View Full Version : Showcase Ultra Smurf

03-29-2011, 12:53 PM
Hi all I'm back again.

Last year I bought the Forgeworld Showcase Space Marine and painted him as a Black Templar....


BUT NOW......


He's being re-painted as a Smurf :).

I'm pleased with how he's looking at the moment, more progress tomorrow hopefully.

Anyway, hope you like.


03-29-2011, 11:07 PM
I don't mean to hate..... But I liked the Black Templar better. =*(

03-29-2011, 11:24 PM
Why defile the black templar? You could have sold it for huge sums of money to me!

03-29-2011, 11:53 PM
Cool! Always nice to see another large marine! Must have been a hard decision to repaint him... I can't even think about repainting my Blood Angel, not after spending 100-150 hour on him... :-O

03-30-2011, 01:47 AM
I don't mean to hate..... But I liked the Black Templar better. =*(

Why defile the black templar? You could have sold it for huge sums of money to me!

Cool! Always nice to see another large marine! Must have been a hard decision to repaint him... I can't even think about repainting my Blood Angel, not after spending 100-150 hour on him... :-O

Seems I have some explaining to do!.

From looking at comments from other forums too it seems a lot of people preferred the BT, and that's fine.

But please don't hate him already, after all you haven't seen the finished thing!

The reason I decided to re-paint him was due to a number of factors...

1) I was bored of looking at my Miniature shelf and seeing nothing but Black and White. My small SM army is Black, and my Imperial Guard are White, so I wanted a change.

2) Although people liked the BT I have never really felt that I put my all into it. It was a very quick and simple paintjob. For an expensive and great model I thought I should better.

3) I had some Milliput spare from my college project so thought I'd use it. (You'll see it later when the arms are done)

Thank you Meph, it was a hard decision, I'm just glad I didn't chop him up at least!

03-30-2011, 07:14 AM
Sorry for the double post but I've brought goodies!...


Noticeable changes that will be made

1) Symbol on his forehead will be changed.
2) Freehand on shoulderpad will be tidied up.

He's almost there, just some final bits to finish and the 2nd purity seal to attach.


03-30-2011, 08:09 AM
Lookin' good there. Too bad the pictures are a bit fuzzy though... Any chance of working with a mini-tripod on your camera?