unit gains a 5+ cover save. Cover saves from other sources are improved by +1.

Support Weapon Platform Battery – Remove from FOC. One support weapon unit may be taken for each Guardian unit in the army. Shadow Weaver gains the monofilament rule, +5 points. Vibro Cannon - no cover saves.

Vypers – 35 points. Vyper vehicle upgrades: stones (5), stealth field - grants stealth to the vyper (5 points each), thrusters - grant a 6” move during the assault phase (5 points).

Swooping Hawks – (5 point cost reduction) Hawk Wings – (add) Hawks may deploy by deep strike first turn. Hawks may choose to reroll the scatter dice anytime they deploy via deep strike, but must accept the second roll.


03-30-2011, 11:42 AM
I'm not playing much 40k anymore, so I don't think I'll have the opportunity to provide any playtesting, but I'd like to say that I like these proposals. Some of them might be a bit strong, but they are nonetheless interesting!

03-30-2011, 02:24 PM
OK so here is what my group is going forward with for further playtesting. If you would like to play a few games with these rules and report your results, or comments in this thread, I would appreciate it.

Rule changes

Haywire Grenades – 1- no effect, 2-4 – glance, 5-6 – penetration, Count as AP-. Pointless as hth weapons and grenades do not have an AP value

Phoenix Lords gain a 4+ invulnerable save and may designate one squad of their Aspect as a scoring unit. Cost reduction required for Asurman

Shuriken Catapults – Range 18”


Warp Gate - Equipment item (25 points) While setting objectives, or prior to the first player's deployment in games where no objectives are used, place a warp gate (mounted on a 50 mm base) on the table outside of the opponent's deployment zone, and at least 12" from any objective. The warp gate is a terrain piece with an AV of 14 and a 4+ invulnerable save. If destroyed by the enemy it counts as a kill point. Each turn one Eldar non vehicular unit entering the table from reserve may treat the warp gate as a friendly board edge. If any enemy unit is located within 3" of the warp gate, it may not be used that turn. Any members of a unit using the warp gate that cannot be placed within 2" of the gate due to any reason are lost in the warp and removed from play.

Mind War – No cover saves.

Eldritch Storm – range 36”.

Clarify: When are Eldar Psykic powers used?

Guide - Range 24", All friendly ranged attacks against the target enemy unit may reroll "to hit" rolls for one turn. (30 points)

Dire Avengers - plasma grenades, (disagree that DA's should have these as they are rarely offensive in hth in fluff)Blade storm - Range attacks made by this unit gain rending this shooting phase. This unit may not make range attacks next turn.

Wraith Lords – 2nd weapon of the same type is no longer twin linked. Add option for second sword giving +1 attack

Avatar – Inspiring Presence - Eldar units within 12 of an Avatar gain stubborn. Clarify: Does stubborn replace fearless... wraithguard, wraithlord, aspects lead by PL

Warp Spiders – Surprise Assault – This unit rolls 1d6 to determine deep strike scatter.

Shining Spear’s – 4 point cost reduction, Hit and Run = 15 points

Warlocks- Conceal – This Warlock's entire unit gains a 5+ cover save. Cover saves from other sources are improved by +1. Increase Cost to 25 pnts

Support Weapon Platform Battery – Remove from FOC. One support weapon unit may be taken for each Guardian unit in the army. Shadow Weaver gains the monofilament rule, +5 points. Vibro Cannon - no cover saves. Clarify: Do support weapons still have the artillery rule?

Vypers – 35 points. Vyper vehicle upgrades: stones (5), stealth field - grants stealth to the vyper (5 points each), thrusters - grant a 6” move during the assault phase (5 points).

Swooping Hawks – (5 point cost reduction) Hawk Wings – (add) Hawks may deploy by deep strike first turn. Hawks may choose to reroll the scatter dice anytime they deploy via deep strike, but must accept the second roll.


I've added a few amendments I would want to see....

03-31-2011, 09:47 AM
I'm not an expert, but these seem like some pretty solid and balnced rules :) I especially like the changes to the psychic powers. It kind of reminds people of why eldar are the "best psykers in 40k"

03-31-2011, 09:58 AM
They look alright...I guess

But your warpgate is retarded. Its basically a DE gateway, except not as good and gives more punishment for taking it. By limiting it to one unit, using it as a killpoint (really? a killpoint for "killing" a magic door to nothingness). Also by not needing to roll for reserves it screws up the game, by having it rendered invalid by enemies being near it makes it even worse, and by having units "having to be in the 2" around it" suggests they can't move when they come on...so are just sitting ducks.

Also by making all Shuriken catapults 18" (which frankly they should be...) but not changin the DA ones, DA need a reduction in points. And yeah they don't need plasma grenades...give them the option to buy them maybe

Guide now works badly, as the farseer has to be close to the enemy, not his squad.

And why do Phoenix lord only affect 1 squad of their aspect? Every other "makes a troops" character in the game does it to all of them

03-31-2011, 10:04 AM
Actually, the ork characters tend to make one unit core. The Warboss lets one unit of Nobs be taken as core, for example.

03-31-2011, 10:08 AM
I guess to avoid the Fuegan + 6 squads of Fire Dragons army?

One thing I was thinking about was adding a Wraithlord to a 10 man squad of Wraithguard, and not counting towards your Heavy Slots allocation. You still pay the points for it as normal, it s required to shoot/assault the same target as the Wraithguard Unit, and may be singled out to shoot/assault, but kinda acts like a big brother to the unit.

Just a thought.

04-01-2011, 06:19 PM
One thing I was thinking about was adding a Wraithlord to a 10 man squad of Wraithguard, and not counting towards your Heavy Slots allocation.

There are many creative ideas, and I like this one, but most people don't like things that are too different from the codex.

The one crazy thing I did was the Way Gate, but it is basically lifted from epic.

04-01-2011, 06:32 PM
But your warpgate is retarded. Its basically a DE gateway, except not as good and gives more punishment for taking it. By limiting it to one unit, using it as a killpoint (really? a killpoint for "killing" a magic door to nothingness). Also by not needing to roll for reserves it screws up the game, by having it rendered invalid by enemies being near it makes it even worse, and by having units "having to be in the 2" around it" suggests they can't move when they come on...so are just sitting ducks.

Also by making all Shuriken catapults 18" but not changin the DA ones, DA need a reduction in points.

Guide now works badly, as the farseer has to be close to the enemy, not his squad.

1. The change of blade storm to straight rending, no extra shots, is the compensation for Guardians getting avenger catapults. That change to blade storm kill 1 more marine than the extra shots do, and it now is great vs Terminators and FNP. Then consider how it will work with doom. Dire Avengers don't need a point reduction.

2. Guide is far superior as it can be cast from a transport 24" away, and then the farseer can move farther if needed. Also, your entire army gets rerolls to the target now, rather than just one unit.

3. I made the warp gate terrain, thus the av and kill point idea. You still have to roll to come in from reserves. It is op for an autarch to lead an entire army through the gate on turn two, thus the 1 unit restriction. Also, units have to be placed within 2" just like a transport, then they are free to move, shoot, and assault. Also, the enemy within 3" might be excessive, but if you place the marker well, you create a non objective location that the enemy might feel the need to guard. The you can come in from reserves like normal.

04-01-2011, 06:40 PM
I've added a few amendments I would want to see....

Mind War and E storm are shooting attacks, during the shooting phase. Guide would happen at the beginning of movement.

Point taken on the haywire grenades. I simply want explodes results reduced to wrecked.

Stubborn replaces fearless. This helps guardians. Aspect warriors have better saves to deal with fearless.

Fine, no plasma grenades for DA's.

I'd prefer support weapons to NOT be artillery. I am testing them now where they still are.

Update: Conceal gives +1 to cover saves from units and terrain, not turboboosting. 15 points is good. I could go 20, not 25.

He who shall not be named
04-02-2011, 10:16 AM
I like it. However if you don't want dire avengers to have plasma grenades you could instead give them defensive ones since they are more of a defensive unit. for the weapon range for the DA 18" will probably be fine because 24" would make it a storm bolter which i think would unbalance them. Points reduction sounds better. There's my two cents.

04-02-2011, 11:30 AM
It would be a good thing for guardians to be able to take more than one weapon platform, possibly one for every 8? Eight is a weird number to be able to add another weapon as they are usually at multiples of five.
But I think it would work.

04-02-2011, 04:06 PM
I like the directions these ideas are going and the DE codex gives me hope that the Eldar will have a big upgrade in hteur next codex.

Fleet should be D6+3, (eldar are faster than humans)

I have never understood why swooping hawks don't have Shuriken Catapults and why they aren't HTH specialists.

Also think the wraithcannon could have a greater range or they could have HTH options.

04-02-2011, 08:18 PM
Fleet should be D6+3, (eldar are faster than humans)/QUOTE]

Even the DE don't have that. I want to try and make out some potential rule ideas as soon as I can and post them on this thread.

04-03-2011, 12:34 AM
there are some cases of units being able to roll 3 d6 for run and pick the highest

Imperial guard order and i think a dark eldar combat drug roll

it would be hard to justify considering dark eldar stats but may be

the ability could be conferred by a psychic power.

Guardians need a boost but not a stats boost, improving shuriken range seems like a good move.more heavy weapons per squad as though our guns are good but we have few slots for them. defensive grenades would help

Dire avengers don't need defensive grens, defend is beter as it lasts after first round of combat

dave l