View Full Version : Dark Eldar for sale...

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-29-2011, 06:54 AM
Dunno if we're allowed to do this, sure I'll get told off if not, but here goes: -

Dark Eldar for sale: - Archon (painted), Lelith Hesperax (painted), Urien Rakarth, 10 Incubi, 6 Mandrakes (one missing a hand), 9 Reavers, 10 Hellions, 30 Kabalites, 30 Wyches, 3 Raiders and 3 Ravagers, plus Codex. All assembled, mostly undercoated Chaos Black, worth £439.85 new, looking for £350 for the lot, plus all spare sprues I have left. Reply if interested, will do a Buy It Now on eBay for anyone interested, free postage to UK.

Apologies to BOLS staff if this isn't allowed, just tell me and I'll desist no problems or hard feelings.

03-29-2011, 06:56 AM
If your trying to sell painted models, might want to give some pictures...

Also remember...you're more likely to get a sale on individual bits, not a huge army...

03-29-2011, 07:22 AM
Us Canucks getting no postage love? :D

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-29-2011, 07:25 AM
If your trying to sell painted models, might want to give some pictures...

Also remember...you're more likely to get a sale on individual bits, not a huge army...

Ok, that's fair, but I can't give free postage on seperate items. The painted items are by no means Golden Daemon, but they're acceptable. I'd just rather do the whole lot in one go rather than have to faff around posting to like 6-7 different people!

03-29-2011, 09:34 AM
are they all new models?

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-29-2011, 02:40 PM
They are all new models - to my Canadian friend, it's pretty expensive to send abroad from UK, but I would totally do it for the exact price it cost. There are pictures here: -


Unzuul the Lascivious
03-30-2011, 06:31 AM
Took advice, they're going live on eBay tomorrow night

03-30-2011, 06:52 AM
Couldn't handle life in Commoragh eh? It was those high maintenance Wyches, wasn't it? Downfall of many a man.

Good luck with the auction.:)

03-30-2011, 07:42 AM
if you are willing to split them up i might be interested in the reavers,raiders,ravagers,and wyches. if so how much would you want for them.
also what weapons are on the ravagers and wyches

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-31-2011, 02:18 AM
if you are willing to split them up i might be interested in the reavers,raiders,ravagers,and wyches. if so how much would you want for them.
also what weapons are on the ravagers and wyches

Reavers - £45 - will take £40

Raiders - £15 each, full crew and Dark Lances (can provide the disintegrators if desired, just need a chop job)

Ravagers £22 each, two have DL and other has Dis

Wyches -30 Wyches, £30. They go live on eBay tonight around 20:00 UK time, the pics are distinguishable as I have placed models on a red book. All the above are on Buy It Now. These things tend to go for that sort of price, so whilst it isn't bargain basement, it is certainly cheaper than most discount sites. Plus, you don't have to stick anything together! I spent a lot of time giving the Wyches some awesome poses, so hopefully the winner will be really pleased with them - I stood in my living room with a butter knife trying to work out the best combat poses!

Boo, I am gonna miss the Dark Eldar, they were fun. One day, when I have lots of dough, I'll buy them all again and have someone help me paint them up...

Unzuul the Lascivious
03-31-2011, 02:54 AM
Couldn't handle life in Commoragh eh? It was those high maintenance Wyches, wasn't it? Downfall of many a man.

Good luck with the auction.:)

Thanks Eldargal - I am gutted to have had to make the hard decision to let them go - they are awesome fun to play, but a) Times are tough, need the extra dough;
b) With a full time job, wife and daughter AND starting a new business, time is at a premium and I just wasn't getting the painting time in. It's important to me to have painted miniatures. Plus I was finding the fiddliness of them difficult to paint without a proper painting station, mag lamp etc (and my house has been turned upside down since my daughter has been around! No space!)
c) concentrating on my Daemons and Grey Knights means less to paint and bigger models to paint, negating the need for concentrated and dedicated work (I find I can paint on my lap as long as I have good light and things aren't too teeny, although the daemonettes will be harder this time around without a mag lamp!). It also means I can finish off a lot of stuff I never finished, like that Forgeworld Dread for the Space Wolves!

I will miss Lelith carving her way through whole units of Guard. I will miss Drazhar butchering ten-man Space Marine squads single-handedly. I will miss my Archon sucking the soul out of Njal Stormcaller and friends. It was quick, it was bloody and it was fun. And that is the Dark Eldar way...